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Everything posted by LS

  1. LS

    Wind 3

    Design process (click to show): Spoiler! --Click Here to View!-- [noob] 10:09 pm: post an ac ls [noob] 10:09 pm: i posted one [noob] 10:09 pm: so you have to post one [LS] 10:09 pm: oic [LS] 10:09 pm: I will remind you of this rule later. [LS] 10:11 pm: What kind of AC should I post? [LS] 10:11 pm: Like, a forsrs AC? [noob] 10:11 pm: your best [LS] 10:11 pm: Because my forsrs ACs are very boring [noob] 10:11 pm: mine is my best [LS] 10:11 pm: They're all 051/KAP [LS] 10:11 pm: All day every day [noob] 10:11 pm: werd [LS] 10:12 pm: drew Wind 3 FA PS3 1.4 Frame: 047AN02 | EKHAZAR-CORE | 063AN03 | 063AN03 Internals: FS-HOGIRE | 03-AALIYAH/G Boosters: CB-JUDITH |03-AALIYAH/B | AB-HOLOFERNES | LINSTANT/O Weapons: 051ANNR | RG03-KAPTEYN | MPO601JC | WHEELING01 | 061ANRM | - | - Stabilization: Head R Side: SOLUH-HEAD-1 (+0, +3) [155, 157, 159, 135] Tunes: 50 in Energy Output, KP Output, Maneuverability, Radar Refresh Rate, Main Quick Boost, Back Quick Boost, Side Quick Boost. 28 in Load. 37 in Vertical Thrust. 27 in Turning Ability. This is the closest thing to a tier AC I have, meaning that if I played ladder (I never have) this would probably be what I would use. The Wind line, in FA, has always used this exact weapon set, because I feel that it's one of the best offensive weapon sets in the game since it can actually score some hits, which is rare in FA. Wind 3 is the middle child, and I find him more effective than his lighter and heavier relatives. The main focus is on consistent damage from defensive angles and ranges. No, WG legs are not better. I usually prefer LAHIRE gen to AALIYAH, but in this instance I find that I can't really do anything meaningful with the weight without slowing the AC down considerably. Suggestions?
  2. LS


    Oh my fucking god. I did not even make it to the second part because the desync was so terrible. But I just listened to the first like 30 seconds of the second part, and the pitch is fucked up again so that Raor and I sound like South Park characters. This move that this vatcast be permanently destroyed. The next time the recording is this fucked up we shouldn't even upload it. No one listen to this, it will melt your brain.
  3. LS


    No, I mean there's an actual technical error, in that Raor and I are lagging several seconds behind you in this recording, so it's all in the wrong order and nothing makes sense and people are talking over each other. That made the cast even more shit than it already is.
  4. LS


    Wow, I desync'd or something in this, because this is not how it sounded to me at all, haha. Raor's and my comments are all way out of sync with 90's. You fucked everything up by opening EVE, 90. You should feel bad. Oh well, this episode was shit even when the words were in the right order.
  5. LS


    This has been Critical Fucking Information, with Raor Stones. Upon listening to this, the Pokemon talk did indeed go on too long. I think the problem was less the subject and more that only two of us could talk about it, so we lost a lot of momentum. The Pokemon talk on the first one wasn't bad at all, and neither was the first bit of the Pokemon talk on this one. The opening of part 3, with the Pokemon themesong over the discussion of Pi, has to be the nerdiest goddamn thing I've ever heard. Well done. EB sounds even more retarded on this recording than he did during the show. Ata, the running gag is not that we sing badly, it's that that's how we segue. Read into that what you will, be it our social ineptitude, inability to afford/be assed to have regular transition music, or whatever. I'm probably going to be without regular internet access, at least at night, for a while, since the power company is saying it could be up to five days until they get around to fixing the line I'm on, and you know that means it's going to be at least a week. So if you guys want to secretly record another one of these behind my back again, now's an excellent time. It'll be shit, though, and I won't like it. EDIT: And of course as soon as I fucking say that the power comes back.
  6. LS


    So we just recorded another one of these things, with special guest LCC, who says nothing and records the logs. He stole my job. It was pretty cool until my headset started hurting my ears and 90 invited his dumb redneck friend. Also Raor said something gross at some point but I don't really remember what it was, so it can't have been that bad. I liked the part where Pokemon made 90 angry.
  7. LS


    I watched this a few months ago. It was nice to see just because it was so conceptually old-fashioned: it didn't try to push any envelopes, it just focused on presenting a convention well. It was like the film equivalent of a '60s Analog story. GERTY's disposition was a nice departure from formula, though. I liked that he wasn't a stereotypical Asimov bot or a stereotypical Clarke bot. He doesn't even seem to fully understand what's going on...I don't know, I can't elaborate too greatly. I just liked how he was portrayed. I felt like the ending was tacked on, though. Rushed, and not really in the spirit of the film. And the rest of the film seemed kind of drawn out. It's very rare that I think a film is too long, but I thought this one could have lost a lot of time and been better for it. It was very much a short story idea, not a novel idea, but they made a novel movie out of it.
  8. LS

