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Division: AC2-ACAA Designs: 9 Competitors: 5 V-VD Division: http://armoredcoreun...-v-vd-division/ 4-FA Division: http://armoredcoreun...-4-fa-division/ 3-LR Division: http://armoredcoreun...-3-lr-division/ 1-MOA Division: http://armoredcoreun...1-moa-division/ Voting Rules and Info -Must vote for your top 3 designs, listing which comes 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, please vote using design number for my convenience when I do scoring -Competitors are NOT allowed to vote for their own designs -The voting threads are on both ACU and ACL, vote on only 1 site for a division (if you wish to vote on both sites, make sure you don't vote twice in the same division) -It's your choice whether or not to state why you voted for a design -Scoring will be as follows: 1st choice gets 3 points, 2nd choice gets 2 points, and 3rd choice gets 1 point -Names of designers won't be revealed until the end of the contest -Voting ends December 25th Design 1 Name: Swift BM Game: Another Age Design 2 Name: Orbit Game: Another Age Description: lol trash Design 3 Name: Bloodstained Game: Another Age Design 4 Name: Cardboard Game: Another Age Design 5 Name: PK Game: Another Age Design 6 Name: Pure Life Game: Another Age Design 7 Name: Guardian Mk. I Game: Another Age Design 8 Name: #ThickSkin Game: Another Age Design 9 Name: Pig-Sticker Game: Another Age
- Hello and welcome to another official ACU Armored Core Design Contest! This ACDC will be focusing on Armored Core 2: Another Age. You can use Armored Core 2 to build your AC for this ACDC, but your AC will be rated as if it is from AC2:AA. This means you have to be careful of accidentally overweighting your AC as stats may have been changed between the two games in ways that can affect your AC's legality for this contest. Also, remember that in multiplayer mode AC's take more heat damage than in single player mode. Participants are encouraged to be creative with their design and paint, but to remember that the utility and usability of their design is still very important. There will be no limit in regards to maximum participants for this ACDC. All legal AC's submitted will be displayed for voting. The exact voting categories for this design contest will be kept secret until the voting period begins, so I can't tell you exactly what they are. What I can tell you is that you should expect the standard categories that focus on creativity and competitive ability, but you should also expect some new categories to win awards in. Put some good effort into your design and there's a good chance you'll be rewarded! After the cut-off date, all submissions will be posted as a reply to this topic and then the topic will be opened for voting. Once the AC submissions are posted, each member may cast their vote for which AC will win which category. Members can vote for the same AC in every category or a different AC per category. There will only be one winner for each category. No runner-up awards here. Members who cast a vote are encouraged to provide commentary on the AC's they vote for, but are not required to. Further information regarding voting will be available once the voting period begins. The cut-off date for design submissions is Wednesday, December 29th, 2010 at exactly 2:00 AM Central Time (-06:00 GMT). You must PM me your design to have it entered into the Design Contest. Please use the design template provided in the spoiler tags at the bottom of this post for the PM. You can just highlight the template, copy it, click the link in this paragraph, and then paste it into the PM. It should maintain the formatting. If not, don't worry about it. I will format the post when I receive it. Just fill in the template, title the PM "ACDC Submission", and then click the "Send" button. You may re-submit your design if you change something up until the cut-off date, but not after. If you need a larger paint section, replace the standard paint template with the optional paint template provided at the bottom of this post. I will PM you with a request for missing information if your submission is missing key part information. If you fail to provide the information your design will be disqualified. Submissions without paint data will be defaulted to the standard grey starter AC paint scheme. AC submissions without a name will be defaulted to "UNKNOWN". All contestants will remain undisclosed until the voting period is over, at which point their names will go up next to their designs. Rules/Legality: Each contestant may only submit one design to the contest. Do not submit an AC design that you have previously posted on ACU. Your PM must be titled ACDC Submission. Please use the template provided at the bottom of this post for your design submission. All designs will be treated as if they do not have Human Plus. All designs will be treated as though they were created under Hard Mode conditions. Your design must be functional; it may not be overweight, have its arms overweight, or be missing key parts. There are no part restrictions for this design contest. If you have any questions or comments regarding this ACDC, feel free to PM me about them. AC Design Template Spoiler! --Click Here to View!