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Everything posted by █␢█

  1. Oh word it doesn't stun? Okay then that's not as bad.
  2. SS-AW are ridiculously hard to register. Add that to the fact that you stun yourself whenever you shoot them, which essentially means this AC is only viable if it stuns hard enough with the Kamal. Otherwise, you're a lightweight who just stunned himself, leaving yourself open to literally anything. Also Judith sides lol. Have fun not turning.
  3. █␢█

    Battlefield 3

    Campaign is short and I don't want to play online at college. I am disappoint.
  4. █␢█


    H'okay I'll check it out when I'm procrastinating.
  5. █␢█


    I'm in the process of learning to speak/listen, but fuck reading, yo.
  6. █␢█


    I found the whole series, but the subs are in Chinese.
  7. I never got too into the older gen games without stabilizers, but I really liked the stabilizer system in AC4--like I always tuned my AC to one side just because I got into the habit of always quick turning in only one direction. I felt it was kinda dumb in FA, though, where stabilizers had absolutely no cost.
  8. Weird I never got beat consistently when I had dual 063ANAR--even against PA bombers and jousters (and that was when I played all the time too). Oh I should also clarify that "not beaten consistently" is like a 95% win rate in casual matches and like 80% in more serious matches.
  9. █␢█


    This game's too old for trial-and-error from the get go. Most people could get by just listening to what other people tell them is good/bad until they get good themselves, and then they can experiment.
  10. Why would you bump this. Use Sobrero or Argyros generators and 063AN head and dual 063ANARs and MP-O700 missiles instead of Pooplar and 061AN FCS.
  11. █␢█

    Wind 3

    You said you felt that you couldn't fill the weight gap if you used Lahire gen well, but you could try to fill it in by swapping the Wheeling01 for a Wheeling03 because 01 is super mediocre whereas the 03 is pretty high tier. Also MP-O203 is pretty high tier. With the Judith main, the change in EN drain should be easy to manage still.
  12. http://i54.tinypic.com/11ue1hl.png
  13. █␢█


    I still actually contest that boost duration is useless as there isn't anything finite to attach it to in-game. EN output, EN cost, and EN recovery, you can, at least, notice that the recovery rate of your EN affects those stats. From there you can make your own baselines of low, medium, and high EN recovery rates. As with boost duration, on the other hand, I have no idea how it applies to anything I do in-game. It's a stat that's slightly more defined than the attack capability stat, imo. Aaliyah/M is fine if you can manage the drain, but you honestly don't ever need to move horizontally with an AC like this.
  14. █␢█


    Okay so Of all the generalized stats that FA computes for the right sidebar, boost duration ranks as one of the most useless. That being said, I don't feel that the immense weight of the SS-G will ever justify its use. I'd have to look at the defensive numbers for that frame because I've never been big on ACs with a defensive-geared core, defensive-geared legs, and light arms. I've always been under the impression that you're slower and have less defense than an AC with a lighter core with heavy arms.
  15. Get 21 and give me one because ponies share and so should you.
  16. Yeah it could potentially be a good unit, but DB has explicitly said that the Mothership was just a "cool" unit geared toward casual players. Maybe it's just that I don't like the tease of having a potentially usable unit or part because FA had dozars, and I am completely cool with them.
  17. █␢█


    Well, if you're fine with the Tellus arms' tracking, then you might as well just go for Argyros and start working towards a AP- and PA-focused AC with EN and ballistic defenses being the second priority. Hilbert doesn't have much to offer in terms of defense compared to other heavy arms, with the tradeoff being high performance.
  18. That reminds me. It would be nice if a company fully understands how the game works before adding fun additions because they look cool or appeal to the casual gamer. The Mothership comes to mind.
  19. Yeah I know, that probably is what he meant. It fits the context. On another note for this AC, I'd personally have Judith gen and Aaliyah main just because I'm more comfortable with that on this sort of frame. Though that might not give enough EN recovery so maybe Sobrero+Judith is best. It's something I'd have to actually play with in person. Oh and also I'd use 063AN FCS because I'm big on radar refresh.
  20. Duskaror isn't a core. Overall I think it'd do fairly well against most ACs. Though I wonder how it'd do versus the heavy-mid bots--it seems like it gets outclassed there in the ranged-picking department.
  21. █␢█

    Diablo III

    Dunno if I'm being a Slowpoke or what, but there are D3 beta streams up and rolling.
  22. █␢█


    Starting episode one. Bahahahahahaha Tits McGee.
  23. HAR HAR HAR But yeah I will use Fei Long and Law if they're in the game while going around saying, "PREPARE FOR TROUBLE AND MAKE IT DOUBLE."
  24. █␢█


    I don't see how that helps.
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