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Everything posted by Wong

  1. Wong


    I might buy a 360 on the cheap to play all the games I have missed and Titanfall. It's not going to be released until Q1 2014, so I have a lot of time.
  2. Wong


    Whelp, here is another blow: http://youtu.be/KqUuCXcFr0s?t=14m26s False Alarm. I guess it is bunk. http://www.forzacentral.com/forum/threads/xbox-one-games-did-not-run-on-high-end-pcs-at-e3.39428/
  3. Wong

    Dark Souls II

  4. Wong

    Dark Souls II

    Forgot to link this. My friend, Mitch, wrote a pretty good preview about the Dark Souls E3 demo on Gamefront. He is also a Souls player, though, not for the PvP. http://www.gamefront...rning-by-dying/
  5. Wong


    Hey now, you don't want to hurt your back.
  6. Wong


    The main drawback for me is sharing games with friends and family (especially with my cousin and bother). My Uncharted 2 disc has probably touched ten PS3s so far, and seven of my friends bought Uncharted 3 at launch. Sharing is a good thing. And this is a nightmare for any game tournament organizers. I literally can't count how many PS3s my copy of SF4 has went through.
  7. Wong


    I can't believe what I just heard. I mean, I am sure he has probably been pressured all day from people on the internet and industry, and that he can't control the policies and have to make light of what he has, but this is really bad. I really do not understand why MS will keep their 24 hour login requirement when their competition, SONY, has no such anti-consumer rule.
  8. $5 is honestly not a big deal if it means a more stable server and network. Heck, I use to spend $5 weekly at the arcades. I am actually a PS+ member so I can store my DkS save (with mule), so I can help some dude out. Discount games are nice too.
  9. Above the blue box, it says "SSFIV AE", and above the red box, it says "SSFIV AE 2012".
  10. Wong


    Not until E3. There is really nothing to talk about. And for the record, my opinion in this Orwellian subject is pretty close to Nob's. While I do not think MS will spend resources to surveillance all their customers, they don't need to. They can already, legally, collect information of their customers within their domain, such as video game habits, movie habits, and eventually, what channels people watch and determine what commercials are effective. These are all relevant because it can be used toward marketing, are safe/legal data to mine, and profitable because other companies will pay good for this data. The new XBone channel feature acts like a Neilsen ratings equipment, but specifically targeted to XBone users and is a lot more accurate. None of this I really have issues with.
  11. I can't play tonight or tomorrow night. I will be visiting family. You should learn: Elder Dragon Highlander: http://mtgcommander.net/rules.php Legacy: https://www.wizards.com/magic/magazine/article.aspx?x=judge/resources/sfrlegacy Modern: https://www.wizards.com/magic/tcg/resources.aspx?x=judge/resources/sfrmodern EDH is the only one you need to "learn". Legacy and Modern is regular MtG with different set and card restrictions. For Legacy, you can use all sets but Unhinged and Unglued. For Modern, you can use sets after and including Eighth Edition. Modern is basically Legacy for people who do not have the old powerful cards. To learn EDH, use the link I provided. It has a ton of info.
  12. Oh hey. I didn't get on last night because I thought you guys were uninterested. I didn't see Zoa's message from last night until now. I'll see if I can get on tonight. By the way, what formats were you guys playing? I assume Legacy. I am on! I will probably stay on for the next hour. My user name is: L10
  13. Wong


    Is that the main reason you are not buying DS2? You know, other than it consuming your life. I think some people will buy XBOX One for this very reason. LOL
  14. Wong


  15. Hey Zoa, What type of playstyle do you want for EDH? From what I have seen you posted so far, Zedruu may be up your alley. http://magiccards.info/scans/en/cmd/240.jpg Here is a good rundown of a sample deck to give you ideas: http://forums.mtgsalvation.com/showthread.php?t=329861 And yeah, Hive Mind is a popular deck in Legacy. http://tcdecks.net/deck.php?id=10720&iddeck=78234 The idea is to cast Have Mind and instantly play one of the Pact cards. Never commit to Hive Mind without one of the Pact cards. It uses Show and Tell so you can combo off as fast as turn 2 with Island + Ancient Tomb. If you can't find Hive Mind, Emrakul is another good Show and Tell target, because it kills everything. As for your mimic-your-opponent idea, I can see that being decent against another control deck, decent against combo if you pack enough counter magic (though, you lack a win condition), and terrible against a fast aggro because they can out clock you before you get to set up. I can probably work out something with you. Jace, the Mind Sculptor and Force of Will are auto-includes for mono-blue.
  16. Download and install Cockatrice: http://www.woogerworks.com/ Unlike Apprentice and MWS, it is not an outdated POS. Hasbro actually took down the official Cockatrice but this still works. I have been playing this game for 10+ years and I play Legacy almost exclusively. I play Goblins, MUD Stompy, Forgemaster, Death and Taxes, Soldier Stompy. I also play EDH, with my main man Norin the Wary. I am getting into Modern also. I refuse to play Standard because I hate having my cards rotated out. http://magiccards.info/scans/en/ts/171.jpg To be honest, I still prefer playing paper MtG. My play group tends to be older people with kids, so I don't have an issue with playing against "mouth-breathers", not that I have anything against them. We should all play sometime next week.
  17. I read the title as Kathy Lee Topless. "Otherwise, they lift right up". AMAZING
  18. A video of a humanoid robot stabilizing. Of course, it takes a super computer attached to it to make it work, but still impressive.
  19. Wong

    Dark Souls

    Just throw a Lloyd's Talisman at the get-go. End their drinking ways!
  20. Wong

    Dark Souls II

    Someone just told me the crab headpiece gives you a bubble breath spell and that reading is fum. Can anyone verify the sources? Bubble 1 Bubble 2 Fum 1 Fum 2
  21. Wong

    Dark Souls II

    Dark Souls map was brilliant. The fact that you can view the lava change at Demon Ruins (before/after killing Ceaseless Discharge) from Tomb of the Giants gives you a sense of how well thought out the world is.
  22. Wong

    Dark Souls II

    http://www.mediafire.com/?b6kqp19eqo61o98 To install: Just extract and run main.exe.
  23. Wong

    Dark Souls II

    This is how addiction starts up again after a year of rehab. I also want more games implement the weather cycle and day/night cycle like in Sleeping Dogs.
  24. Wong

    Dark Souls II

    I actually liked Dark Souls world more as far as exploring goes. The only exception is Blighttown with the frame drops. My experience with Dark Souls is in every way better for me. The only thing I wished they implemented was a way to delevel, but more directly, unlike in Demon's Souls. I agree with Owen. From what I have watched so far, I am glad that backstabs is no longer to go-to way to kill every human sized enemy. The way the turtle-backed monster drops backwards was pretty funny. It also seems dual wielding is finally usable again, as you can perform combos. Overall, I like what I see so far.
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