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KARASAWA Statistical Data


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Hand Type Attack Impact Reload Lock time Velocity Range Drain Base 10253 100.00% 2503 100.00% 300 100.00% 52 100.00% 1298 100.00% 245 100.00% 27000 100.00% R Power II 12139 118.39% 2923 116.78% 348 116.00% 70 134.62% 1493 115.02% 271 110.61% 33048 122.40% R Power II 11237 109.60% 2773 110.79% 391 130.33% 75 144.23% 1343 103.47% 254 103.67% 37800 140.00% R Power II 11729 114.40% 2833 113.18% 379 126.33% 68 130.77% 1486 114.48% 276 112.65% 33912 125.60% R Power II 12098 117.99% 3013 120.38% 350 116.67% 64 123.08% 1506 116.02% 281 114.69% 34344 127.20% R Power II 11934 116.40% 2803 111.99% 350 116.67% 71 136.54% 1512 116.49% 257 104.90% 32400 120.00% R Power II 11442 111.60% 3028 120.97% 408 136.00% 66 126.92% 1441 111.02% 258 105.31% 32833 121.60% R Power II 11483 112.00% 3133 125.17% 410 136.67% 62 119.23% 1389 107.01% 262 106.94% 32616 120.80% R Power II 12139 118.39% 3118 124.57% 331 110.33% 74 142.31% 1447 111.48% 271 110.61% 37152 137.60% L Power II 11565 112.80% 3148 125.77% 412 137.33% 62 119.23% 1486 114.48% 261 106.53% 33048 122.40% L Power II 11852 115.60% 3163 126.37% 403 134.33% 67 128.85% 1330 102.47% 275 112.24% 34776 128.80% L Power II 10991 107.20% 2908 116.18% 398 132.67% 70 134.62% 1476 113.71% 251 102.45% 36072 133.60% L Power II 11483 112.00% 3208 128.17% 410 136.67% 64 123.08% 1551 119.49% 264 107.76% 34992 129.60% L Power II 11278 110.00% 2893 115.58% 410 136.67% 62 119.23% 1467 113.02% 259 105.71% 34776 128.80% L Power II 11483 112.00% 2743 109.59% 376 125.33% 66 126.92% 1538 118.49% 259 105.71% 33048 122.40% L Power II 11852 115.60% 3068 122.57% 400 133.33% 68 130.77% 1434 110.48% 252 102.86% 33480 124.00% L Power II 12304 120.00% 3103 123.97% 372 124.00% 73 140.38% 1538 118.49% 280 114.29% 33696 124.80% L Power II 11606 113.20% 3103 123.97% 362 120.67% 66 126.92% 1473 113.48% 275 112.24% 36936 136.80% L Power II 11893 116.00% 2893 115.58% 415 138.33% 64 123.08% 1454 112.02% 251 102.45% 34992 129.60% L Power II 10909 106.40% 3073 122.77% 328 109.33% 62 119.23% 1499 115.49% 276 112.65% 35424 131.20% L Power II 11606 113.20% 2743 109.59% 420 140.00% 63 121.15% 1538 118.49% 263 107.35% 33696 124.80% L Power II 10868 106.00% 2998 119.78% 381 127.00% 69 132.69% 1389 107.01% 259 105.71% 35208 130.40% L Power II 11196 109.20% 2908 116.18% 357 119.00% 74 142.31% 1447 111.48% 276 112.65% 35424 131.20% L Power II 12057 117.59% 3133 125.17% 393 131.00% 73 140.38% 1532 118.03% 260 106.12% 33048 122.40% L Power II 11155 108.80% 3163 126.37% 396 132.00% 76 146.15% 1350 104.01% 268 109.39% 36936 136.80% L Power II 10991 107.20% 3178 126.97% 408 136.00% 69 132.69% 1434 110.48% 254 103.67% 34344 127.20% Average Power II 11571.6 112.86% 3002 119.94% 384.32 128.11% 67.92 130.62% 1462.12 112.64% 264.52 107.97% 34560.04 128.00%


Since I had some KARASAWA's lying around I decided to post up some numbers to perhaps give an idea of what you can expect from affinity tuning. The chart shows a break down for Power II affinity, values and percentages of fully tuned SAWA's. I highlighted best and worst, but the forum didn't keep that. At the bottom is the expected tuning outcome.


Some of the maximums/minimums are very clean percentages which makes me think they might be hard limits coded into the game. There are also a lot of repeat value which makes it seem like the ultimate values aren't totally random.


If anyone wants to add/expand this go ahead. I might do more number crunching later if I feel like it.

Edited by Exorcet
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You have just inspired me to buy another 14 KARASAWAs and go for another type of tuning ( I keep picking Accuracy for most TE weapons because it tends to lower drain and charge time while increase bullet velocity )


KARASAWA comes out good with pretty much any tune. I actually had a few things beides Power II, but not enough to draw conclusions. If you're going to make a chart with your own Sawa's we can throw in mine to get increased numbers with less grinding.




Nice stuff dude.


Thanks. How many HEAT piles do you have? I'd be curious to know the max damage one of those could put out lol.

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KARASAWA comes out good with pretty much any tune. I actually had a few things beides Power II, but not enough to draw conclusions. If you're going to make a chart with your own Sawa's we can throw in mine to get increased numbers with less grinding.




Thanks. How many HEAT piles do you have? I'd be curious to know the max damage one of those could put out lol.


Oh I have a shit load... I'll begin compiling data immediately. I just dont have Excel or excel like program...

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