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Everything posted by Alex

  1. Alex


    You should drink Smirnoff, it is tasty! Beer tastes crappy haha
  2. Alex


    That card even has the "option token" thing I miss Gradius
  3. Alex

    Elders Scrolls

    I loved the vanilla, I think I'll love it more with modsssssssssssss, Niji if you could send me a copy too that would be nice, thank you! I'm gonna replay the hell out of Oblivion this summer, man, I wanna play so much game I just wanna be antisocial for a while and finish them all...
  4. Alex

    Kick Ass

    So I'm not worth the time now? haha jk About wrong topicness: Tell Matt to get it heck, I'll tell him When you're watching the movie, she's gonna be cuddling with you now go get the movie set!
  5. Alex

    Kick Ass

    they wouldn't know when your shift is over lol, and later showing as in like the last showing? you can't call me logic fail when there's not enough info to work with here! but yeah, I wonder how the sequel's gonna be, haha
  6. Alex

    Kick Ass

    lol they could have meant your shift is over, maybe you're not there till close! but yeah you got a point there, some of them never even thought about the possibility of it. and yeah, I wonder, do they have um... 4 popped collar? hahaha
  7. Man, my friend called me a few days ago to see this, but I was too busy napping with my phone off, so it sucked? meh, maybe I'll convince some of my friends to go when they're high, last time they were pretty lulzy when we all saw that one movie about the porno producer turned local police killing hick zombies, what was that movie called? Edit: Spoiler! --Click Here to View!--:)Thanks for using the spoiler tags <3
  8. Alex

    Elders Scrolls

    EWW disgusting! Use Darnified UI! I wish I still had my data, ugh, Phantasy Star Universe corrupted my WHOLE EFFIN HARDDRIVE back in the day... had to reformat, my dude was godly, Ice spell covering the width of a street in Imperial City, instakilling everything. I could decently fight on hardest difficulty too, imba NPCs man!
  9. Alex

    Kick Ass

    hahaha you can't blame a guy for trying, there's always more than meets the eye! lol that goes kinda well with this movie too, that was kick ass
  10. Alex

    Kick Ass

    hahaha man, I love how they rope you in with the Iron Man 2 commercials then throws random shit at you, the car one and the cellphone one was like "wtf no ironman?" Edit: I wonder, has anyone ever tried to like pick you up while you're working by asking you to watch a movie with them? hahahahahahahahaha
  11. If I recall correctly... you're sacraficing something else in order to use the GL? so that would count as a con, jussayin
  12. Alex

    Bad TV Companies

    http://img151.imageshack.us/img151/8879/ball4bd7.gif I see Pen likes Totally spies secretly! it's okay, I love the show
  13. Alex

    Kick Ass

    Apparently you don't skim and skip, and apparently everyone has to be staring at the beginning of the post when they scroll down to it
  14. Alex

    StarCraft II Topic

    I want someone to release a complex tutorial all about weapons, like that Uberlisk thing, apparently according to someone, it won't be so easy to make Uberlisk unlike the claims made by that blizz dude... Meh I got a Carrier to shoot void rays and battlecruiser ATS while drones are launched tho
  15. Alex

    Bad TV Companies

    http://img241.imageshack.us/img241/5682/ballmj6.gif Man, I loved Totally Spies, they are promoting good fashion! what kind of girl doesn't like wearing frilly pretty skirts during summer? and dump that handsome boyfriend of yours because he's secretly a foreign spy!!! hahaha
  16. Use Teamwork and sacrafice, tell one of your unlucky teammate to bait the guy, if he's good at using corners maybe he'll live too, then the whole team runs in gun blazing and kill the propipe guy when he's reloading or stop bitching because you're running around by yourself like an idiot exposing yourself to things like this. Wait I forgot, there's no such thing as teamwork on MW2.
  17. Alex.TehAzn or Tehasian forgot, hahahaha, no time to play lately tho, too bad
  18. Alex

    Kick Ass

    Mostly agreed with Obscure, loved the bazooka hahahaha. Hit-Girl was awesomely funny, you definitely don't expect 11 year olds to run around with butterfly knives and talking about giant cocks in the sky.
  19. who's gonna volunteer to be Spilit of motherwill?
  20. I've seen people run C4 in with UAV, detonate, but the UAV's still alive?
  21. CRT says "fuck anti aliasing"
  22. Alex


    Damn hydras
  23. I never actually used my M16... I went to diff class as soon as I got it, I wanted to play rigged weapon! damn
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