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About this blog

A blog for random, utterly shmexy stuff, mainly AC builds.

Entries in this blog


This is a blog.   Shocking, right?   Anyways, welcome to Siren Song, my... Well, blog. This is the second blog I have, the first being Jacques Sawa's ACVD Blog, this blog might be a bit rough around the edges. But bear with me, as this journey through the digital universe shall make us more powerful than you could possibly imagine(not really :c)!!! And in very un-blogging fashion, this blog WILL contain AC builds that are NOT posted anywhere else(+7 for marketing ploys), so be sure to check it o



ACVD "Seraphim"

KAGIRABI Mdl. 1 Ryugen retrofit KE core CE arms(any) Ryugen LRJ legs   Dual SGA-204's (3/0/0) 3rd gen KE shields Reserve magazine   SUZUMUSHI BA-309   Sticky recon   All white with gold decals on every valid surface. This build has won me a lot of battles and is extremely good for World Mode and Story Mode alike.



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