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Red Shirt (Grayscale)

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Everything posted by Red Shirt (Grayscale)

  1. I guess I'll just wait for ACV to be locally available in stores. Can't wait to import Dark Souls though (with all the limited reservations offered by gaming shops here, preordering from another 'unsupported' country is a bitch).
  2. C-C-C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER!!!1 http://theoatmeal.com/comics/computers It sucks how people tend to keep asking to google for stuff I don't even give a crap about, and mostly problems that can be solved via google with a simple fucking keyword. My relatives also kept asking me to make a website for them before... for free. Good thing they weren't old people, otherwise I wouldn't be able to say what I want to. I'm still being plagued by computer illiterate people though. The ones who only know how to browse gay porn and facebook.
  3. Started out with ACPP. I first saw the game when my uncle played it in his PSX. IIRC I was able to play AC1 right after finishing MoA. AC was one of the badass stuff that introduced me to the realm of real robots and developed interest in them, which became one of my deepest passions regarding fandom.
  4. Lol. Most of the time I play with offense and mobility. My most favorite weapon types are laser rifles, plasma cannons, and shotguns. I also make it a point to try out-maneuver an opponent as much as possible or I'm pretty much another cannon fodder. Haven't been playing FA for a while now though, since I replaced my broken Linksys router for a BELKIN router, which sucks balls. FAIL.
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