    Animal Rights

    This whole thing about defining pain and debating whether or not animals feel it is beyond retarded, unless you want to expound hedonism, in which case do so in one sentence and we can all go home. For most people, simple happiness isn't the point of life. Ultimately morality isn't based on removing pain, whether it's physical, emotional, mental, or however the fuck you want to define it. Nor is it based on introducing pleasure or happiness, or even preventing the loss of pleasure or happiness. Morality is abjectly and entirely abstract. It's 100% subjectively generated. Talking about a basis for morality is like talking about the science behind magic. You can't articulate a 'code' of morals, only a list; any overriding principle is just an undefined synonym for the meaningless whole you're trying to break down (or assemble, depending on how you look at it.) With that said, morality in general, and by extension rights, are not permissive, despite how we word them; they are only restrictive. Morality (at least in our society; obviously a permissive morality is possible, but give me a break, I'm not writing a thesis here) doesn't dictate what you must do, it dictates what you must not do. Even our government-granted rights are really just politically-phrased assurances of what won't be done to us. We won't be restricted in this way, or punished for doing this, or in this way. (It gets confusing, because when the Bill of Rights says 'the right of the people to ____ will not be abridged' [or whatever the fuck it says] it doesn't mean "right" in the sense we're using the word here; it just means ability. The real "right" is in the "will not be abridged" part.) A "right" is just a positively-phrased restriction on one's ability to effect others. "Right to live" is the same as "murder taboo." Or maybe I should say "right to life" and "abortion taboo." It's really critical to understand this when talking about rights, so they don't reach some sacred status in the discussion. (Unless of course this isn't what is being meant by the word "right.") So, what purpose do these rights/taboos serve? Why is it wrong to effect other people in these ways? The answer is obviously that the generating force behind the taboo believes that it will be negatively impacted by this behavior. In the case of rights, when not speaking in a legal sense but in a moral one, the generating force can certainly be debated, but is generally held to be public opinion (with varying degrees of weighted democracy yadda yadda). This negative impact isn't just pain or a lack of pleasure though; few people will argue for a right to be happy. It's a perceived or anticipated negative impact on function, not on form (it must be remembered that from a whole-subjective perspective of morality, a large part of what is normally considered form is actually function, but the point stands). So, when the generating force is the public, or society, or whatever you want to call it, something is morally wrong when it harms society (NOT when society believes it is being harmed); not when it necessarily makes people less happy, but when it degrades whatever value the society is focused on. I'm not a sociologist, but I would say that, to use modern western society as an example, the focus is on the pursuit of happiness and the ability to choose one's environment. In my own personal morality, the focus is on personal emotional understanding between individuals. So, whenever something makes those values, whatever they are, more removed from reality, that something is amoral. I think it's fair to say that animals cannot be a generating force for human taboos (which any concept of animal rights would be), since animals are not members of society. So the question isn't whether the animals feel bad. It's whether we feel bad about them feeling bad (again, not a matter of simple happiness or sadness, it's loss of function through loss of valued virtues, but I've articulated that enough that I feel I can use shorthand, haha). Animals have rights from us to exactly the extent that we say they do, and rights from each other to exactly the extent that they say they do. Morality isn't something that exists in the water. It's wrong for us to hurt them if hurting them hurts us. There's only really one duty in the world; the duty to aid society. And there's really only one crime in the world; harming society. But society isn't just a material group of people, it's also the abstract emotional, mental, social, *other words* foundation. Damaging (which is just another word for changing) whatever you (and others) perceive as being that foundation can be just as real a crime as killing someone. Likewise, both of those can also be good. But whether hurting them does hurt us that is entirely open to discussion, since which values matter and which matter more is an open question.
  9. LS

    Atlantica Online

    A good deal of stuff. However, the vast majority of it is tradable in game. There was a player by the name of LH, who won like every other weekly championship for a few months in a row, who claimed to have never used the cash shop. I'm actually inclined to believe him, as, if you play intelligently, there's no reason you would ever have to use it; you can just get in-game money and buy the cash shop items that people are always selling in-game, if you want them. It certainly speeds things up though. Also, although Ndoors is now part of Nexon, they haven't really changed anything so far except the website. Most items aren't directly for sale; you can only buy boxes that have a chance of giving you that item, and a chance of giving something else. The exception is something called Atlas Ore, which is sold directly and in bulk, and because high-level players use a great deal of it, ten dollars worth will give you about 650 million gold in game if you just sell it on the market, and 650m is enough to let you breeze to level 100, the beginning of the endgame, without dying or grinding once. I haven't used the cash shop very much, though I was thinking of putting 50 dollars or so into it sometime.
  10. LS

