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Everything posted by Tsuranga

  1. Tsuranga


    I need to digitize my AG deck and re-dl YGO online, we could have sum matches.
  2. Aww yeeaaahhh played LCC today, got my butt kicked, but one match man. We both had OB, shit was crackin with the "CHICK WEEEAHAAHHHHH~~~~~" of an OB charge like bat-shit crazy. Was doin' OK until he whipped out a hangared peryton.
  3. Tsuranga

    It's a Cadillac

    You forgot the shadow man.
  4. Try right now, I'm bored at home. Get in chat yo.
  5. I just kinda make ac's I like and do whatever. I don't care too much to "try" I just pick weapons that I like and moderately work well together on passable internals and frame XD. Soo I end up losing, a lot. But fuckit. I tend to prefer midweights and lw's and ESPECIALLY prefer mg's/bullets. I don't like small shotguns.. but heavy shotties are good times :3. And gattling guns are my favorite I also like rushing and OB'ing for no reason XD XD XD I just like going fast :3 It's gotten me a couple tickets though...
  6. Welcome to the Japanese. We're not much better though... But yeah I can't wait until this shit comes out. Especially since whoever was piloting the test mech sucked.
  7. http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/129/4/9/break_by_tsuranga-d3g0aj4.jpg and before yall start whining about proportions, here is almost exactly the same pose I did in 30 seconds for artdeax. I messed up on the right foot and the whole left leg, but fuckit it was a 30 second sketch, so comment on subject matter and whatnot, not the guy's posture when I know for a fact the skeleton is dead on. http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/theaegis/PIC-0293.jpg
  8. cuz you're looking at them from above and they're all squished on the gastank
  9. It's cuz her bodies hidden behind the super-crouched position like this: http://www.motorcycle-usa.com/photogallerys/Alex-Gobert-Turn-9-72-dpi.jpg But it's from a funny angle and she's looking the other way.
  10. Tsuranga

    Wasted Beauty PT2

    I just can't stop painting.... http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/124/b/5/wasted_beauty_pt_2_by_tsuranga-d3flagw.jpg http://tsuranga.deviantart.com/art/Wasted-...-PT-2-207586112
  11. Tsuranga

    Das Cockpit

    yeah! Wanted to draw a dean mecha ready to launch http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/theaegis/Launch-1.jpg
  12. Traditional classical I can deff appreciate.. but damn do I love my electronic takes on classical especially lots of piano mixed in with heavy hardcore bass
  13. Tsuranga

    Tsuranga's Art!

    Sharin' some community drawin' stuffs. He said I should draw a nuclear battery, so I did Unfortunately the brushes in this program are evil, and I love my photoshop brushes much better. These brushes had like dynamic color based on what was drawn beneath or some this... I like my hard static color like in photoshop. opencanvas also doesn't have opacity or hardness like I'm used too too :| http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/theaegis/opencanvas.jpg
  14. Tsuranga

    Tsuranga's Art!

    I wanted the guy to be a dumb ugly motherfucker XD But as for the gun... it's straight enough considering I didn't use any ruler or shit like that.
  15. Tsuranga

    Tsuranga's Art!

    Title's: Don't Fine Me Description is in da link. http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/115/4/6/don__t_find_me_by_tsuranga-d3ewmzs.jpg And I kept the progress pics so yall could see just how I did it step-by-step http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/the...dmetutorial.jpg
  16. we got ourselves a niji. Kinda crappy and short but fuckit, I was over this halfway through XD http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/theaegis/nijirough.jpg
  17. Tsuranga

    Tsuranga's Art!

    It's actually moving REALLY slow, just gently pushing the city along, that's why the smoke stacks are only slightly to the side. I may have blurred the edges on the fan a bit, but that was also because I was trying to include depth and natural-eye lag. But in the end, artistic freedom
  18. Tsuranga

    Tsuranga's Art!

    I actually got it backwards ak over the past 2 years I've been focusing on traditional mediums, check my DA in my sig's link. It wasn't until recently that I was able to full incorporate my refined traditional skills into digital. for a long while now I've felt %100 confident with oil and pencil, but was always :S with digital. but after about halfway through my last big painting and LOTS of studying was I able to finally fully grasp the digital medium. I needed to forget all preconceptions about digital art and completely humble myself to the basic professional techniques, and then I also had to fully understand my own lighting and brush style. It's been one hell of a journey full of massive amounts of self-hatred, artistic loathing, practice and understanding. But I finally feel like I'm "there" and can do anything.
  19. Tsuranga

    Tsuranga's Art!

    Cuz I just cranked this out during physics class for fun today: http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/104/c/3/wasted_beauty_by_tsuranga-d3e0tcm.jpg
  20. Tsuranga

    Tsuranga's Art!

    that's cuz it's a giant fan moving the whole city mang, and it's moving so the edges blur, there just happens to be clouds of the same color in front.
  21. Tsuranga

    Tsuranga's Art!

    Most of you have already seen this in the works, but here is the Final Product: Clickafy for a link to the DA page with full description and full res DL link (~6000x3000) And it's real name was: Living in the Shadows of Those Before Us http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/103/f/4/living_in_the_shadows_of_those_by_tsuranga-d3dxfb6.jpg
  22. Times new roman. Just REALLY big.
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