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  • Azure Knight

    Shattered Heaven Episode I: Sins of the Soul Release June 2011

    By Azure Knight

    Most of you who are on this site know me, have known me through ACO when it was good etc etc. You also know that I'm a serious writer, someone who has always enjoyed telling stories and telling them well.   Most of you have read Shattered Heaven as I was writing it and posting it on ACO, and well, finally, it'll be on sale next month. I'm waiting back on some edits this weekend, but the goal is June 2nd.   I'll post more information when everything is set. But still, it's going to happen.   T

Shattered Heaven: Constellation Of Fears Episode 1 Original Mech Audio Drama

http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y8/nikedrummer33/cof_cover1.jpg  Episode 1 "Chasing the Azure Sky" Run time: 24 minutes http://www.4shared.com/audio/Cuc8VlRY/sh_cof_episode1.html Synopsis: An elite force from the Trinity Alliance has been sent to Mars, their mission; to find and bring back the former Alliance member, the Azure Knight also known as Adam Novus. Xander Belellus, a commander in the Alliance finds himself torn between duty and emotion as he heads the campaign to bring in the forme

Azure Knight

Azure Knight

The War on Neuroscience

This is why exogen's retarded philosophical arguments really annoy me, it's the same kind of stuff alot of religious people try to do to justify theism.   The War on Neuroscience by zarkoff45, Parts: | |   Here's another interesting video on this subject:   Remind you of someone? eh?   One more video, TheraminTree's Illusion of Superiority.    

Comedy Break!

It's time for the lighter side of things, so here's some Jim Jefferies, an Australian comedian.   Transporting the Jews   Drink or Shut Up   Only HIV and not AIDS   Horrible Blasphemy & Pandas


I'm probably going to say some things that are offensive to some, but bare with me, if you will.   This is all reading, no videos.   ~   First let's talk about something that's going to be a source of alot of butthurt, and basically what equality doesn't mean.   I don't think you can legislate certain aspects of tolerance.   If a restaurant owner, for example, doesn't want to serve any particular patron; he is entitled to. It doesn't matter what the owner's reasoning is, it's his business and he

Iraq Veteran shot on suspicion of possessing Marijuana.

(1 minute)  Local news reports covering this story.   More news stuff.   I like how the possession of a substance that is less harmful than legal ones (like alcohol) is enough for the SWAT team to show up at your door and kill you.   They also didn't let the paramedics see him until after they cleared the house with a robot for other threats, and after they evacuated his wife and kid.   It's a good day to be an American, no?

Shattered Heaven Episode I: Sins of the Soul Release June 2011

Most of you who are on this site know me, have known me through ACO when it was good etc etc. You also know that I'm a serious writer, someone who has always enjoyed telling stories and telling them well.   Most of you have read Shattered Heaven as I was writing it and posting it on ACO, and well, finally, it'll be on sale next month. I'm waiting back on some edits this weekend, but the goal is June 2nd.   I'll post more information when everything is set. But still, it's going to happen.   T

Azure Knight

Azure Knight

The Mormon Church (LDS) and Black People

Mormon Prophet: Blacks Represent Satan On Earth   Mormon Prophet Testifies Blacks are EVIL   A Mormon Explaining How Blacks are Cursed   What's funny is you can find black people promoting the Mormon Church nowadays. I don't think Voltaire was just talking about acts of atrocious nature, like genocide and what not; but atrocities of thought; like black people promoting a Church that was officially racist until 1978-79, an atrocity of common sense if you will.   Do some research on the Mormon Chu
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