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Everything posted by Clones

  1. I look forward to it. Picked up the first trade of Tokyo Ghost. Holy shit, that was some great stuff. Depressing, but great stuff.
  2. Doesn't Arsenal have really long hair? But seriously, that fight was top. It was pretty cool how it brought together the double head... smash from one of the earlier issues. (When he was nearly killed by that chick), love it when writers bring it all together.
  3. Nah, fight with Prometheus, they showed the end of that fight.
  4. That's probably what I was thinking, all the talk of a run happening. Man, Orlando really understood Midnighter. Really enjoyed the read, a lot of fun actually. Wasn't expecting the end fight of issue #7.
  5. I thought Marvel had a Black Panther run going? Needlessly to say, this sounds rather interesting.
  6. I wanna say Skywind, but TES6 is much more likely. And then Skywind will get delayed again.
  7. Yeah, I'm gonna pick up Midnighter for sure next week.
  8. Right? This is actually pretty cool. Band poster would be cool.
  9. Yeah, so I gotta pick and choose and basically go once a month right now.
  10. Guess not. Really happy about the price job, as I'm paying right now $5 an issue cause of the Canadian dollar being shit.
  11. http://www.comicbookresources.com/article/exclusive-geoff-johns-details-rebirth-plan-seeks-to-restore-legacy-to-dc-universe Nope, literally all the books are going back to being $2.99. Also Prez is coming back.
  12. Yeah that is. I don't know if you heard, but the price apparently is being brought back to $2.99 Tom King signed exclusively to DC now. Glad to see Cyborg is sticking around. Super Sons? What, like Superboy? And whose Superwoman? Can't be referring to Earth-3 Superwoman...
  13. I'd like to think that Genevieve Valentine would do wonders on Birds of Prey. Yeah it's hard to judge by first issue. It's why I think a lot of people were turned off The Omega Men. Brenden Fletcher is on Black Canary right?
  14. I don't blame you man. I really only enjoyed Year One and DKR by him, though DKR got a bit silly after the mutant leader. I wonder, who do you think should write a Birds of Prey run?
  15. http://www.bleedingcool.com/2016/02/11/dark-knight-iii-the-master-race-gets-later-and-later/ Heads up if you're picking this up. I picked up the previous two, surprisingly not that bad. The art style is reminiscent of what it was in DKR. It also comes with a mini comic in each issue(?)
  16. Oh, I see. February has been a weird month for me so far. Haven't picked up anything cause it either comes out the first week of March (Like the Omega Men) or next week.
  17. http://www.newsarama.com/27897-van-jensen-leaving-the-flash-and-dcu-altogether.html This should be good for you. (I can't remember if you read the Flash or not.) Yeah I know. I'm really hoping that Rebirth does DC some real good, but I'm not holding my breath.
  18. I'm kind of interested in JSA, but it ultimately depends on who writes like you said. Yeah, Orlando needs another DC book. Apparently Damian Wayne will be leading the future Teen Titans book. I was wondering when that shit would happen.
  19. Yeah, Azzarello is arguably the best. Never read Gail's run, but I'll take your word for it. That is definitely an interesting read. http://www.bleedingcool.com/tag/dccomicsrebirth/ Here, thought I'd leave this here.
  20. That's all I really ever hear about Sandman, actually. Edit: This is a pretty good read from Gail Simone's tumblr http://gailsimone.tumblr.com/post/138410456730/excuse-me-i-am-working-on-a-piece-regarding
  21. No I have not. Ended up picking up Lucifer #1 and #2 today. Enjoyed what I read so far.
  22. Tell me how Lucifer is, I thought the premise was pretty cool.
  23. Currently actually reading Sheriff of Babylon. I was tempted to pick up Lucifer, but I might wait on that on. What's Unfollow about?
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