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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. Ninety, your company is other potheads, which may not be the best sauce. Just saiyan.
  2. Someone just told me it was confirmed Lordvessel-style warping right from the start of the game. I'm not very happy with this. Being stuck in Tomb of the Giants at a low level was the best fucking time I ever had in Dark Souls. Always screaming "YEEEEAAH GONNA GET OUT THIS TIIIIIME" only to be trounced by wheels right after changing areas.
  3. I absolutely loved working to find the story. Exposition is my least favorite thing in video games.
  4. I too am with Owen on this. Not only was the giant map continuous, minus Anor Londo, Archives, Painting, and the Past, but they also hid things throughout the entire world. Like, someone of The Moonlight from Demon's Souls... You hear about how he's a knight of legend, and he went to the swamp... And all you find is his sword in a huge mess of slugs. Something similar happens in Dark Souls, the legend of Tarkus. However, you actually /see/ him bash his way through to Anor Londo. Canonically, the only other knight to ever ring both bells and pass into Anor Londo. Only to find his path blocked by having to balance around on tiny little beams high atop the chapel. And so, in his heavy armor, he fell, and died, huddled into a corner. If it wasn't for Tarkus, that window wouldn't have been smashed, either. So sad...
  5. P-much. Different covenants, different armor, different weapons, different people, different places, same old BLACK PHANTOM XXFAGGOTCUNTXX HAS INVADED.
  6. http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/04/10/dark-souls-2-gameplay-reveal-coming
  7. Maybe, but I like being able to read my games.
  8. And America's not getting it because...
  9. Magnus

    Sword Art Online

    If you like the ending or fairy part as a whole, you are pretty retart'd.
  10. Magnus

    Dead or Alive 5

    I prefer Dead since Team Ninja is now Team Assbutt.
  11. Magnus

    Finding Dory

    http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/film/film-news/9968372/Finding-Dory-sequel-to-Finding-Nemo-due-for-2015-release.html http://25.media.tumblr.com/c306577d941d15078c4dc19d9f920a0d/tumblr_mhk4ijfFL71qkcmfvo1_500.jpg
  12. she doesn't have a uterus either it's a drakengard thing
  13. There's a flower growing out of her eye. Growing. And she has a robot arm. They can connect nerves to robot parts, and not deal with eye flowers. And it has Drakengard on it.
  14. http://www.onlysp.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/drakengard_3_scan-1.jpg
  15. He's basically the strongest enemy in the game. He'll one-shot any dragon that even considers interrupting your fight.
  16. Truer words have never been spoken.
  17. I am sad 1.9 fixed the sometimes totally nude Courier.
  18. Everyone on Earth, including people who don't enjoy adventure games or sudden desperate decision-making, liked TellTale's TWD.
  19. http://kotaku.com/5991559/the-walking-dead-survival-instinct-is-the-worst-game-ive-played-this-year?utm_campaign=Socialflow_Kotaku_Twitter&utm_source=Kotaku_Twitter&utm_medium=Socialflow I love when tie in games are so bad, that the devs may never, ever get work again.
  20. Takes a lot more skill and manliness than LoL. Also a lot of last hitting.
  21. Starcraft 2: Heart of the Cards
  22. Magnus

    Sword Art Online

    Admittedly, there are a few enjoyable scenes in the fairy shit, namely the demon transformation and the fight with that red super guy. Those're the only parts I remember from it.
  23. Magnus


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