    Atlantica Online

    Atlantica Online is a free, turn-based MMO by Korean developer Ndoors, which was recently acquired by Nexon. The game client is available for download on this site. Each player uses a party of nine characters, arranged in a 3x3 grid called a formation: one 'main', the character you walk around as in the overworld, and eight mercenaries. There are nine classes of main, each of which uses a different weapon, and thirty or so classes of mercenary. Each character has 15 equipment slots, with equipment changing performance in various ways; for example, all characters wear armor of some sort, but a ranged character may have an equipment slot for ammunition, which can add attack power or debuffing effects to attacks, while a melee character may have a slot for an extra piece of armor, or a main for a mount which provides special skills. To use a metaphor appropriate for this site, the formation is like the AC, the characters are like the parts, and the equipment is like the tunes and optionals and stabilizers. Each weapon has an attack pattern on the 3x3 grid, and each character, main and mercenary, has at least one unique spell, with some having as many as 5 spells. Normal attacks, in addition to doing damage and having debuff effects depending on equipment, have a stamina-depleting aspect which the game calls a combo system; hitting the same character three turns in a row will 'stun' that character for several turns, leaving it unable to act and increasing its vulnerability to damage. Spells' effects range from simply healing or doing damage, to removing combos and preventing stun, to buffs and debuffs of various kinds, to preventing certain types of spells from being used by certain characters. PvP is fairly balanced from levels 50 to 140 (the current level cap), with decent variety in formations, although of course some characters are better than others. Since different mercenaries become available at different levels, the metagames in different level ranges are all fairly unique. Metagame stuff: Spoiler! --Click Here to View!--Although instrument and the melee classes dominate the lower levels, a tierlist for mains in top level play might look something like this: Top tier mains: Sword, Bow, Staff High tier mains: Cannon Mid tier mains: Instrument, Gun, Powersaw Low tier mains: Spear, Axe A very rough breakdown of the metagames at various levels: 1-50: Basic low-level PvP, with fewer than the maximum nine characters. Only basic mercenaries and the AoE-based Beast Tamer are available before level 50. Battles tend to revolve mostly or entirely around stun, since Monk's awakening skill, the best way to remove combo counters, only removes one counter before its level 50 upgrade, meaning that entirely preventing stun is all but impossible. However, damaging spells are also extremely effective in this level range, since magic defense is very low, and spells can be at level 50, out of a max of 70-90 depending on the spell, when a character is at level 50. These two things combine to make defensive play all but impossible in this level range. Sword, instrument, cannon, and axe mains dominate with defense, powerful debuffing, excellent stun pressure and powerful debuffing, and incapacitating spells respectively. Bow and staff are both too frail in this level range, without higher level mounts boosting their defenses, while staff also lacks the skill points it needs to level all of the multiple spells it relies upon. 50-80: Mid-level PvP. With Monk's awakening removing two combo counters instead of just one, and effecting a cross instead of a line, stun becomes less of a chronic condition, and generally only happens to one or two characters at a time, or when someone messes up, or when someone's formation is mostly devoted to stunning. Witch, Exorcist, Princess, Prophet, Oracle, and the extremely-expensive Sheriff and Vampire mercenaries become available in this level range (though almost no one has Sheriff or Vampire until much higher, so they don't really impact the metagame). Battles tend to revolve around range characters providing stun pressure, Monks stopping the stun pressure, and Exorcists stopping the monks from stopping the stun pressure. With less skilled players, battles will be little more than these three forces, but with more skilled players they will go on in the background, behind more specialized tactics. Seals on specific types of magic and attacks become common, as does DoT/AoE use and the sniping of specific support mercenaries. Mounts begin to be more common, making sniping down the main for an instant win less viable. Sword, Bow, Powersaw, and Instrument, and Cannon dominate this stage of the metagame, with Bow's frailty being mitigated by the defensive magic of the Princess, the added defense of mounts, and the overall better magic defense, and Powersaw coming into its own as it is able to go on the offensive with Prophet healing covering its defenses. Staff is still not very good at this level; it doesn't have enough points to max more than one skill, and Exorcists' ability to seal its magic overrides all of its defensive gains to make it even more frail than before. Axe is no longer viable, as its action point regain is too slow to allow it to act frequently enough in a full formation. 80-100: The original endgame, before the level cap was increased. Charms, bracelets, and earrings become available. Magic defense skyrockets starting with level 90 armor, making offensive spells less important than before, and defensive spells more important. Cannoneer, Inventor, Janissary and Lady Knight mercenaries become available, but they are largely upgrades to more basic mercenaries. Vampire and Sheriff become more common. The metagame begins to refocus on ranged characters, so Princess is common to counter them. AoE/DoT into stun is the most common strategy, but various degrees of spiking are also viable. Mains become more versatile in this level range, as main-only weapons, which greatly increase a main's damage potential and/or fundamentally alter its role in battle, become available; for example, the main-only staff dramatically reduces the main's defensive capabilities and ability to use spells, but gives it astronomical physical attack power, changing it from a support/AoE class to a glass cannon. At this level, really anything but Axe and Spear is good. 100-140: The current endgame. A crapton of high level mercenaries become available. Mains become basically invincible in this stage of the game, with only one in 20 or 30 games being decided by a main snipe in the early or mid game. Buff, debuff, and sealing spells become very important, taking precedence over AoE and healing, and to some extent even stun. There's probably the most variety in formations at this level, with some people even forgoing Monks, which are standard in every other metagame. However, some mains clearly outclass others, with Sword, Cannon, Bow and Staff being pretty much all that is seen at the highest levels of play (although a coming patch, already implemented in the Korean version, seems to fix this to some degree.) Generally, games at this level revolve around forcing your enemy to use spells, guard, and move characters at inopportune times by sealing characters, debuffing characters, stunpressuring the monk to force it to use awakening on itself, freezing his front row, draining his AP by forcing him to move characters to avoid the aforementioned things, and even threatening snipes of his ranged or support mercs; it's like a positioning game, so that when the end-of-match DoT comes he is in a worse defensive position than you and you can begin sniping down his support while your defenses hold for a turn or so longer than his. The move Holy Guard (and other moves that do the same thing) is important at all levels of play, but especially in the endgame. It prevents magic of any kind from being cast on one of your rows for two turns, unless a main character uses a special main-only spell to dispel it. This means that that row can't be frozen or sealed for those two turns, so it can freely attack and use magic (except on itself), and also can't be incapacitated to limit your number of character activations, in addition to being immune to magic damage from any AoEs or targeted damaging spells. However, it also means that Awakening, the spell that removes combo counters and prevents stun, can't be cast on them. Knowing from looking at your enemy's formation, and the moves he makes in the early game, when he is in a position to freeze, seal, or AoE, and when he is in a position to apply stun pressure (and where it will be applied), and timing your casts of Holy Guard accordingly, is often the deciding point of a match. For example, I recall one semifinals match where the Sword main was thoroughly outplayed and outpositioned for most of the match, then used an expertly-placed Holy Guard to prevent his Staff enemy from using his finishing AoE (for which he was obviously gearing up) for long enough to use the match timer to turn the tide. A similar thing happens in the match I linked to above, with Holy Guard stopping the AoE in the midgame long enough for the Sword main to force the Staff main to spend its spells on healing. I play on Delphi server, and have several characters around level 50, and one around 120. I'm often in chat and willing to walk you through the beginning areas and give you shit, if anyone wants to get into this with me. I get tired of not having anyone to talk about metagame shifts with.
  11. LS


