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Everything posted by Not-Hunter

  1. Sick, not recording anything until monday unless I suddenly feel better.
  2. I feel like I should be understanding a joke here. but I don't.
  3. I was feeling dumb, and I had a lot of fun.
  4. Posting in my thread again, so yay.
  5. To be fair, it's like 10 hours of playtime spread out over eight months, since I'm only doing 20-30 minute recordings once a week. Could probably do twice a week, though.
  6. Makes me wonder if I should repost each of my VD builds with their vids in seperate threads, then.
  7. Not-Hunter

    Airship Q

    Good gif is good.
  8. Fight a Noblisse Oblige here, lol.
  9. Not-Hunter

    Airship Q

    I randomly felt like looking this up again, and apparently it's planned for vita now, which is cool. The music towards the end of the video also gives me a sort of wind waker vibe, lol. The water and breathing mechanic seems to be the same as terraria, so there's that. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0LsdP8lNZc Also, CAAAAATS
  10. Speaking of strekoza, lol. I decided to merge this idea I had with the build vid series, so I'll be alternating wednesdays between a completed build and a video where I talk about a few specific parts.
  11. I was rather confused as to what you meant by Vex at first, but now I realize that it's the build shown in the videos. It's rather interesting that you went through the trouble of designing and recording a build that seems to be mostly for PvE, though it is unfortunate that the slowed frames caused all kinds of audio distortions and the like.
  12. Strekozas are kind stupid powerful for no reason, but they break most builds in the game when combined with VTFs or large missiles, so they're fairly popular for that reason.
  13. Strekozas are definitely still meta, but they don't really hit me reliably enough to outdamage plasma or 3BR. Certainly still dangerous, though.
  14. Here's the first one, showing off one of my weirder but more successful builds! Stats being reposted here: AP: 37,609 KE: 1,449 CE: 2,458 TE: 309 Boost: 152 High Boost: 308 Recoil Resistance: 1,403 Turning: 674 EN Recovery: 4,758 (9,641 in scan mode)
  15. Dominos is good, pizza hut is okay to good, everything else is meh or cardboard.
  16. I blame my dad, he keeps wanting to do things and interrupts me. Don't have anything to do tomorrow at all, so everything will be going up at some point tomorrow provided my computer doesn't explode.
  17. Yeah, I know how to do it, was just kinda half asleep during the recording since I recorded it really early in the day. I'm also done editing out most of the in-between screens on the multiplayer recording, now I just need to hope I get enough spare time after class to commentate on it.
  18. Working on the PvP stuff at the moment.
  19. I won't be able to really upload anything until monday, since family's been interrupting and I don't really have anywhere I can record stuff quietly. Should be back to normal next week, though, since my brother'll be back at school.
  20. Not-Hunter


    I need like a reason to play this game, I keep screwing around on warframe/monster hunter/AC instead, lol.
  21. I have a JP copy, I just typically don't play there cause I'm too sleepy to play during peak hours.
  22. I'm slightly confused as to what would result of this, but I'm always willing to get on VD for silliness. I just usually don't cause I'm doing other things.
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