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  • Azure Knight

    Shattered Heaven Episode I: Sins of the Soul Release June 2011

    By Azure Knight

    Most of you who are on this site know me, have known me through ACO when it was good etc etc. You also know that I'm a serious writer, someone who has always enjoyed telling stories and telling them well.   Most of you have read Shattered Heaven as I was writing it and posting it on ACO, and well, finally, it'll be on sale next month. I'm waiting back on some edits this weekend, but the goal is June 2nd.   I'll post more information when everything is set. But still, it's going to happen.   T


This is a blog.   Shocking, right?   Anyways, welcome to Siren Song, my... Well, blog. This is the second blog I have, the first being Jacques Sawa's ACVD Blog, this blog might be a bit rough around the edges. But bear with me, as this journey through the digital universe shall make us more powerful than you could possibly imagine(not really :c)!!! And in very un-blogging fashion, this blog WILL contain AC builds that are NOT posted anywhere else(+7 for marketing ploys), so be sure to check it o



ACVD "Seraphim"

KAGIRABI Mdl. 1 Ryugen retrofit KE core CE arms(any) Ryugen LRJ legs   Dual SGA-204's (3/0/0) 3rd gen KE shields Reserve magazine   SUZUMUSHI BA-309   Sticky recon   All white with gold decals on every valid surface. This build has won me a lot of battles and is extremely good for World Mode and Story Mode alike.



a saddest day ever.....

13th October 2016......   is the day we (all of Thai people) lost our King..........   for people around here, you all know I'm a Thai guy. and we have our King. a good King, sometimes he feels like a good farther of us. we all know and afraid the time like this will come, and it came.   actually it was a natural things. when we lost someone we love, someone cried all day, someone feeling sad for while, and someone do something for who they loved.   for me, I'm not a type of baby-cried guy......




JEEZ!   I'd been robbed last night....   my first time ever, and I don't wanna been robbed again. (and I bet nobody want it too)   last night, I felt asleep around 2.15 AM.....and it seems like that guy came at 3-5 AM...dunno for other countries, but did you know, that time I said is the most easiest time if you wanna steal something.......but robber isn't good bro   (he got my money and many keys in my wallet, luckily, he still leave my ID card and all of card stuffs.....so....I think I met a g



being "SEMPAI"

long time no see guyz, it's me, mister TARURU~   well, you guys around here are already know I can draw stuffs and tried to proved my drawing skill every time. but this is my first time when someone called me "SEMPAI" (he is an 18 years old kid from Argentina)   umm....what can I say?   wanna improved my own skill so everyone around the world will know me? yes.   wanna be really "SEMPAI" so I could teach about how I draw and how to do them all? yes. (but I didn't expected that much)   wanna see



AC chronicles: Beginnings(Fictional city)

The year was 2021, the corporations had brought robotic technology to its peak. Large robotic units called Muscle Tracers or MTs have become a phenomenon and a technological breakthrough which led to the creation of Armored Cores or ACs. Soon enough, ACs and MTs become instruments of war capable of tipping the tides of battle in an instant. Mercenaries known as Ravens that pilot the ACs have taken the battlefields by storm and revolutionized warfare forever.   This tale.. is the tale of how a y



2014 TARURU's total draw

01. deviantart.com stuff 02. on my facebook too~~~ edit : added "from-facebook" stuffs too. ***some of them might be the same pics*** 2014 Taurustrin.



Written things are written

I wrote this thing when I should've been sleeping yesterday, and here it is. It's like.. Some kind of strange half-breed between a fiction, poetry, and something lyrical? I have no idea.     Titled: Red Raven     No idea if I'll make more stuff like this, though I'll try to post it if I do.   For random ranty life stuff, my air conditioning is broken for the second time in a week, so I need to get it fixed before I can do... Much of anything.



when I fall in love with her voice again...

***WARNING, VERY LONG POST***   music...   the one more optional that can make an effective to you, it makes you happy, makes you sad, makes you angry, or sometimes just get a mood of rock 'n' roll.....I can't imagine how much music can do all these things...   we can't refuse everybody might have favorite songs or favorite artist, and I bet each person have their favorites at least more than 3. doesn't matter the one they like are oldies or some kind of brand-new-pop music, if you like it, you'



JALAM = Just A Little Awesome Moment

***kids, don't try this at the road near your home if your driving skill and/or traffic isn't good enough***   an awesome moment just happened when I'm driving my car back to home tonight like everyday, and every time I drive to this strength line I'll kick-down and let the speed goes up to 100-120 km/h because this is the road so it still have some traffic, just less or more.   (my car is Mazda MX-5 model NC, might be production since 2005-2006, a standard 2 seats car...and yes, it's coming wit



good advice from "Uncle Tarstrudelvick"

hohoho...   I'm not Santa.   'cuz I'm "Uncle Tarstrudelvick" who played AC for 15 years and other few games. (like FF13, MGS, NFS, GT5 and a lil' bit more)   I'll show you some of good advices to you kids.   here we go, hohoho...   • kids, become gamer once, being gamer forever. • kids, good gamer never stop playing, at least just long vacation from long time playing games. • kids, somethings in-game can't do in real life. just think about it carefully. • kids, everything outside the game has al



RGB Saga - Pre Beginning #02

now, continue with the angels and demons **remember, I didn't based on any other stuff...so there is my personal vision about angels and demons in mind**   angels. of cause, all angels might be live in heaven and all angels also had a chance to be higher class or fall down to human or hell, and that's us to mind of each. anyway, I'd tried to listed on each class of these angels, let's take a look.   1. Under Heaven Class. the lowest class, all of things that this class gotta do is do all good t



RGB Saga - Pre Beginning #01

http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/047/7/2/rgb_saga_theme01__skd__by_taurustrin-d76tqly.jpg -----RGB SAGA-----   1. that means the three colors of the light. (RGB) when the darkness has come, people will hope for something...and hope is the light of life. sometimes just Red, Green, or Blue lonely will have power to do something...sometimes just only one does not enough. but when three colors are together, everything would be possible like a shine. 2. the story also talk about human being. ev



first blog of mine in ACU...

ahem well, where should I start....alright I'll begin with this.   as I knew (or everyone here knew) I'd joined ACU since it borns. I'm still have some problem about how I talk (by typing) to people, what I did is just using easy-understanding words. sometimes I was disappear for long-long time and get back here sometimes.   who am I before? yeah, everyone knew I'm a guy who can draw AC fanarts and posted a bunch of designs around here. (less designs posting for ACV anyway) AC : MoA was the AC g



Shattered Heaven: Sins of the Soul [Kindle Edition] $2.99 Released

$2.99 on Kindle. Audio Book series to be released on itunes later this year.   This is my mecha based novel. Many who know me are familiar with this. Currently I'm working on a direct to dvd animated feature. I could use the support if people would pick it up. If you email me a receipt of your purchase I'll send you a digital copy of the original soundtrack. I can't say how much I'd appreciate it. Even if you don't have a Kindle, you can have Kindle software on pretty much any smart phone or tab

Azure Knight

Azure Knight

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