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Everything posted by Mom

  1. I finally found the right key mapping to get fully functional dual analog control, but I'm not able to map my lock reset to one button, nor am I able to map weapon drops to the keyboard, because the current mapping disables weapon drops. Is there any workaround or better setup to this? I might consider playing if I can solve those issues, though the locked 30fps and motion blur is really annoying. Kai would still be ideal.
  2. Monkey Likes Daddy is some bullshit music. Might as well be in Last Raven. Actually it's ok, I won't totally throw it under the bus by saying it's Last Raven tier.
  3. Kotaku Hosho can fuck off, Saitoh's my boy. He even got some great pieces from Bloodborne's soundtrack.
  4. Mom

    Dark Souls 3

    I like having a unsaturated color palette for parts of the game. Coming from Demon's Souls to Dark Souls 1, one of my complaints was that there was too much sun.
  5. What's 4th gen I never even knew such a thing existed.
  6. I'm a dark orchestral type of guy, so AC3-ACSL get my nod. As far as grahpics, the biggest changes from the full ps2 version to the portable version is halving the framerate to 30 from 60, and halving the resolution to like 270p from 480p.
  7. I did check out the AC Reddit page one day, and it really isn't all that active; about half the topics are from one guy who puts up youtube videos of people's requested ACs in Last Raven, which is cool I guess. Still haven't seen any actual PvP vids of Last Raven portable.
  8. Mom

    Dark Souls 3

    I'm enjoying it so far. Going extra slow because I'm always looking around at the environments.
  9. Mom

    Dark Souls 3

    I will be keeping a death counter in this post and updating it as I play. Cemetery of Ash: 0 Iudex Gundyr: 0 Firelink Shrine: 3 High Wall of Lothric : 3 Vordt of the Boreal Valley: 1 Undead Settlement: 5 
Curse-Rotted Greatwood: 0 Road of Sacrifices: 1 Crystal Sage: 0 Cathedral of the Deep: 3 Deacons of the Deep: 1 Farron Keep: 1 Abyss Watchers: 0 Catacombs of Carthus: 1 High Lord Wolnir: 0 Smoldering Lake: 7 Old Demon King: 0 Irithyll of the Boreal Valley: 0 Pontiff Sulyvahn: 1 Total: 27
  10. You got a lot of views on that video; how big is the lr portable pvp scene?
  11. M3 Lee, my highschool crush.
  12. All I hear about in ACU chat is you guys playing wot on PC. Since kortok put my stats in his sig, I thought I would put his stats in my sig. I go look him up on the PC servers and found his stats to post. That was that. Now you come in and 'correct' me by posting his 'right' signature-- whatever that means. I'm not trying berate the guy in any by posting his stats, regardless to what his initial intent was by posting my stats in his signature weeks ago; merely, I thought it'd be humorous to put his wot profile in my sig since he put mine in his. I had forgotten that he played on xbox prior to the PC, and now that we know he has, he doesn't even play on xbox anymore, so why even bother posting those stats?
  13. Such an ironic statement.
  14. He hasn't played on xbox in over a month, PC is what he currently plays. Sounds like to me you're sucking his dick.
  15. Why didn't you kill him sooner scrub.
  16. wotinfo.net http://wotinfo.net/en/signature/US/1016553868/leichttraktor/signature.png
  17. http://i.imgur.com/9Tr4ui6.png
  18. http://wotinfo.net/en/signaturerecent/US/1016319514/112/signature.png http://wotinfo.net/en/signaturerecent/xbox/1074668097/112/signature.png Oh man, would you look at that. Even my eff is blue.
  19. Not for week and month.
  20. Come see me when you break green.
  21. We get some pretty horrible teammates sometimes, yes.
  22. http://wotinfo.net/en/signaturerecent/US/1016319514/112/signature.png http://wotinfo.net/en/signaturerecent/xbox/1074668097/112/signature.png Get off me I'm inside.
  23. I have no interest in seeing your guys' videos, and I assume others would feel the same about mine, so why would I post anything I have. I play with Rachis and Maker and that's enough for me.
  24. Mom

    Street Fighter V

    Can't wait for capcom to release the game and not the beta test.
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