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Women, Kids, and Workers Rights in the Islamic Middle East.

Shirtless Crackhead


So, here's the videos, there's 25-minutes in this post to watch.



Female circumcision in Islam is fairly commonplace, and a pretty gnarly practice; with even more grotesque related practices.


Women in Sanaa


Wahhabi Sunnism on the rise, spreading it's cultural standards onto the already second-class women of other regions in the Middle East.


Young and Invisible


Domestic worker abuse (a fairly global issue), but something that buds from the arising middle class in Yemen.



A 12 year old girl, dies along with her child after being forced into marriage at 11, to a man who's 22. It also describes a 10 year old's divorce from a 30 year old man whom she was forced into marriage with, and the husband who forced her to sleep with him.




Hurray Islam! amirite?


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