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Phantom Limb


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Head: 047AN02

Core: 047AN01

Arms: GAN01-SS-AW

Legs: 049AN04


Gen: GAN01-SS-G









RArm: -

LArm: -

RBack: 049ANSC


Shoulder: BELTCREEK03

RHangar: -

LHangar: -



EN Output: 50

EN Capacity: 50

Lock Speed: 32

Main Quick Thrust: 50

Side Quick Thrust: 50

Stability: 50

Firing Stability: 2


Stabilizer: (+4, +0)


Experimental quad with bazooka arms. The missiles help to distract for the bazooka hit and also strips PA from stunned enemies. Any bazooka hit after that is pretty much death. The SC is just kind of there, just to keep the design from being entirely all-in. I can't remember my exact reason for going overkill with stability, but I probably did it because I like having no recoil firing cannons in the air.

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Definitely go MAXWELL for less weight and more ENO. You want to keep on people with the zook arms, ENO will let you do that more than cap, unless they just straight up run, which is what the SC is for.


You have no EN def. Get some. Try HOGIRE core to keep your AP and def roughly the same.


You don't need to worry about dual processing. 47 FCS will give max cover range and still has decent missile lock. Speaking of missiles, I'd go with DEARBORN. I just don't like MUSSELSHELL.


Stab is pointless. Landing stab might help you more than firing stab.

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047 core is pretty silly. This thing has RJ-like en def. No wonder you complain about hi lasers being broken. People who use TELLUS head die to dual EURY, and people who use 047 core die to VEGA. HOGIRE, or even TELLUS, or heck, why not even SS-C. Just not 047, haha. The BZ arms already murder your en def badly enough.


YELLOWSTONE seems kind of silly here, with only one long range weapon, and that being rather token by your own admission. I would go JUDITH so you can do something else with the lock tunes. Ex's suggestion of 047 FCS is okay too, if you prefer the bit of through-cover range and radar to whatever you can get with the lock tunes.


SS-G weirdly kind of actually works here. I still think MAXWELL, or GL to get the weight for TELLUS core, would be better, but SS-G is not bad in this case, since the crazy cap lets you chain to close distances. It seems like LINSTANT OB or ALIYA mains might be in order though, since you'll have trouble closing against long range ACs, and MAXWELL may be required for either of those to work. KRAKEN may not be the best choice for a side booster here either, since it seems like it would break your look a lot of the time at the BZ arms' effective range.


I think MUSSELSHELL actually works well here too, much better than either DEARBORN would. DEARBORN explodes in your face and kills you when you don't have a good angle, which is not what this thing wants. MUSSELSHELL also has the ammo to realistically stand alone on its side of the AC, whereas DEARBORN would leave you having to pick your shots more carefully than this kind of AC wants to.


The stab tunes are indeed pretty silly though. They'd do you a lot more good in KP or turning.

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I think it's pretty crazy to value 300 output over 40k capacity in terms of pressure in a case like this. I've always had better success with the capacity. The weight is also extremely negligible, it's less than a 200 difference. I'm not understanding why weight keeps getting brought up. The generators make enough of a difference energy-wise to where that does not in any way matter, unless it means going overweight.


Just like Hogire, I don't like 047AN05's missile lock speed. It's too slow, same for Judith. This begs for instantaneous locks.


As for energy defense, yes, I know it's low, and no, I wasn't basing my complaint of Vega entirely off of this design. I was getting irritated while using multiple kinds of designs, and my bazooka quads and RJ (which I didn't use, though) are probably the only ones I have that have terrible energy defense. I'll still try to fix this, though. I want to try a couple different cores next time we play.

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