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Everything posted by Liarbird

  1. Verdict = Judgement so, Verdict Day is synonymous with Judgement Day.
  2. Liarbird

    ArmA III

    Consoles would neuter the game, really.
  3. Liarbird


    "Xbox go home"
  4. I might look into this, if only for the badassery, and not for the up-fucked shit I've read about it.
  5. Liarbird


    exogen: use gloves when handling Lye is all I can say.
  6. And that's what I meant by a bullshit read. It's meant to be a time-waster.
  7. It's a good bullshit read, but that's about it.
  8. It might not be actual ragdoll physics, but that would be a sight if it was.
  9. Genbusting wasn't in 4 or fA. Genbusting is when you well... run passed the redline, and fuck yourself. I'm glad its in V and VD somewhat. but its nowhere near as wrecking as it was in the older gens.
  10. Both of those are good, but sooo much room for growth.
  11. ^^^This right here. Though use of slat armor and angled CHOBHAM armor would provide a slight bit more protection, but it's still highly impractical, as actuators and other internal parts of mecha are very, very complex, and as such, really do not like shrapnel in them. Hell a round doesn't even need to fully penetrate to do catastrophic damage to the internals, damage from spalling (look it up) would do it in. Didn't someone mention that a giant robot falling over would kill the pilot? I'm sure I read that somewhere, because in reality, it kinda would.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBSmo4JW4mk As an aside, I just got it.
  13. Thanks, I think I might do that actually.
  14. Liarbird

    ArmA III

    It's just a no MP demo.
  15. http://i.imgur.com/0wsLyNH.png Everyone makes mistakes. So have something with marginally less mistakes.
  16. http://i.imgur.com/DNkH64L.png how good can you get in three years
  17. It's more that I can't compete with the APM heavy aspect of it, having marginally limited use of my hands, due to wrist injuries. Hell I can barely even draw anymore, shitsux.
  18. Liarbird

    ArmA III

    It's out on steam for pre-purchase, doing so is a free ticket to the alpha, and beta. http://www.arma3.com/ It's only an alpha, and it already has the modding community on it, making missions for the sandbox mode, and mods for ease of use. Guys, this game is currently very fucking buggy(alpha build), but its also very fucking fun, seriously, play it with your friends. its not very short on content, either. http://www.youtube.com/user/Dslyecxi has a whole bunch of vids on it, hes not actually a developer, but he is doing a lot of the PR for them.
  19. I might look into playing SC2, for the storyline, fuck the multiplayer :/
  20. I'm pleased they are taking an actual page from Chromehounds for this one, where its less single corps fighting, and more massive conglomerate armies, so battles should be less hard to find.
  21. Got invited to join a fellow drawfriend i8n a different team, so I went there for the time being. He may contact you niji, as hes a training corp of sorts.
  22. Liarbird

    Diablo III

    I wish I could just strike with my melee weapon.. without hearing that my skill pool is empty other than that I've had fun with it so far. I've got D2, haven't installed it though.
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