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Everything posted by Liarbird

  1. Liarbird

    Dark Souls

    Just built a SL 35 Lifehunter Bloodshield, Bow(may grab Gwyndolin's), Lifehunt Scythe, and Priscilla's Dagger. im gonna slash into people so bad. Went all the way from tower gargoyles to Ornstien and Smough in one sitting, and did Painted world early. Dex build, so that was pretty damn masochistic, but blighttown is such a breeze to me.
  2. Yo, accept my joining ACUNC again, I think i'm out of Reloaded. for good, they all went Goonswarm :v
  3. Liarbird

    Dark Souls

    Im probnably going to make a lifehunt build. Tried it out on my Ornstien character and liked it, but my damage output was too low. Stats were too spread out, most of which were in the 30s. (my GSoA hits pretty hard as does my dragonslayer i suppose)
  4. Loading time is pretty low, maybe 15 seconds at best.
  5. @RTS: a lot of BW is based on doing a lot of commands to keep you APM up. granted I certainly could not compete. I played Dawn of War II competitively, which throws macro out fo the window and focuses on pure micro, which I personally love. Bu RTS is a gamestyle where speed and efficiency matters above all else, as well as the ability to multitask and think on the fly. Anyways: I got to fight Type-D. No5 a few times, went from fighting it for real, to seeing just how quickly we could kill him. One dude went up with a mass blade and just whacked it in the laser cannon, doing massive damage to all of the parts at one time, which landed us every single side mission in one fell swoop.
  6. I wish I didnt drop in matches with more than 4 other players, it gets frustrating. Ended up in a defense mission where one invader was vs four of us. he got royally trashed.
  7. he called a ciws a kiwi, ahahaha. Heavy reverse joint seems to fit the bill for midweight RJ, tbh. and some of them look pretty baller. Howitzers are basically traditional grenade cannons.
  8. Blades are somewhat effective, Piles just outright instant kill most of the time, Kicks can really hurt as well. I think the Murakumo blades stun, and can be used to combo with a kick. which would likely instant kill anything.
  9. i dunno if I should even get this after watching some of the story gameplay it looks so awful
  10. Liarbird

    Dark Souls

    bleh, every time I get on DaS theres no-one to invade, and I forgot to get the peculiar doll.. so I cant go to ariamas just yet
  11. Im a bit sad you cant performance tune the core parts, but ohwell. Im also wondering if I should go ahead and pre-order the NA 360 version. And I need to work on my timing with the Grindblade. its not fun when i'm stuck kicking people. I will pod you and fuck keep the corpse.
  12. i think the recon pack early unlocks the huge missile. while the heavy assault unlocks the multiple pulse early. different weapon sets per pack
  13. snrk. as for flying all the time, doesnt that mean you need to keep wall jumping. or is it a certain booster. I think boost charges raise your altitude. edit: typos..
  14. np, also to buy performance parts you need to join a team.
  15. Junk is starter AC parts, they are heavier and less reliable stats wise.Fixed parts wont get better, while performance parts canbe leveled up, per se
  16. spoiler: R D is the kid who is with the operator in most of the missions, hes closely related to the resistance leader and the operator as far as I know, I think the operator is the leader's daughter as she does call him otoh-san [father] after that jester kicks his AC. R D Steals that mech later.,. /spoiler but that's as far as I can figure out. though I did make an AC thats as close to his as possible, because the grindblade is really fun to work with. You unlock R D's emblem for beating all of the order missions. Unless that is the resistance leader's emblem. As far as I know, in mission 00 you help stop the Leader figure, but after that he's your CO. As for control scchemes, I run with basic, the only thing I have a bit of trouble with is backwards knee charges
  17. 1th knight, get in the chat if you arent going to use a mic
  18. NAT type 1 is when your ps3 is directly connected to the modem witha static IP, theres no firewall interference. Nat 2 is when you are connected to a router with a dynamic IP btu everything is working fine. NAT 3 is when there is something wrong, such as mismatched ports, or a firewall is blocking you..
  19. http://armoredcoreun...dpost__p__45895 see this post, you need a JP ps3 account to get the file you need.
  20. aaah thank ye also delete jpGestahlt from the team list, hes my jpn psn At least im NAT 2
  21. Yeah, now im seem to be having trouble joining the team, I jopined but then it made me create a team. like im not conected to the internet or something. also keeps askign me about something fromt he psn store, but when I chected with my jp account, the store was down. *shrug*
  22. my copy just came in, so herewego.. and I just got grindbladed to death :<
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