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Gay Uncle

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Everything posted by Gay Uncle

  1. Gay Uncle

    Dark Souls

    I got my Channeler's Trident So much for needing tons of Humanity and the Gold Serpent Ring to get one due to their rarity - I had neither haha. So stoked (although you served me well, Butterfly Horn).
  2. Gay Uncle

    Dark Souls

    Look, it's disastrous. It is also the greatest game I have ever played haha. I won't deny it. Just got the Horn then, so I can at least die every 10 minutes happy. Now I've just got to get my SL up to scratch and start scaling stuff with my Int. I've learned so much on this playthrough that it's embarrassing to think I wasted nearly 14 hours on my last character (spitefully created a troll female named Bitch and now she's my main haha). I've got it for PS3, but haven't been on PSN with it for a while since my PS is located pretty far from the wireless router at the moment. Can move it closer for a decent connection though.
  3. Gay Uncle

    Dark Souls

    I've made the disastrous decision to start playing this again after months of hiatus haha. The only thing keeping me going is the unhealthy desire to obtain the Moonlight Butterfly Horn...
  4. I had the same problem. F*** that gun.
  5. 901 > SCAR, IMO. It just seems a bit more manageable and gets cleaner kills. I prefer its iron sights too, but that's totally subjective. Assassin pro has to be the best perk haha. Being basically undetectable besides being spotted and being immune to CUAV and EMP is just awesome. Most of my kills come from just slithering around the map undetected and picking people off.
  6. Turns out CM901 is the only gun I can use with any sort of proficiency. Currently running: CM901 with Kick + Silencer Slight of Hand, Assassin, Steady Aim Since switching to that, I've stopped having my ass handed to me on a game-by-game basis. I play exponentially better when I'm aiming down the sights rather than a red dot it seems haha.
  7. Lag is the best weapon in the game. If you haven't unlocked it, you're fucked. Seriously, I'm yet to have a fun game where I'm not about a second behind the opponent, and I'm not the only one being faced with this shit.
  8. The second movie proceeded to choke and die on said balls. GAYTALITY!
  9. Gay Uncle

    Dark Souls

    Yeah. I don't know what makes me angrier: I'd have to start it over, or I've paid all that money for a game I have no interest in any more.
  10. Gay Uncle

    Dark Souls

    The best part was when I tried to load my game, and it said my save data was corrupted. Fuck this game.
  11. Gay Uncle

    Dark Souls

    This game is amazing. I'm sure.
  12. Cyrax and Sektor. One of the better episodes. It just sucks how separate each of these episodes are.
  13. I especially liked the part where the tank took that hit like a boss at the start, but probably hit the peak of my orgasm when those chain guns were ripping. G©G From.
  14. Gay Uncle

    Mortal Kombat 9

    That is possibly the most disturbing video game footage I can recall seeing. Shang Tsung's clown Fatality fucked with me on so many levels.
  15. I do - for the sake of the franchise - provided the game is good. If ACV has the characteristics of a memorable game, then an expansion is good for the Armored Core series in that it puts a shiny new game on the shelf for new players to garner interest. DLC may keep ACV alive, but once it slips out of new release territory, the DLC is unlikely to help the game grow in popularity as opposed to keeping current fans playing. That said, if the game and/or the expansions are shit, it's gonna work the other way.
  16. If this is done, and done right, I am in heaven. This has been atop of my wish list for the last 5 years, since I posted it in an old 'AC Wishlist' topic back on ACO. I'm also ridiculously keen to see what this generation's KARASAWA looks like. I need this game.
  17. Lots of cool shit: Take note of the picture of the whole AC, and with the arms - left and right can be of a different make? Unfortunately the garage picture posted below doesn't offer much more info. In-game screenshots (1 of 2) In-game screenshots (2 of 2): Check out that awesome sniper picture (number 8)! http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/225434_160638887333684_135940349803538_387571_8067059_n.jpg Howitzer http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/221665_160638904000349_135940349803538_387572_4656056_n.jpg I'm in favour of the changes, mostly because I feel that for the first time in a long time, there is going to be a genuine sense of community and usefulness attached to sites such as ACU and ACO. Team forums and such are likely to be more than a common meeting place for a group of players to organise some matches and loosely discuss strategy and team politics - if the team online is implemented as we are expecting, legitimate and sophisticated strategies may actually be discussed and implemented. That said, 1v1 is necessary so that anyone can play a game to their standards and liking at any time. It's just going to add another (welcome) dimension to the game that is going to bring the AC online community even closer together than AC4 and 4A did. There, I contributed.
  18. Gay Uncle

    Mortal Kombat 9

    I'm uncertain about this game at this point. I'd like to play it some more before I offer any opinions.
  19. Bullshit. PC gamers don't have tans.
  20. I didn't find out about this until I tried to download Resident Evil for PSOne from the store, and I couldn't sign in Fiddlesticks.
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