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Everything posted by Rixlen

  1. obligatory: http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/95/3f/34/953f343b5a1e5bcb38d7ba75716be2bc.jpg
  2. http://www.disaster-area.org/weis/bugsl11.jpg "Ideas are very dangerous things!" - Hopper
  3. lmfao Denver joined this.
  4. http://iruntheinternet.com/lulzdump/images/star-wars-weird-lightsabers-force-awakens-lightsaber-escalation-trailer-14178745383.gif
  5. if you really want to pry on that point. There's already a "thing" going on to make a giant robot sports league using paintballs. http://www.megabots.com/ don't hold your breath. haven't seen an actual "walking" bot and I don't think they hit $1.8 million on kickstarter.
  6. eight months and still less than 50% completion ....this has to be some sort of record.
  7. Anyone know a Nazi doctor? Not Neo-Nazi, retro.
  8. ....it was a play on her being a soul. ...almost everyone in Bleach is dead dude.
  9. http://images.wikia.com/bleach/es/images/5/58/Shih_333_in_yoruichi.jpg a dead catgirl is fine too
  10. damn...forgot to add the alien part. Otherkin freaks don't count either. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyTpk6xyzzk
  11. A boy has the right to dream....about alien catgirls. http://media.animevice.com/uploads/0/1538/145486-0107069.jpg Start "Making Catgirls a Reality."
  12. I'll make this easy for you. The engineers on the site are saying no. There's really no point in speculation. The world can't even produce a decent current gen mech video game. I say tackle that hurdle first.
  13. Rixlen


    http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/37/f4/13/37f413bec1044014345799fcfe3995c2.jpg I've seen that happen in a few 3rd Person ARPGs. Kingdom Hearts for example.
  14. Welp, I own all the games cept Last Raven on PS2. So, unless they add AC2AA and LR with online play, I really couldn't care less. Even if they did it would probably be shit peer to peer anyway. lol
  15. I second the One-Ball match. Fuck Parry. Algebra Back Slug Gun and Aldra Back Grenade Cannon
  16. I see, well that makes it simpler ...thanks for the tip!
  17. Ah I see. What about just white gouache for those pure white spots?
  18. I was surprised but not disappointed that they chose For Answer, I guess it was for the sake of convenience since they had one laying around.
  19. Thank you for the critique Mr. Penguin. I'll admit, I'm not satisfied, but I'm also not displeased since this is my first try in both graphic novel style and painting. I also agree that I need to expand into dynamic poses in my future trials. But it was also fun as hell since the style is rather challenging. I found only one book on graphic novel figure drawing in 3 book stores. In the future I'm looking into fusing Copic Markers, Watercolor and Gouache to give a more layered 3d feel to the shading. Heh, I realized in this commission how much I have to learn. Even joined my college's animator network so I can surround myself with potential rivals.
  20. Been away for a bit, got college what can I say. So I got a commission from a comic to see if I can draw in comic/graphic novel style. This was the result. The color is pure watercolor paint and ink pens, nothing special. http://pre14.deviantart.net/2a39/th/pre/i/2015/078/c/6/enforcer_by_rixlen-d8m9x61.jpghttp://orig00.deviantart.net/e57c/f/2015/078/4/f/enforcer_colored_by_rixlen-d8m9x60.jpg http://img03.deviantart.net/04bd/i/2015/078/f/9/militia_by_rixlen-d8m9x6h.jpghttp://orig11.deviantart.net/a4c7/f/2015/078/c/8/militia_colored_by_rixlen-d8m9x6b.jpg
  21. Just thought I should post this somewhere that actually matters ...to an extent.
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