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Everything posted by Barilzar

  1. Tanks are very situational, but should not be underestimated.
  2. Barilzar

    EA Hates You

    Main reason why i plan to leave console gaming and become a PC gamer, that way I can pirate their shit.
  3. Barilzar

    Mass Defect 3

    It wasn't a bad game, but the laziness that was overly apparent really put a damper on the experience.
  4. Getting this, fuck soul calibur.
  5. Just work with it, I've been referencing a lot of Horgarth's and Gordon's books.
  6. Barilzar

    Devil May Cry

    lol, when was DMC good?
  7. Yoshi is straight up gay. Nightmare is predictable, but his speed buff kindof negates blocking out his moves. I actually spent today playing him and had little trouble swatting most players.
  8. Thanks I might try to get back into it more than what I have been doing lately.
  9. Viola needs a buff. Nightmare is pretty broken in my opinion. Its pretty much game over once you hit the ground.
  10. Barilzar

    Shrine of Failure

    i used to be really big into the whole art deal, but as of late i pretty much have quit. Anything recent has been pretty much pornographic. http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs39/f/2008/336/c/f/Faces_by_Iron_429.jpghttp://fc01.deviantart.net/fs39/f/2008/336/f/a/Anatomy_Study_2_by_Iron_429.jpg http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs38/f/2008/336/f/0/Arm_Anatomical_Study_by_Iron_429.jpg more crap http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k22/Iron-Man-429/untitled3.jpghttp://fc02.deviantart.net/fs39/f/2008/327/e/3/God__s_Avenger_by_Iron_429.jpg http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs38/f/2008/336/6/2/Skull_Study_by_Iron_429.jpg
  11. Been maining Viola's style. Not gonna lie but I think both Natsu and Nightmare need a bit of nerfing.
  12. Barilzar

    PS3 or Xbox?

    >implying $50 is such a steep price to pay for a better online setup..
  13. Definitely. Barrettiel runs quite a few and he is a pretty top notch player.
  14. yeah, they died like what almost 2 yrs ago?
  15. um there is only like 6 EU players on 360 side... also people like less in depth games. look at how well COD is doing...
  16. i'm not, but looking further down the road; the game is going to die very quickly. 4-8 months down the road its could to be similar to how ACFA is now.
  17. We ranked 7 on one territory and 109 on the other. We were team hardees with sightlock and players from Revo. Given one more day we would have had been in the top 3 on the one territory.
  18. Bigboss was Lucifer. I don't know Durzo's previous GT. I was Lich back in the day, but I didn't hang out much on AC4. Most of us are post AC4.
  19. LastNineBreaker, BigBoss, Barrettiel, The Durzo Blint, EFxSinanju BigBoss might leave and join a clan with Bigz
  20. Close Quarter Kings died a very long time ago. ICEN wears the emblem but I doubt BigGunna will make a return. Revo has only 3 players, SOO has only 2 members. ACA dissolved. NLL is barely going. Archangels vanished. And no we don't blade. Wolf pack is just the only clan large enough to rival us. Team Dark Steel maybe, provided GI Joe recruits new members, but at current they have only two members..
  21. Shit, theres going to be no competition in territory wars, SUNN is the largest established AC clan. The only group that can possibly rival us is wolf pack...
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