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Everything posted by Necron

  1. Except for the fact that, you know, From has given the game massive support in Japan compared to the previous entries. Really, you should try being more well-informed before making a complete fool of yourself.
  2. And yet the damage has already been done.
  3. I can vouch for the fact that NineBreakers uses dual USG-23/H. Oh, and apparently ACU is a small, third-world team according to Envalid. And MARS does in fact use a good variety, the two times I faced you guys your ACs actually had variety between them.
  4. Ninebreakers use tactics? The one time I came across them as a merc, two of them were running dual gatling guns, one was running a gatling gun and a shotgun, and the fourth was for some very strange reason trying to counter-snipe my quad by using a heavy RJ with a sniper cannon. And yes, I am a different person from that other guy.
  5. So apparently people are trying to claim that teamkilling is a legitimate part of taking territory. Hilarious.
  6. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/MIG-21U-/160771517786?pt=Motors_Aircraft&hash=item256ebaad5a One day left!
  7. The problem is AA guns and SAMs are specialized. ACs have never had ultra long-range attacks other than sniper rifles/cannons and railguns, and the missiles have never been very good at distanced combat. Something flying at, say, 15,000 feet would be immune to counterattack from an AC. Granted, this is taking realism into account, which is fairly pointless. If we do see jets again, they'll most likely be the way they were in AC3/SL, flying at about the speed of a low-power overboost and making predictable gun/missile runs. Although it would be nice if they were like the jets in AC1, those had a nasty tendency to fly past you at high speeds and spam their high knockback machine gun.
  8. The thing is that a jet could target an AC from a far further distance than ACs can engage their targets. Attack aircraft can use anti-tank missiles from a few miles away, and given how vertically challenged ACV's ACs are, they would have no way to counter something flying a few thousand feet above them.
  9. Necron

    Ace Combat

    http://andriasang.com/con09r/ace_combat_macross/ And suddenly I want to play this game again. Too bad the pack's region-locked thanks to Harmony Gold.
  10. Necron

    Dark Souls

    Everyone should be so grossly incandescent.
  11. Necron

    Battlefield 3

    I have a ton of time as the Russians, which is shown by the fact that I have 203 more kills in the T-90A than the Abrams, and 401 kills in the Su-35BM as opposed to 313 in the F/A-18E.
  12. Necron

    Demon's Souls

    It's still up, Magnus. And Atlus already stated that they're keeping US servers up through their second anniversary. They wouldn't shut down right before their Pure White World Tendency event for the holidays.
  13. This is possible; HAWX, while being a shitty game, takes advantage of the PS3's relatively new ability to record gameplay with only the system itself.
  14. Necron

    Ace Combat X

    AC04 didn't have anime cutscenes, that was the Japanese release of AC3.
  15. Necron

    Monster Hunter

    Monster Hunter Portable 3's been announced. It's not based on Tri, but it will apparently have more weapon types than previous installments and feature monsters from Tri.
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