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Everything posted by Barilzar

  1. Congrats, you posted a video of me from 1.03. I have acknowledged that my designs and my understanding of the game were bad, since then I invested in the jap copy got good, and discovered how limited and incredibly boring top tier play is. You still crying about people pop shooting on you MUTT? I think I remember playing you once when Cheng and his cock fags were trying to blade me the last time I got on the PS3 US side. Lol, I got Nescient to freak out when I locked him with the shitty jammer + gat combo.
  2. Its rather disheartening, but at least in ACFA, I was able to schedule at least one clan match a week. Almost a year on ACV, and not one other team would fight us.
  3. ACV died because it was a shit game with an even shittier community. Even after 2 years ACFA had more life in it than what ACV currently does.
  4. Thought about re-buying the game since I sold my two us copies and microwaved my jap copy. But then I remembered that the community is just a pack of niggers that just talk loud and dodge fights.
  5. Tiny tank would be tits.
  6. I'm reworking the list with the help of other notable AC players. Right now some of the bans are bad. Yes, I'm aware that heads affect fire rate as well, but its the HRJs are problematic due to combination of its defense, speed, stability, and load. They simple outclass mid-weights in every way.
  7. Rapid fire, no shot spread, high damage. Throw it on a HRJ tuned to power, all you have to do is clip an opposing player and their down a third of their AP. On a biped, just tune it to rapid fire to get the same effect. Try it out and see for yourself. It's becoming more common than the gats are.
  8. Why does everyone misread that. Its ATTITUDE control, not ALTITUDE. Its just a fancier word for stability, and yes the higher the Attitude control the faster your weapons fire. Firing stability of arms also does the same thing.
  9. We've been running with the tag: Bans Enforced
  10. Gex would be cool. but needs Dragoon characters stilll.
  11. I stopped after negroe ops.
  12. Yeah, just got it so I'm still tinkering with it. Tips are appreciated.
  13. I'd rather play gay sex.
  14. Yay! HD PVR came in today. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k22/Iron-Man-429/2012_5_2_11_39_42.jpghttp://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k22/Iron-Man-429/2012_5_2_11_40_8.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k22/Iron-Man-429/2012_5_2_11_39_57.jpghttp://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k22/Iron-Man-429/2012_5_2_11_40_19.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k22/Iron-Man-429/2012_5_2_11_40_44.jpghttp://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k22/Iron-Man-429/2012_5_2_11_40_57.jpg NSFW
  15. If they dig deep on characters this could be cool, chances are it will only be recent crap though.
  16. They were fun when I didn't bring the broken stuff.
  17. ACV's story: a bunch of cunts yacking on a radio...
  18. you can compensate the shitty turn speed with wall jumps. I have been pretty much exclusively using quads since i started. Quads are too slow even if you are running the light beluhka legs and back peddle.
  19. I think it stops stunnin once your 1700+ in stability which is only achieved by HRJ legs...
  20. Tanks should be the most stable followed by quads. There is lots of imbalance in this game.
  21. Only in ready mode. the highest stable quad leg is the viso at 1400+ stability, but are slow as fuck. The highest HRJ leg is 1900+ and it is almost as fast as most lightweights.
  22. Don't bring broken weapons if you want them to be a challenge. I brough faggy hrj with zinnias and beat LLL in two minutes with only losing 2,000 AP.
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