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Shirtless Crackhead

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Everything posted by Shirtless Crackhead

  1. I gave Zoa all my enchanted books of enchants I don't need. Smite, fire protection, blast protection, projectile protection, and bane of arthropods.
  2. Dialectics as a Foundation for a Dynamic Non-equilibrium Monetary Economics More to follow. Danger Notes (Part 1) -The essential question of value = "How do we create more outputs than inputs." aka (Where doth Profit originate from, nigga.) -Economics shouldn't be simplified to thermodynamics, but it must be consistent with thermodynamics. -The strict interpretation of the "labor theory of value" is incompatible with the laws of thermodynamics. -Marx's dialectics provide an alternative theory to the one aforementioned, that is more workable.
  3. Blue eyes white dragon. Been liftin.
  4. http://i.imgur.com/FjYl1LO.jpg Someone I actually remember.
  5. Basically Bae just looks at mods and dreams of having PC mustard race.
  6. :imagineitsacrabemergingfromwate You have them now too.
  7. Shirtless Crackhead


  8. This post is for Ren's use. http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/minecraft.gamepedia.com/thumb/d/d0/Diamond_D_28x.jpg/500px-Diamond_D_28x.jpg I mine Y layers 8-9 as branches, which leaves 7-10 visible, then 11-12 atop that, leaving 10-13 visible. Trying to get layers 5-6 seems worth it, but it's not. Technically you can leave 3 lines of blocks between branches, since there's actually very little chance that diamond ore spawns are going to be 1 block wide. But both me and nob prefer to cover that inner line so we skip 2 blocks over between branches. That's probably the best way to mine for diamonds in particular. You'll get everything else doing this, coal, iron, gold, redstone, lapus lazuli.
  9. I still don't know how to replay.
  10. Shirtless Crackhead


    Pretty much what it tastes like.
  11. Shirtless Crackhead


    http://sr1.wine-searcher.net/images/labels/76/23/10427623.jpg ^ $6 a bottle
  12. Fanfictiony is probably the best description of it.
  13. It was ok. Better than the "prequels" but there's still a lot not to like.
  14. http://i640.photobucket.com/albums/uu125/Enganacious/Untitled_zpsbnxk708n.jpg New XP farm is good. List of Enchanted Books I'm willing to negotiate trades for. I am also willing to merge the enchants onto items.
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