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Everything posted by Artdeux

  1. Artdeux

    Mass Defect 3

    He probably doesn't know it exists.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8yPgVjJsXSA
  3. Artdeux

    Mass Defect 3

    So Bioware launched their balloon games today. http://www.masseffect.com/space/SFO/ One's in a national park, the other is apparently on some Farmer's property. Now that's what I call A bad launch.
  4. The way most games are being made these days, being a quality product does make you unique.
  5. I've seen that excuse used a lot when a over-hyped game is/being released. Never ends well.
  6. Artdeux

    Mass Defect 3

    After the launch of SW:TOR and all the crap that came out of that, this is unexpected. Still disappointing.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l91ISfcuzDw
  8. So I wake up expecting the fund to have maybe $500,000, and it now has $875,000. Guess we're getting a Mac client and language localizations.
  9. So, Tim Schafer decided that he wanted to make another point-and-click adventure game. However, in order to avoid all the crap involved with publishers and their meddling, he went to a website called Kickstarter to see if he could get the funds he needed from the people who would actually want to play his games. His goal was $400,000 dollars. Pretty lofty if you ask me. But you didn't ask me. Within 9.25 hours of starting the fund, Tim Schafer now has the money he needs. Doing some math, the fund generated $720.72 dollars per minute. So, I'm excited for this game. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/66710809/double-fine-adventure http://twitter.com/timoflegend
  10. Wait, we fought? I only remember playing it like once. I really have to stop buying fighting games.
  11. Artdeux

    Xbox 720

    If the next Xbox does indeed come out with a 6670, you'll be playing games on 4 year old technology. Seems like you're a retro guy to me.
  12. Artdeux

    Diablo III

    Took you long enough. I've been in Beta since forever. You obviously gave the blow-job to the wrong person. Battletag is: Artdeux#1343 Though I have no idea how to use it.
  13. Yeah, I'm going to wait for the North American release. If it was like Last Raven taking 10 months to localize (14 months for Europe. Yuck), I'd do it. But 2 months is nothing.
  14. Artdeux

    Xbox 720

    I remember Sony's "Solution" having something to do with the PS3 having a Blue-ray burner in it. It would burn some data onto the disk if it was a fresh disk. It would use an otherwise unused data track to do that with.
  15. As a note, I had issues accessing the site until I cleared my browser's cache. It kept trying to make me save the PHP file from the top forum. I have no idea if that'd be possible to solve on your end. Probably not.
  16. Artdeux

    Xbox 720

    You guys are much too reliant on these kinds of things happening.
  17. Artdeux

    Xbox 720

    Remember when Sony tried to do that with the PS3? Microsoft sure as hell does not remember. Shitstorm of massive proportions.
  18. The way dragons fly and attack is entirely script based. If I were to summon a bunch of dragon priests, the story would be different.
  19. Honestly, animations can make or break games. Whether it's smooth, crisp or very animated can make a game seem incredibly lively. A game I always remember for its animations is Prince of Persia (2008) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRO81a4yzz4 Monster Hunter games have also been rather smooth with their animations. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhYqi1qTxF4 As for an MMO with enjoyable animations, Guild Wars was pretty good with its casting animations, though it wasn't very good at handling changes in character direction.
  20. Looks like there's a mixed reaction on Metacritic.
  21. Don't forget that there's also a cap on weapon damage, and the fact that once you 1-shot everything in the game on master difficulty, more weapon damage does not matter. Smithing potions don't matter as long as you can restoration potion your gear to +infinity%. Nothing is more fun than getting a piece of armor with +2500% to sneak and being invisible. Chameleon has nothing on this.
  22. I don't understand why you want to put 22 points into Smithing/Alchemy/Enchanting when you can easily use the Restoration Potion exploit to obtain equipment that is of equal power without it. I would just go for Double Enchanting, as there is nothing else worth getting as far as I remember.
  23. Nah, you'll be good. I used Invisibility on one of my characters without having the 1/2 spell cost.
  24. Actually Raor, there's another alchemy bug you should be aware of. Step: 1: Create some alchemy clothes 2: Make a potion of Fortify Restoration 3: Drink Fortify Restoration Potion 4: Unequip, then requip your alchemy clothes 5: Make a potion of Fortify Restoration 6: Drink Fortify Restoration Potion 7: Unequip, then requip your alchemy clothes 8: Repeat until satisfied. 9: Create Fortify Enchanting potion 10: Recreate new equipment to make the changes "Permanent" The buffs will stay on you until you remove the equipment, as armor buffs are only updated when you change armor. It works because Fortify Spells are part of the Restoration School. I am not sure if Bethesda will fix this one though. Results: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v225/SliVeROVeRloRD/2011-12-12_00001.jpg
  25. Obviously find some sweet-ass robes and a hood then.
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