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Crimson Fury

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Everything posted by Crimson Fury

  1. MOA, SL, and LR were the best IMO. AA and AC3 deserve honorable mention. Of anything beyond PS2 era I've only played AC4 which had so many problems and was only fun to me if I pretended it was my first AC game because honestly to me it's only AC in name, which pretty much killed it for me. I think I sold it to a pawn shop in the hood when I moved for next to nothing.
  2. Use heavy mid legs if you like heavies, the S3 legs are gorgeously buff. Shade will beat the game with ease, everyone is right. I used a build like Shade/69h or blade depending on the mission/starter missiles/gaea core and like macaque, cougar 2 legs and any of the good heads with radar, high ecm and bio sensor. Also relation missiles rm3 or Gar. For normal missions shade and gaea win, and for missions with ACs shade and gaea does the job, toss in a couple supported missile volleys and its GG. SHADE is one of the few weapons that has the distinction of being fantastic in both human vs and missions.
  3. Yoga pants... One of the century's greatest inventions.
  4. Lol I wonder what other stuff gets edited out of that show. Like, did the editor miss that one gay comment? These guys are filthy rich anyway I don't think they care about the show lolol The media makes such a big deal out of everything.
  5. Gratuitous fanservice and epic j-pop theme music. And swords.
  6. THE FUTARE IS COMMING I have an xtag, but I don't have the means to play Kai at this time.
  7. Sake to reflect on the variations of the changing cherryblossom colors and look for the perfect one.
  8. Oh man HARD CORE. I actually had a submission make the cut to represent Louisiana in their World war or civil war or WHATEVER the fuck it was called series of issues. Listen to your heart. Good luck, Raven.
  9. Nineball will live forever, no matter how many times he's killed. He's like ACs JFK. THE LEGEND WILL NEVER DIE.
  10. This comment wins the thread. No more mister nice guy (balls in your mouth).
  11. Oh man, Bulbasaur for all the ages. I first attach leech seed and then that's when the magic happens.
  12. Sean Connery(Pit Viper) from AA, a stalwart Scotsman of a raven who fell in with unsavory bedfellows. He wanted to get out of there while he could, but succumbed to peer pressure as his female ally egged him on, stating with adamant fervor "He came alone, take him down now!" and so he along with his two comrades were killed by the raven. Such a crucial life lesson personified in mech combat. "They are all... beautiful." http://armoredcore.wikia.com/wiki/Eliminate_Raven
  13. I see enough of those types locally, watching that show would be overload! Add to that my strong aversion to reality television... Not for me.
  14. http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs46/f/2009/201/8/c/Domon_Kasshu_Cosplay_by_Kendoka602.jpg I trust you forever.
  15. I play like Tiger Woods. I knock down cocktail waitresses by the dozen, apologize, lose a couple sponsorships but then I just hang out with Darius Rucker and still come out on top. Believe.
  16. How's the new version working out?
  17. Honey nut clusters but I can't ever find it so I usually get Honey Bunches of Oats or the Malt-o-meal variation. I've never been big on cereal but I can eat those all the time.
  18. I used to be more reactionary and in your face, trying to use high speed maneuvers to outflank and destroy the other guy. I gradually refined that into more use of cover, attacking and fading behind cover generally. I get bored with constant rushing so I like to switch between aggression, poking, and cover play with OB used for postioning.
  19. Is this the ZIO MATRIX AC from the opening movie in AC2?
  20. No decoys? Iirc you use type A don't you? Either way if you feel you can get by without them then that's fine, but popping a couple decoys while trying to line up GL shots and close distance against heavy missile users might be beneficial. ATLAS doesn't have AMS.
  21. I'd say use U4 core, dual HP, and hangar 69h or wraith under both. Tbh personally and this is only personal preference, I'd put less emphasis on missiles as in lightening up to like... RM or even gar, if using RM I'd spam and drop that shit, keep 69m, giving more energy for landing cannon hits while mobile. Might even go with Geryon1 just for the sheer damage cap and ability to toss it aside when you're done with it. Also I'd probably go with a sturdier head like Drone.
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