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Midas Thun

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Everything posted by Midas Thun

  1. Been rocking on Wing 2 for a bit, look forward to seeing ya guys out there PSN: Midasmulligunn AC: Herbie Hancock playtime: a lot mostly state of residence: CA favorite food..
  2. Can anyone break down the following: 1. What are first generation vs. second generation weapons? 2. Are 'new items' items that have been recently sold to the shop? 3. Are parts that other people have modified and then sold to the shop available for others to buy (related to #2) Thanks in advance for the info.
  3. Yeah, in Japanese however, See this https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fromsoftware.fspromotion&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsImNvbS5mcm9tc29mdHdhcmUuZnNwcm9tb3Rpb24iXQ..
  4. Just curious, does anyone use the ACV app and/or know what it does?
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