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Everything posted by Ataraxis

  1. Ataraxis


    Their lyrics are rad, and instrumentally they're pretty tight. As I mentioned, sometimes their vocalist pisses me off because I think the tone is off (and not because it's growling, which is pretty standard fare for metal). Rock out with your cock out.
  2. Ataraxis

    Demon's Souls

    Damn Ethos sounds like you suck. You gotta earn your time with the real men, son.
  3. I wish we had Miller too, since Crosby, Luongo, and JAROOOME are fucking tools. Also Pronger. Seriously Altair, aside from Niedermayer, all you did was list the whiniest douchebags from team Canada. I'm not going to deny their skill, but uh... Prior to his goal against the U.S., Crosby had 0 points in three games. Yeah, he sure had the team on his shoulders. Oh well. To be fair, the U.S. had the youngest team in the tournament and are probably going to kick some major ass with a similar group for the next three to four Olympics; that is, provided Bettman isn't retarded and realizes that the NHL only gets more exposure by participating in such a widely viewed tournament (he wants to pull out of future Olympics). Six and Ohhhhhh!!!
  4. When you pull the goalie, you're allowed to put another player on the ice. That means that can have six guys in the offensive end instead of five.
  5. It really is more like "Blood and Tits" than "Blood and Sand." The acting is terrible, but it generally seems pretty well produced and is definitely entertaining.
  6. Ataraxis


    I do it for the LULz.
  7. Ataraxis


    A few of you already know about it, but since there's actually a section dedicated to this kind of stuff, I thought I'd make a post about Nedroid. Main site: http://nedroid.com/ For some reason more frequently updated LJ site: http://nedroidcomics.livejournal.com/ He makes comics and drawings that are funny. Sometimes they are also insightful. He doesn't seem to update on a schedule so when you check his site and there is a new comic you are like "YEAH ALRIGHT AWESOME!!!" Even if he did update at regularly scheduled intervals you would still say that but it's more of a surprise this way since you never know when you're going to have to say it.
  8. Ataraxis

    Protest the Hero

    For me, this has always been one of those bands that makes me say "They would be good without the singer." And they are. I'm glad too see they put instrumentals out.
  9. Ataraxis


    Yeah, this. I was posting it then I didn't have to.
  10. Ataraxis


    Terminator, one thing you may not understand is that posting a lot of bots doesn't make you good at AC. Also that SHADE/HP doesn't make this bot high end or competitive (and that nothing is going to so long as it runs KONGOH etc). What SHADE/HP does is make the AC better without abandoning the concept, which is why I suggested it. Whatever, I'm not going to tell you how to hold your junk.
  11. Ataraxis


    What Niji said was totally implied, since it's leik, ROC2 is hardly a main weapon.
  12. Ataraxis


    I made the head suggestion with the hope that he'd go with one that needs a back radar, which would mean losing a slot (and so, get rid of either the LGL or the GLL - I like the GLL better on this AC, and the handguns work with it). That left a lack of range, and a sniper rifle would cover that. You do make strong points, though!
  13. Ataraxis


    Forced cooling is a garbage feature in LR, making your radiator choice infinitely better on the "improved" version. The overall AC seems better on this version, but I don't think that's saying much. Change the YWH05R3 to SHADE, the ROC2 to HP, get rid of the right hanger, and work on the frame from there.
  14. Ataraxis


    I don't like the use of MG's here, or the LGL. Specifically, I'd suggest another handgun in place of the SYLPH, and maybe a sniper rifle over the 69M. I'd also suggest a head change; if it has radar, then put missiles on the back, if not, well then you should obviously put on a radar. I prefer the green weapon scheme.
  15. I think this would lead to the same issues I'm already seeing between 'General Chat' and 'Other' [Media Discussion] (basically that you've already got everything covered where it needs to be, and a more comprehensive/wide open section is unnecessary). Are snacks media? Sometimes media feels an awful lot like snacks for the mind, but I don't think it tastes right the other way around. Edit: THE
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