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Everything posted by Draxus

  1. Draxus

    Xbox 720

    I never like used games. So this won't effect me at all. Used games cut into their profits a whole lot. You can't blame them for doing it.
  2. Why did From make it so armor typing is dependant on the weight of the part? So tanks are always going to be ripped apart by machineguns now? That's really disappointing. LW's get KE armor MW's get CE armor HW's get TE armor That's the way it looks to me.
  3. I didn't know of the armor changes. I hope it doesn't make my AC look ugly when I change up the parts to counter weaknesses. I like function more, but I do care about form.
  4. I assume your speaking of Mass Effect 3? (comes out march 6.) I must get both. But It's not that bad, I mean I thought it was coming out in January. BTW these smileys are awesome haha.
  5. Men of Honor sounds cool. Hopefully it comes out soon. I need something to do.
  6. I don't think there is one right now. The last official vid I watched said sometime in 2012.
  7. Well From did say they were going all out with this new game. Why is a jan 3 release so hard to believe?
  8. Draxus

    Animal Rights

    You shouldn't be allowed to abuse animals. They are living things that can't speak up for themselves. I don't know what all animal rights contain. I just think animals deserve good homes.
  9. Vets of the series. While it's a new game a lot of it will be the same. I've thought about this for a long time. Why doesn't FROM (and all developers for that matter) make a balance formula for it's game? Like for example, lets say you have a balance formula that says LMG's should have 1.5x the firepower of rifles, 2x fire rate and 2x ammo capacity. SMG's should have 1.2x firepower of rifles, 3x fire rate ect.... and use rifles for the baseline for balancing the majority of the parts, and use that formula for every game you make in that series. There would never be another balance issue ever again.
  10. I don't think so. Not if the top vets made the reg. One of the patches in Age of Empires III was done by it's top vets, and it turned out better than the developers regs. Just because you made the game, does not mean you have a better understanding of it's balance then it's top players.
  11. But from what I gathered. Your arm weapons switch with your hangered weapons. Your "shoulder weapons" are just reserved for missiles and rockets. This throws my plans out the window. I'm not sure what my staple is going to look like now.
  12. ^ Sounds like sarcasm, but unsure on the internet. It makes sense to me now. I just originally thought shoulder weapons as extensions really. But man if that's the case cannons better be worth it.
  13. Are "back weapons" now known as "shoulder weapons"? As I never saw "back weapons" in the ACV weapon categories.
  14. You should still rank pretty high. Good players should never play at a low level no matter how rusty they get. A few practice matches and you should be back in shape.
  15. I'm always into helping people out. I mean hey, the more good players we have in the AC community the better, right? My 360 isn't connected to the internet right now (hope to change that soon) But I still might be able to help people learn this game.
  16. Nice going, LH. Strifer you better show these guys how to play AC. I'm rooting for ya, man. Oh.................you too Exorcet lol.
  17. I'll probably wait for the US release as well. It would just take away from the whole experience and ruin it for me if I was to play the game in Japanese. I mean you can't really enjoy it if you can't understand it, and when you finally get the US copy and can understand the objectives and stuff you already know what's going to happen.
  18. Realistically smaller vehicles like MT's and helos would be the AC's demise. AC's would go the way of the battleship in that smaller vehicles would cost effectually beat you. That is if they did realistic damage.
  19. Sending an Apache at an AC is stupid, but remember AC's are not the main fighters in Armored Core, it's MT's that are the main units in warfare, and an Apache vs a MT makes much more sense. We control AC's and that is why it's easy to forget that AC's are only for serious missions the companies can't afford to fail. Though I admit the power gap between AC's and MT's is ridiculous, and should be smaller.
  20. The US sent a few tanks over to another country (IIRC it was Britain) And they complained to us that they couldn't repair or maintain them as we refused to release that data to them for whatever reason. That wasn't even superior tech and they still didn't know how to do it. How do you know the AC's aren't made of some foreign material that had not been created, or discovered yet? It would be like trying to explain titanium to medieval knights. Or trying to explain steel to the Aztecs. If it was made up of advanced material then no it could not be repaired or copied, as they wouldn't know where the material came from. Do they have the AC's blueprints? If they do then I wasn't aware of that, if so then they might be able to do it.
  21. Wouldn't you think, as it is a Japanese game you'd have to preorder, that they would just give the vanity parts to the players in the other countries? Or maybe put it up as DLC?
  22. I did one of those once. That seems dumb, as if you can copy and/or repair AC's, then you can probably create your own without much problem. If the tech was so vastly superior then they wouldn't even know how to repair it.
  23. I've been thinking. Since firing cannons is now done in the first person, does that mean you can't fire your other weapons in this mode? I hope that's not the case.
  24. I'll have you know quads and tanks are all I use, and that will probably continue through ACV as well. I just dont like the concept of kneeling, whether it effects me or not. I use quads and tanks as they are the most defensive legs imo, not because I dislike kneeling.
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