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this is where I link you to stuff and rant

Entries in this blog

Detroit is learning a lesson, are the rest of us?

Imagine what happens when a large city has high poverty and black demographics, and cuts are made to the police force.   Shocking to think, isn't it?   ~   I'd like to point something out to you all.   Just as bailing out bad corporations is a very stupid thing to do.   Creating a system of social welfare that bails out the under-achieving/non-achieving flunkies is equally stupid.   Rich neighborhoods are hiring security firms, now is this because the top 1% are worried about Occupy protests? Or

Shirtless Crackhead

Shirtless Crackhead

Even smart people make dumb videos.

I can sum up my problem with socialism and communism with but a phrase.     Now, I'm not going to defend completely willy-nilly Capitalism. Because that's even dumber than thinking it has no virtues.   I like Social market economies, which is basically putting limits on the grasp on capitalism without putting limits on people.   The Earth-rape factor of Capitalism is also heavily influenced by whatever the Intelligencia deems allowable. That being said if turds like the Tea Party had a consensus

Shirtless Crackhead

Shirtless Crackhead

Police shoot a man armed with a crowbar.

Apparently Gordon Freeman is a terror threat at Carl's Jr.     But anywho, let's take this apart.   Now what you have is an armed suspect who was, from what I can gather; smashing windows, then went into Carl's Jr. Police arrive, the workers exit, he followed later, and the police pepper sprayed him. Then he motioned as if he was going to swing on the officer who pepper sprayed him, and a police officers fired 10 rounds at him.   It's fun to note the cop that is seen opening fire first is hold

Shirtless Crackhead

Shirtless Crackhead

Some things that grind my gears.

I hate systems of entitlement.   - You are not entitled to free shit because you are poor or don't have a job. I'm fine with paid into unemployment insurance programs, but straight-up welfare programs create a budget imbalance. It also creates a problem because the individuals on welfare lose money for making money, for as soon as they no longer qualify for it, they lose that income.   - You are not entitled to being taken care of. It's a great sentiment, and it's fantastic if the plan can work.

Shirtless Crackhead

Shirtless Crackhead

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