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Bakuhatsu Pengin

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Everything posted by Bakuhatsu Pengin

  1. this guy cant even visualize ballpark stats based on ac parts what a scrub
  2. im pretty sure ur just high dude its impossible to invent a game like that
  3. flamelurker shouldve been in my top 10 hes cool
  4. i never did any dlc or played bloodborne What are your top 10 favorite bosses of the series? tower knight maiden astraea falcon punch ORNSTEEN REDENBACHER AND PILLSBURY DOUGHBOY nito looking glass knight pursuer cursed rotted greatwood yhorm iudex gundyr What are your top 10 favorite areas of the series? tower of latria all zones 5-2 new londo ruins ash lake dukes archives lost izalith painted world shrine of amana belfry luna iron keep What are your top 10 favorite enemies of the series? dogs scale miners plague babies skelly babies wheel skeletons ghosts mushroom men titanite demons giant enemy crabs giant slaves What are your top 10 favorite tracks of the series? n/a What are your top 10 favorite weapons of the series? guillotine axe claymore scraping spear meat cleaver DBS bramd baldur side sword demon spear 2H havels shield gargoyle flame spear What are your top 10 favorite NPCs of the series? \o/ patches yurt old king doran astraea executioner miralda crow blacksmith andre gwynevere is huge greirat What are your top 10 favorite armor pieces or sets of the series? monk headwrappings big hat logan big hat old king doran set smough set i dont remember anything else What are your top 10 favorite ambush/trap moments of the series? iudex gundyr black knight archers mimics patches dont remember more What are your top 10 hardest bosses of the series? covetous demon maneaters old hero bed of chaos 4 kings capra demon smelter demon nameless king lothric pontiff What are your top 10 most annoying enemies of the series? rats rats rats rats corpse rats sewer rats giant rats royal rat rats giantest rat-dog rat black knight archers What are your top 10 hardest areas of the series? i dont really remember What are your top 10 favorite spells of the series? wog grs gcf css sgs sc chameleon firestorm firespray acid cloud
  5. that doesnt look like ac
  6. alex is nerf capcam y it rly doesnt make that big of a difference but nerfs still suck
  8. what about em they told me to remember the alamo but the only thing i remember about the alamo is the phrase remember the alamo
  9. this is more of a reimagination of armored core than a standalone mech game, and i feel that its too detailed for it to be technologically plausible as a game. ac had already been pushing the boundaries for complexity in terms of concept and design (which is one of the many reasons for its limited public success) and now you are adding several more mechanics that seem somewhat redundant or superfluous. it is not that implementing these concepts is impossible, it is that they do little service to the broader sense of game design. with that being said, it is a concept artists job to imagine, and everyone elses job to make it work. you just have to give everyone a really good reason to do it (which is a hard step to miss if you are working on this by yourself). while it is important to be inspired by other forms of media you enjoy, i dont feel its productive to replicate it as similarly as shown in this particular concept, because right now, you are piggy-backing on what ac has already established and adding variations. as a concept artist, it is your job to innovate and imagine that which is unimaginable, to create something new and ingenious that no one else has seen before. you must imagine creating an entire world, complete with its own technology and civilization and culture, rather than creating just a game. i dont feel comfortable supporting something as similar to ac when you could be doing so much more, and while i know that you admire ac, you need to approach it as an inspirational source from a much deeper level than what is being shown here. mostly i want to say this because if your goal is to generate funding, i am dubious as to how this would work as-is. however, it is your responsibility to make it work, so i cant tell you exactly what needs to be done. it is your project after all; all i can do is give you vague advice or tell you something isnt working. my main gripe is that its too similar to ac also, dont get too attached to your own ideas and dont be afraid to kill them.
  11. ya is good for describing ur mams vagina
  12. http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/Kefka_Anthologies_4521.JPG
  13. ya pie ur embedding is shit if u wanna embed youtube use the [yt] tags and only enter the url wrom the watch?= and onwards so itd be like [yt]watch?v=aaaaaaaaaa[ slash yt]
  14. i know 90 was hype about it a long ass time ago but idk how he feels now
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