-- AC Name: N/A -------------------------------------------------- Frame: Head | Core | Arms | Legs N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A Internals: Booster | FCS | Generator | Radiator N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A Armaments: Inside | Extension | R Back | L Back N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A R Arm | L Arm N/A | N/A Optional Parts: N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A -------------------------------------------------- Frame Color: - Base | Aid | Opt | Det | Jnt R: 000 | 000 | 000 | 000 | 000 G: 000 | 000 | 000 | 000 | 000 B: 000 | 000 | 000 | 000 | 000 -------------------------------------------------- Description: This is where you can tell the readers a bit about your AC. Please keep your AC's description under 500 characters. All descriptions will be subject to editing by the ACDC host. Optional Paint Template Spoiler! --Click Here to View!-- -------------------------------------------------- Head Color: - Base | Aid | Opt | Det | Jnt R: 000 | 000 | 000 | 000 | 000 G: 000 | 000 | 000 | 000 | 000 B: 000 | 000 | 000 | 000 | 000 Core Color: - Base | Aid | Opt | Det | Jnt R: 000 | 000 | 000 | 000 | 000 G: 000 | 000 | 000 | 000 | 000 B: 000 | 000 | 000 | 000 | 000 Arms Color: - Base | Aid | Opt | Det | Jnt R: 000 | 000 | 000 | 000 | 000 G: 000 | 000 | 000 | 000 | 000 B: 000 | 000 | 000 | 000 | 000 Legs Color: - Base | Aid | Opt | Det | Jnt R: 000 | 000 | 000 | 000 | 000 G: 000 | 000 | 000 | 000 | 000 B: 000 | 000 | 000 | 000 | 000 --------------------------------------------------
- Welcome to ACU's first Armored Core Design Contest. This ACDC will be focusing on Armored Core: Silent Line and participants must only use parts that are in AC:SL. This means you cannot enter a design that uses any Armored Core: Silent Line Portable only parts, though you may use your AC:SLp game to design your AC. This is because no original part stats, appearances, or mechanics were changed between the two games. Participants are encouraged to be creative with their designs and paint, but to remember that utility and usability of your design are still highly important. All AC's submitted will be displayed for voting. There are three catagories that ACU members can vote on for in this ACDC. These catagories are Utility, Usability, and Creativity. Utility is a measure of the AC's overall competitive ability and design ethics. Usability is a measure of how easy the AC is to pick up and play, regardless of competitive power. Creativity is a measure of how interesting and entertaining an AC's parts and paint schema are. The cut-off date for design submissions is Tuesday, August 10th, 2010 at exactly 2:00 AM Central Time (-06:00 GMT). The submission period has ended. No more AC submissions will be accepted. After the cut-off date, all submissions will be posted as a reply to this topic and then the topic will be opened for voting. Once the AC submissions are posted, each member may cast their vote for which AC will win which category. Members can vote for the same AC in every category or a different AC per category. There will only be one winner for each category, as well. No second place winners here. Members who cast a vote are encouraged to provide commentary on the AC's they vote for, but are not required to. You must PM me your design to have it entered into the Design Contest. Please use the design template provided in the spoiler tags at the bottom of this post for the PM. You can just highlight the template, copy it, click the link in this paragraph, and then paste it into the PM. It should maintain the formatting. After that you just fill in the template, title the PM "ACDC Submission", and then click the "Send" button. You may re-submit your design if you change something up until the cut-off date, but not after. Rules: Each contestant may only enter one design into the contest. You must use the provided template for your design submission. Your design may not use the following parts: OP-I, MG-800, SRFL-70, Solid Side Shields Happy Birthday LS! Spoiler! --Click Here to View!-- AC Name: -N/A- -------------------------------------------------- Frame: Head | Core | Arms | Legs -N/A- | -N/A- | -N/A- | -N/A- Internals: Booster | FCS | Generator | Radiator -N/A- | -N/A- | -N/A- | -N/A- Armaments: Inside | Extension | R Back | L Back -N/A- | -N/A- | -N/A- | -N/A- R Arm | L Arm -N/A- | -N/A- Optional Parts: -N/A- | -N/A- | -N/A- | -N/A- | -N/A- | -N/A- | -N/A- | -N/A- -------------------------------------------------- Frame Color: - Base | Aid | Opt | Det | Jnt R: 000 | 000 | 000 | 000 | 000 G: 000 | 000 | 000 | 000 | 000 B: 000 | 000 | 000 | 000 | 000 Frame Pattern: Head | Core | Arms | Legs -N/A- | -N/A- | -N/A- | -N/A- -------------------------------------------------- Description: This is where you can tell the readers a bit about your AC. Please keep your AC's description under 500 characters.