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Everything posted by poopscootsMcgee

  1. poopscootsMcgee


    unfortunately i could not name any names. ive been out of the booze game for over a year now and would be hard pressed to remember a single brand name of sake.
  2. poopscootsMcgee


    sake is fucking great. it is one of the best boozes out there. drink it warm/hot and it is mega smooth and actually tasty. and it will fuck you up
  3. poopscootsMcgee


    nine breaker, you have exquisite taste in booze. my hat is off to you sir.
  4. great work. i really love your art. seems like most of it is just practice (the ones you put up) but you have absolutely fantastic line work and shading. also the focus on morbidity is kewl <3
  5. poopscootsMcgee


    nomrah that is fucking sexy
  6. scabdates is their best album. they seem to get "progressively" (hahaha) suckier after frances. still, ive seen them live a few times and those are probably my favorite shows ever (maybe aside from the arcade fire when they had just released funeral). scabdates. holy shit. anything on de-loused, and the entire frances the mute album stands alone as a masterpiece of prog rock.
  7. i really like it raor. the simplicity and straitforwardness make it highly accessible, while the use of 'someone' implies a great depth of hidden meanings from the author. good job. and 90, im not sure i understand the meaning of this, but it seems the author is dealing with a large amount of computer-related confusion. the use of the asian boy implies a great deal of homosexuality and pedophelia, lending an incredibly dark shade and a bit of humour to an otherwise boring work.
  8. poopscootsMcgee


    http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/e/ef/Basil_Hayden.jpg/250px-Basil_Hayden.jpg this is the best whiskey ive ever had. this shit. wow. like a silk knife down UR throat broskeet
  9. interesting. thought experiments ftw
  10. ...and thats when i said, whoever is playing that guitar's got some balls man whoduthunk it was a little asian woman. so anyway i also like the flood series a lot. all four of them. i think theres four. but that was after dave took my microphone. i mean, i usually play standing up but i couldnt get it because the cord was like wrapped around my ankle. fuckin dave.
  11. “I Had a Man” By Dorothea Lasky Today when I was walking I had a man tell me as he passed That I was a white bitch (he was white) And to not look at him Or he was going to ‘fuck me in my little butthole’ I wandered away Who is to say I think I am a white bitch My butt is big But I believe my butthole is little This violence that we put on women I don’t think it’s crazy Someone I know said ‘Oh, that man was crazy’ I don’t think he was crazy Maybe he could tell I had a look in my eye That wasn’t crazy anymore Maybe he could feel the wild cool blood in me And it frightened him And he lashed out in fear Maybe he knew I was the same as him But had been born with this kind face and eyes Doughlike appurtenances What about the day I left What happened then Still I’m glad he said that to me Still I’m glad he was so cruel to me What bitter eye knew I had a voice To say what men have done to me What unkind wind has blown thru my brain To make me speak for the wretched To speak wretchedly about the ugly To make my own face ugly and simple To contort this simple smile into a haunting song
  12. http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m3bb5i5jRs1qc45nxo1_r1_400.png http://picturesforsadchildren.com/
  13. poopscootsMcgee

    Dada Poem

    tm awesome work. i also love the two poems you linked there in the op.
  14. poopscootsMcgee


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LF9WMk7OtE http://en.wikipedia....iki/Boris_(band) Who likes Boris, huh? Can't be just me.
  15. i only heard deadmau5 for the first time today and i am in love also thanks edit yeah so im going down that list and its all pretty boss. bro
  16. poopscootsMcgee


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zK1mLIeXwsQ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deadmau5 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaskade Deadmou5 Discussion Go~!
  17. i have gotten to level 50 so far and i love this game.
  18. seems inferior to both castlevania and viewtiful joe. i love the music in the trailer however
  19. my mom said i couldnt make sandwiches in the shape of a hand after i said 'hey mom im totally gonna make sandwiches in the shape of my hands, you dirty twat' so she said 'nuh uh' this is what i made. http://www.insanewiches.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/hand-sand.jpg so last year on my birthday, february 30, i had my three little slavehands (WHO ARE ADORABLE) make me a sandwich with a chocolate cake in the middle big enough for all the people i had over (no other people). hahaha and yes they really are my slaves http://www.insanewiches.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/arb.jpg now youll notice that even though it may resemble a burger it is in fact a straight-sandwich of very large size with the afroremention cake randomly in the gigantic sandwich
  20. like a 'a thing' ricocheting around in 'the space' i bet that guy had already tried fucking his own ear
  21. haha pretty much. if you want to try and break into murakami i would suggest Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World; it's probably more accessible than many of his others due to the high level of tension and suspense
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