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Everything posted by Malice

  1. Malice


    Thanks Iron. I got the idea from a few players on PSN and it seems to work rather well, I changed the overbooster and the gun, next I might throw in Lahire main boost. I thoroughly LOVE Lahire but the drain it causes I can easily complain about but my love for them is too great! Trying the Lahire FCS now as well. Lets see how well this all plays out.
  2. It is not useless as long as I have connection Keep em Coming Ravens!!
  3. Just as the PS3 thread I made just a few seconds to a few minutes ago, post em up and play!
  4. Are you ready kids!?!??! This is yet another Playstation Identification thread, put up your names so others can track you down and meet you on the battlefield. I do not care how much you hate the game, or the players, or just hate in general I will absorb your hatred and make you feel stupid My PSNID is MaliceThedarkOne Note: As more and more Ravens put their ID I will modify this post and request that the rest of your posts be deleted should you wish for that to happen as to keep the thread clean. I am making the SAME THING FOR you XBL ravens as you don't feel left out. Start posting! ~Malice
  5. Malice


    Frame: Soluh/Glint/Lahire/Aaliyah FCS: hogire gen: Aaliyah/G Boost: Judith/Latona/latona/judith right arm:MR-R102 Left arm: Motorcobra back right: none yet Back Left: 049ansc Tunes load 15 en output 50 en cap 50 aim 25 energy skill 25 lock speed 24 radar refresh 50 judith main Qb 50 judith side 50 turning ability 50 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is my first home-made 1.40 AC comprised of what I believe to be my favourite frame. I dont know a whole lot about the guns since I mainly blade so for the first time in a while...I am making an all gunner to 'play fair' with you guys My problem is this...Little weapon experience, would rather not use missiles and the sniper cannon is for those backpeddlers. MG I want to swap but I dont want to Dual Rifle like I used to in AC4. Stay unique damnit!!!! The same I can say with the boosters, my main concern is the main booster and the side boosters seeing as using the back boosters when I rush pple doesnt make them very happy. Shooting them in the back of the head is great fun for me, but uber annoyance for the other opponent. Any and all suggestions are welcomed and please...Be as brutal as possible, I will be the last person to take offense to what you say. ~Malice
  6. Alright Ravens, after reading the forums, listening to other people talk about it from the internet and the various gaming consoles, I have decided to make this thread. If you are only reading this just to mouth off at someone else...Don't. This is for actual pilot to pilot experience; not a rant on how much you hate this one person or this one style or even this one or set of weapons. Keep that shit out of my thread and out of the respective eyes and mouths of those who just want to say "Hey, this is my style, this is my personal favourite set up or boost, or frame and why." Not that hard right? Right! Now... Hello Ravens, I am Malice. My style is CQC (Close Quarters Combat) to the occasional MQC (Medium Quarters Combat). I do not really have a specific weapon combination but I do prefer fast firing rifles, my laser blade and my cannons, traverse zomg . My favourite frames are; AALIYAH, LAHIRE, WHITE GLINT, and ALICIA. My combat style is volitile in its aggressiveness, if you can beat me back and keep me at a distance I will OB under your feet, quick turn (which I am very known for, quick turn blade their neck Zomg!)and hit you from any angle I can get. I refuse to use AA with my blades because I believe respectively it takes away the Feeling...Of going out there with just your blade, and causing absolute mayhem, dodging thousans of bullets and missiles while trying to keep your lock on your target....its a rush I never let go of. My favourite mission...Occupy Arteria Carpals 1,000,000... 6 on 2 for the Fucking WIN baby!!! I have a few stories to tell concerning my combat style and the old Pro's that roam the PS3. When I came onto the FA scene (two weeks before last years christmas) I showed up with a gasping 172 FRS points. My first FA opponent....A Quad from the ROC on the PS3...I tell you this... chasing down one of those in a 1.20 playing on a 1.40...Only hit 'em once. Next opponent, we simply call him Nades...This guy is sturdier than the damn Great Wall in its day, and his accuracy isn't one to laugh at. I started taking lahire seriously and strapped blades onto it...Needless to say, I learned real fast...Stick to one, two weighs you down, adds coverage only if your not certain of your blade strikes and...It drains the Shit out of you. I''ll send more stories and what not later, now it is time for the rest of you to throw out your knowledge, and NOT your assholes
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