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Everything posted by Wong

  1. Wong

    Dark Souls

  2. Wong

    Dark Souls

  3. Wong

    Dark Souls

    That's what he gets for spamming his attacks.
  4. Wong

    Dark Souls

  5. Wong

    Dark Souls

    Three liters is not a small bottle, Lou.
  6. Wong

    Dark Souls

    Complete the DLC, then kill Sif. You will thank me later. Sounds good Owen. Are you going for your 40 Str / 40 Dex build again? The Boar Helm is sik! Try to stay at SL100 if you want to try the arena though. My friend says it is where all te action is at right now.
  7. Wong

    Dark Souls

    I just got back from my friend's place who also plays PtD. Apparently, the PvP filters people by their SL into four groups. The groups are ... SL 1 - 50 SL 51 - 100 SL 101 - 200 SL 200+ Hey Owen, can you confirm this? If this is true, does that mean SL120 builds can fight against SL200 builds?
  8. Wong

    Dark Souls

  9. Wong

    Dark Souls

    I really hope they make dual wielding viable again. The Gold Tracer has a sweet move set though.
  10. Wong

    Dark Souls

    Two things: 1. Very interested in the game after watching some footage. I still do not want to buy this game because I don't want to have a four hour sleep schedule, again. It is much of an addiction. Unless Mike get's it. Then fuck it. I am using Mike as a crutch. I think he is doing the same as well. I guess one of us has to crack first. 2. With the DWGR fundamentally changing, this means that I have to change basically all my classes around, mainly the classes with lower than 40 END, or STR builds @ 40 END. But these changes may be for the better. In the mean time, I will be backing up ALL my files before the DLC or patch hits.
  11. Wong

    Dark Souls

    I will be on the PSN. I doubt I will buy this game though. Don't have the time anymore. I don't want to pull a four hour sleep schedule for a game either, again.
  12. Wong

    Steam Sales

    Sorry The Steam Store is experiencing some heavy load right now. Please try again later. Error 503 Service Unavailable XID: 437045837
  13. XCOM the shooter is coming out next year. XCOM Enemy Unknown the remake of the original. Two different games. Same universe.
  14. Yeah, I am looking forward to this. I never beat the original though. It was fucking hard. But I played it when I was seven years old. Between this, Dishonored, Tokyo Jungle, CS:GO, and Artorias DLC, I don't know which will be my time sink. Preferably, none.
  15. Using XIM Edge is not cheating. Just another peripheral at your disposal.
  16. I'd rather have no lag compensation like back in CoD4 where you see the laggy players skip around. As least you know where the hitbox is. I still hate the fact that the largest video game series does not have dedicated servers.
  17. I plan to raise some chickens or gazelles to kick some dinosaur ass. Some gameplay videos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROasRszUAr4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VybkNoGI0LY
  18. Wong


    I lost it when he turns into a chicken. lol
  19. Good point. The many times I missed my links were just embarrassing. I am generally pretty busy nowadays. But I will try to make time!
  20. lollollollollol You didn't record our matches, Owen?
  21. Does this finally mean that Kliff and Justice are tournament legal? I am assuming that they are selectable in the arcades. I'd love to pilot Kliff. I'd still main Jam though. Then again, the last time I played GG was GGXX in 2004.
  22. Wong

    Dark Souls

    The DLC is coming out on the PS3 and 360 for $15. The re-release, Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition, is coming out on the PC and PS3 for $60. The 360 is getting the DLC, but not the re-release. Also, there seems to be a new Dark Magic type attacks. I wonder if it scales with Faith, Intelligence, Humanity, or something entirely different. But it seems to use a catalyst. http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/538679_338806782859039_15450272_n.jpg Brilliant!
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