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Everything posted by Tebbo

  1. I like how the game handles having boosters on and off. loving how weight really really affects your maneuverability with boosters on. gives some actual value to turning them off at the right time to make a quick turn. I think From Soft really figured out a good combination of old and new here. I'm not a massive fan of all the visuals and general styling. I think some things are just overdone, like the blur effect when boosting on everything on screen. not a fan. even moving with boosters on makes all the nice crisp cool hud lines blurry messes. everything else though is good. I just hope the sales vs cost is enough that bamco will just keep the servers going for a good long while. because unfortunately if they decide to shut them down, it'll be like chromehounds, basically a worthless disc.
  2. Not sure what you're trying to use on what dude but stability has never been an issue for me. Much rather those things actually matter so heavy legs actually have some value than not.
  3. oh ok. although the changes do look like they give a bit of a bump to more maneuverable/lighter builds. wasn't ubisoft handling it before? or was that just AC4A? either way, hopefully they can patch over here in a somewhat timely manner...
  4. ive personally experienced pulse guns in duels. good thing my 26k ac had like 200 TE defense. I went down in maybe 15 seconds tops. It was not fun or interesting. I see exactly what you're saying here, I just meant these changes plus the kinds of changes in 1.02 that you posted. Made it seem like they're expanding the LW end of things a bit more.
  5. Yeah what. This plus everything I remember reading from last time is leaning towards AC4 style stuff. More energy overall, everything using less energy... Well. Hopefully it doesn't turn into that. Because as it is already in 1.01 light weights can bounce around so much it's kind of silly. Not really 'tactical' and certainly not what I remember AC2:AA or AC3 being like. Should be interesting to see where it goes. Dueling is going to be all about those bay slots in this game.
  6. Thanks for the EN conductivity lesson Niji.
  7. Cool handguns got a bump. No idea if that was necessary but I like handguns. what exactly is EN conductivity?
  8. I think you're talking about two different things? There's the FCS stat which you want to be higher. then there's the camera stat in the head which you also want higher. then theres the lock on time stat for the weapon itself which you want lower.
  9. Sounds stupid. Just play them. A lot more fun to do it that way.
  10. Well aren't you just the best thanks a ton for all that. I wasn't sure if it had already been covered somewhere or not. really appreciate you organizing it here.
  11. Yeah I get what you mean, my bad. yes the affinity part. performance is kind of confusing. is it like pokemon EV points... or something? or just somewhat random. I hope it is either one of those and not some fixed thing. I like the idea of trying to max a bunch of the same weapon to find one that works best for you stats wise. very interesting.
  12. on ps3 itd be hitting square, x on 360. that's like a little boost going in the direction you're moving with the left stick.
  13. Are you just saying 'tuning' as in engraving or is there something else going on?
  14. Yeah Niji clarified. Thanks though.
  15. It's fun. My only major complaint is that I guess due to the levels being more dense, it never really runs very well. ACFA had such generally desolate maps that it didn't slow down much so the 30ishfps was fine. AC5 is like never 30fps and often 20 which does not look or feel great. From Software seems to always have these issues. The ruins of lew londo in Dark Souls...
  16. Does anyone know what the little square green icon with an up arrow and what looks like a minigun means? It's on my screen (during a mission), center of screen, upper portion all mission and nothing I do seems to get rid of it. In scan mode it shows up in the box of info about your own AC in the lower right corner. Also yeah the amount of time it takes for performance to go up seems to be all over the place. Some stuff seems to shoot up after a mission or two, and some stuff seems to gain almost nothing with each mission. It doesn't seem to be directly tied to usage either like you mentioned.
  17. Yeah I was going to do the same thing Densuo and definitely will today to check by how much it affects things. That's kind of odd about performance simply because you can max performance so fast it seems almost pointless. I feel like there's some bit of info missing there. It's interesting that the stats are somewhat random though. Thanks guys, I'm going to poke around and see what kind of stuff I find out.
  18. I haven't checked yet but I'm assuming engraving gives some sort of notable modification to the weapons stats based on what style engraving you choose. Does engraving have any kind of connection to performance? which leads me to... What is performance? It filled up after maybe a mission or two for me and seems to have done nothing. Unless it is tied to that little icon of a weapon with a green up arrow above it that appears while I'm out and about on missions. Can you level your weapons up? If so where do you go to do this or does it just happen at some point.
  19. Are the pre-order bonuses just basically free DLC? or are they actually exclusive? I'll likely just be picking it up day of depending on work.
  20. Each one of those territories within an 'area' doesn't have it's own map right? All territories or whatever you'd like to call them in an area share the same identical map. Is that what you're saying? As in there are just 8 playable maps. No matter what territory you're fighting over in that 'area' (as they are called in the video) it will appear the same in game. Or no. If so that is a bit disappointing but they can always add more over the life of the game.
  21. If you've played Chromehounds, is it like that? Where each location has like 3 to 4 different maps to play on? Or is it just straight up 8 maps. In case you haven't: Is it like this? http://chromehounds.addicted-gamer.com/?show_area=world_map
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