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Blog Entries posted by Atari

  1. Atari
    Sept 13th 2010.Ever wonder what it's like to see a person constantly under body breaking pain?I have, meet sickle-cell disease (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sickle-cell_disease).21/F/African American.She came in because she needed some work done on her stomach region,patches kept popping off cause she was moving too much.I've yet to hear a person scream that loud and horrific in my life.They doused her up with enough painkillers and drugs to put a elephant in a coma at the start though,at least she didn't have to put up with a ****load of needles and whatnot poking and prodding around.I felt sorry as hell for her,she apologized a few times but we said it wasn't need-not in her condition.Worst part is that her mother knowingly having sickle cell still gave birth to her.Can't imagine what her life has been like.I'd never give a child of mine something like that,knowing I have it.At that point it would just be better to adopt.After a hour or so on the table she was put up in a room for plenty of rest and more drugs.I would hope that she's doing better now but I say this only based on faith.
  2. Atari
    D2 Aug/30th/010
    As much as awesome the last visit was,this one was more or less of a joke.I finally know what it's like on a day where the hospital is a ghost town.It mostly consisted of me,pap and a few of his friends on youtube drinking lukewarm coffee and stale muffins.
    It would seem it's only this ward though,the other ones were seeing work but I geuss sometimes you just strike out.Pap doesn't seem to mind it most though,say's it gives him time to relaxe and not have to go through so many advil.Can't say I blame him,so much screaming it's a wonder he doesn't go insane.
    Got 1 case though,M/47/African American/HIV Positive.
    Poor guy was homeless so the hospital could only keep him for a maximum of one night.Had some bile forming in his lower statusphere so the tech's there just plopped a little hose in him and drained it out.You might think it's green or some bright color,but actually it's a very dark brown.I was at first disgusted but eh, that's the human body can't really be too judgemental bout it.Besides that there weren't many other cases or at least the ones I got to view.
    College is keeping me somewhat behind as of late and I meant to put this blog in sooner.Life hits you hard once your outta HS eh?Anyways I'll try to keep this more up to date.
  3. Atari
    As a part of my education,I am to be a intern at a top hospital in Baltimore.(See Sinai @ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LifeBridge_Health)
    I had a family member in the upper branch say a kind word or two for the internships that many hospitals in Baltimore occasionally have.Mainly though one as he's a top veteran of 37 years in Sinai itself,yeah you read that right-I lucked out only because my pap's been there for so long.
    I first went there last monday (23rd).For the most part,disregarding the blood,piss,tears,sweat,vomit and other bodily fluids it wasn't that bad.Also they have a rad ****ing cafeteria in the basement,like seriously the food is orgasmic-expensive but orgasmic.
    I got to see a few interesting cases the first day,wanna know how they fix brain aneurysms?They work through your groin (either side) up through your spinal area with a long piece of delicate tampered metal string.Then they use another string called a "glider" to push the metal part in, the metal part wants to natural curl-so as it is pushed inside the aneurysm it continues to fill it redirecting flow and making sure it wont happen again.The hospital makes $60,000 EVERYTIME they do a case like this.Did I mention the area that sees the most work is one of the most large and expensive operating rooms in the country?Yea,needless to say I was pretty happy.
    Well that bout wraps up that,I'll continue to log my entries at Sinai every monday,seeing how that's the only day I get to leave college to go there.
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