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Posts posted by Fukei

  1. Shotguns are viable for competition, but they're not the easiest weapons to use depending on the situation. Even when you have Auto Sighting turned on, you need to know working angles and timing your shots well. They along with the Kamal especially are very good for easily punishing players trying to close in on you in general, though.


    If you want a more simple set up, then assault rifles are good to pair up with machine guns. MR-R102 if you want huge amounts of ammo, or 04-Marve if you want huge damage.


    The MP-O901 is a bad missile by itself, but is good when paired up with the 061ANRM relation missiles. You obviously can't do that with White-Glint/Core though, so you're better off using something that hits hard by itself. Either of the VTF missiles or the MP-O203 can work wonders without relations helping them.


    If you plan on using OB, then don't use the AA version of Judith. AA in general takes very specific kinds of builds to not be a last resort tactic in 1.40 because of how long the recovery is. All of the AA OB parts also have very bad boosting functions compared to the regular ones, to the point they're rarely ever practical for it.


    You shouldn't spread out the tuning when it comes to Rectification and Stability. The numbers go to the same function, so it's always best to put all of them into whichever one part has the highest number since it scales more. Also, you shouldn't put any into Boost unless it's Vertical Thrust. Always put them into Quick Boost instead.


    That's all for now. I can help you more with frame synergy, internals and weapons though. I'm sure nob has or will say some things too. He's the only other person I'd recommend listening to for competitive advice.

  2. I'm listing twenty. I think my top ten is mostly accurate, but the rest are in no order.


    I don't feel like writing about why right now and I'm bad at writing anyway, so that may or may not be a thing.



    #1: Final Fantasy Tactics

    #2: Dark Cloud 2

    #3: Disgaea D2: A Brighter Darkness

    #4: Mega Man Legends

    #5: Mega Man X4

    #6: Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten

    #7: Terraria

    #8: Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike

    #9: Mega Man X

    #10: Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars

    #11: Borderlands

    #12: Secret of Evermore

    #13: Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

    #14: Xenogears

    #15: Final Fantasy VI

    #16: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

    #17: Final Fantasy X

    #18: Breath of Fire III

    #19: Armored Core 2

    #20: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare


  3. I read about this on their forum a couple of days ago. I was really surprised at how early it was, but they also said this isn't the Terraria 2 that Redigit says he plans on developing, so that's supposedly still a thing that's going to happen later on.


    I'm still more excited for 1.3 on the original. I don't really know how to feel about this one, the most I can say is that I don't like what they did with the art style. It looks like it's going in a similar direction Starbound went and that game looked pretty bad.

  4. Yup, it was the forum update when Niji had custom spoiler tags set up. It's probably never going to happen again.


    If there's a specific topic you want fixed, you can link me to it through PM and I'll try editing the posts. I used to do this a while ago with anything I came across, but stopped when I ran into a lot of problems with the ModSec application Niji's host runs, so there's a chance I still can't fix certain posts.


    Either way, you shouldn't feel weird about using spoiler tags.

  5. Well, that's a lot of surprising designers.


    In case anyone didn't know yet, nob actually made Tutankhamun. I don't really have the capacity to write about every bot like some people can, but I'll at least explain how I feel about my own here.


    (For anyone interested, which you shouldn't be.)




    I like how this turned out. It was meant to be simple and anyone I know who talked about it seemed to appreciate that. I chose those legs because of the blue stripes and how the color portions are on them, there wasn't really any other choice to solve the mismatched shapes problem without hurting other details I cared more about.



    I should've named this Caustic Maliwan or Maliwan: Caustic, so the green color at least made more sense. Besides that, the most literal way I can describe this as the person who made it is that it's an RJ with Maliwan colors slapped on it. There's no depth. I should've spent more time to actually bring multiple aspects of the theme together. "form did not meet function" - nob



    This wasn't meant to be a continuation of Sludge Dredd or anything else. I was trying to avoid that and use a navy color with gold detailing and some other ones instead, but I was frustrated and leaned toward green after a while.


    I shouldn't have abandoned what I was originally going for though, because it ended up not having anything interesting to look at. I also invested the most amount of time into this one overall, so I'm pretty sad over this. The write up nob did for this was dead accurate.


    its solidly made but like its pretty boring and leaves a lot to be desired in the paint department. playing with the arrangement of the colors would have helped this bot a lot more because it just looks too standard to me. great eye for detail but the paint was definitely done after the bot was made and it was far too restricted to the weapon choice. theres no sense of ADVENTURE here


    Handsome Jack

    This is my only robot I'm very happy with. The people who haven't played Borderlands to appreciate the theme didn't seem to like it anywhere near as much as those who did, unfortunately. All three of the people who I hoped would like it really seemed to like it though, and that made me feel pretty giggly inside.


    One of the only things I would've changed was maybe the name to Hyperion II instead since it's obviously not a direct cosplay of Jack and can make it seem a little out of place. I was also more interested in some of the more frontal angles when making it, like the core looks a little better shaped and you can see some other smaller details like the eye color going with the extensions. The angle TM did still had quite a bit of things that look better in it though, so I think that's a case of not being able to catch all the details, sadly.


    The Mistake

    I don't know why I entered this, it's an unfinished attempt at something. I was originally going to toss it and enter two of nob's bots instead. At least some people thought there were some neat things on it, I guess.




    Anyway, good contest. A lot of the generations were stronger for me than the other ACDCs, except for 2nd Gen. (Which was still pretty nice.) TM was also a thousandfold more competent than Drac was with hosting, and Not-Hunter's image quality for 5th Gen and his support in general blew the old rubbish away. Yay!

  6. It was apparently too difficult for me to show someone some replays without messing up, so he didn't have them all recorded. Elena vs. Alex is missing, I think. I kept everything saved just in case, so we'll probably fix that tonight.
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