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Everything posted by Terminator98

  1. It's gonna be a long chapter, so it'll take a while, and I'm busy with a job at the local hospital. but it will come, patience my friend.
  2. From what I gathered, there will be 2 games coming out. Streefighter X Tekken which will have SFIV gameplay style, and Tekken X Streetfighter that will use Tekken 6 engine. Your vote on which will be best.
  3. This is lame It should've been Namco X Cacpom II with groovy graphics and enhanced gameplay. I miss my originals.
  4. Edit: UPDATED Chapter 4, though short (I planned it like that) is up. Also added a character Bio. Expect chapter 5 to come, and interesting things, very interesting ones to happen. More familiar faces, and people that haven't been showing up show up again.
  5. Ok, lots of things happened since my last update on the chapter... Just got my PS2 back. AC running again. And on top of that, Ace Combat and NAMCO X Capcom hit me for some inspiration. changed a lots of stuff again... My mind is a real mess. Be on the look out for a new chapter in the coming days. (And designs surfacing again in the 3rd Gen section)
  6. Granted, but the new info is actually that we won't get info for some time. I wish that it is possible to fight nineball and past nemesis remaked, like Evangel and Antares or Leos Klein in AC5, much like LR's VR Arena.
  7. Oh noes... BTW PD... Why the hell are you still on training day 2?
  8. I had my Ideas sorted out, but a change of plans occured... I'm basically very hesitant once again on the role of a few chars... because I just realized, very little will be dieing... something that isn't normal in AC...
  9. Well, this will seem very interesting... Looking forward for your piece of art. The idea of making weapons hurt really is something I agree with. However, you could keep that in with a mix of durability, or weapon crappiness. For example, my main protagonist in my fan-fic has got... the weakest blade in the game, but it's beefed up a bit by his customization. Needless to say, you won't often see one hit kill blades in there... It has also been in my imagination... that KSRW should be one or two hit kills... if aimed right (Like a sniper rifle)
  10. Well, I've taken another leg other than DINGO2, because one of the guys, Azure, already has them. Your AC has got something close enough to DINGO2 in looks, Status: Still fiddling with the next chapter.
  11. Nineball has a GL... With GLL ability recharge rate in NB right though. I go for... Evangel. Just cause he looks cooler. On a side note, 3rd generation should've been: - Super Archangel Pulverizer - Unknown Final Prototype (Nexus) - Ubber Zinnaida - Ofanim (AC3) - IBIS (AC:SL) Yeah. Basically. LR has got all the hardest bossese of it's generation.
  12. we're in a world where REMORA works surprisingly well.
  13. Terminator98

    WipEout HD

    Stuck with PSP Pulse... But I'm an Assegai diehard.
  14. R92 does have shitty drain though. Here's a set of comboes that run relatively cool with most booster combos: - FUDOH + HAZEL (Runs anything, save Gull and things as hot or hotter) - CRG91 + ANANDA (Runs anything, save Gull and things as hot or hotter) - LOTUS + HAZEL (Runs anything, save Gull and things as hot or hotter) - LOTUS + ANADA (Runs Anything, even the Gull) - FUDOH + ANANDA (Runs anything, EVERYTHING)
  15. I go for Leos. Just cause he's badass. More badass than Ares.
  16. I hear to don't liek Pyfongs... Well, the crappy cool gun is cool, but crappy. DOH Some guy on ACO said though that FROM did not plan it like that initially. But the original concept of the PYTHON was OP according to FROM. This comes from that guy that's trying to hack the LR game code so that he may change it and make it... different? PYTHON should've been alongside the lines of KRSW, except it does more damage, fires slower (charge time), and weighs heavier (Not sure). Drains less EN though. NEXUS era velocity on Railguns would've been dope though. Oh yes. So good.
  17. most of the returning cast have got the same AC they had in "Lost Chronicles". You're one exception... Hint: Not a NEXT, but AALIYAH. I'll make a character sheet soon enough. I've currently borrowed my PS2 to someone else, thus why I didn't show any designs or do a character sheet. edit: P.S: Thanks a lot Niji for the help. Instill have to sort out how to properly put the chapters in scrolling down order, from first to last. For now, I'm putting in false dates... XD
  18. Maybe. If you read chapter 1 carefully, there's a small detail that might point towards the apparition of at least ONE NEXT. Of course, that's MAYBE. Chapter 3 is up.
  19. Granted, but the thing is that it rapes you even more. I wish Over Weapons will be balanced
  20. The level of seriousness is so serious that in falls in none existence. Yes, please do. I need some reviews... Need to perfect my english (I'm not an english speaking native)
  21. An attempt to be original... But the thing is: - ICUROS, even if it looks awesome, is somehow the worst OB core out there... if you don't take in account that shitty CREST massive OB core that actually makes you go like a slug. - T2 is in every way, bested by TP (illegal), Vulture2, and GULL. - That generator of yours is more suited for Hovers. Get the LOTUS or CR-G91 back on. - EYE-4 doesn't go well with DINGO, your stability is craptatistic, if you ever fight some of those ACs with some stun power, you'll soon see stun locking situations on your AC. Try to get another leg, maybe S3 or COUGAR2 or even 69F? (forgot that name... ya know, the low EN Drain, pointy Crest legs) S3 would give more sense to the XS. Switching the core to /UL2 then maybe? (I don't think you'd greatly need an OB here, but if you want one, the /UL series seems good) - Have you tried the SKULL or the SKULL2? These are imo, some of the best dual weapons out there. Great firing rate, damage potential, and good enough shot velocity. The only thing you'll have to do is balance out your EN. - As a blade, you'd maybe prefer ELF3. Short range sure, but it's wave does as much, and maybe, even more damage than the ELF2's slash. Add the blade hit + the wave and you've got yourself a nice damage dealer.
  22. Hmm... someone likes to keep grudges here... And of course... we're all terrible Altair, including you. But yeah, to each his own. Should the topic now discuss of TM's homosexuality?
  23. Eh... No Hentai in here. I'm a sensible spirit. Maybe when I get more perversed. Some Yaoi is still possible though...
  24. The thing is, I have yet to figure out completely, the true meaning of Colon Maxing.
  25. IMO G84P's Pros: - High EN Output - Relatively High Condenser Capacity G84P's Cons: - Low Condenser Cap compared to CR-G91 - higher calorific value compared to CR-G91 - Worse weight when compared to CR-G91 So now, what can we do with this generator's pros? - Equip more drainful parts without feeling too much "drainy" - Shoot EN weapons at a more constant rate, or with less need of "intervals" to let the EN gauge recharge - Boost a bit more frequently The cons will have us: - Direct more tunes to cooling, or equip better cooling parts - Try to light up the mech a bit to squeeze in more guns or get faster - Not be able to boost as long as beforem courtesy of the lower EN Condenser capacity - Fry More if we do nothing for heat - not be friendly for Over Boosting ALSO: Most tanks will prefer CR-G91. Your mileage may vary on quads. Mine does. BUT MOST IMPORTANT: I still have to find a situation where G84P SURPASSES AND REMOVES ANY REASON FOR CR-G91 TO BE THERE. SO: G84P does not suck. It is made to be sucky by the "make others sucky" generator, known as the Crest Retard - Generation Nine One
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