    That is ridiculous. Anyone who relies on a 30% chance is going to die. Hell, I have a more than 30% chance of beating Reuniclus under the right circumstances with the posted version of my team , and that doesn't count as a decent answer to it. Scald is quite balanced; it's not displaced any single move on any single poke, just made a few taking sets somewhat better. In this metagame, that's something I for one can appreciate. I find myself using Surf over Scald often enough as it is; if its burn rate were only 10%, it would be complete garbage. Flamethrower is equivalent to Surf. Lava Plum is equivalent to Scald. Just be glad Surf doesn't have a 10% burn rate too, haha. Speaking of the team I posted, revisions are not going well. Forretress is difficult to EV properly, and Blissey makes for less reliable wishpassing, even if they are stronger wishes. I'm uncertain as to whether that's just a metagame thing though, like people expect wish from Blissey and not from Latias; I don't want to choose to use Latias for wishing if that's all it is, because that would make me weaker against good people and people who knew my team, which are the matches that actually matter. Additionally, it's difficult to find something to put in the final slot that can fill the defensive holes in the team and also deal with Reuniclus. I'm really at a loss for what spinner to use...maybe I just need another mixed wall, so forretress can be a dedicated physical wall so I don't have to split his EVs. That would make him easier to wishpass to too, especially if I used a different Blissey set, like the Seismic Toss version...although that would leave my defensive core wide open for ghosts. I'll have to give something like that a try tomorrow.
  12. LS


    Slowbro can't carry moves to kill both gyarados and ferrothorn without giving up calm mind, surf/scald, or slack off, and Blissey can toxic it in any event. In the celebi variant, celebi can fill in for ferrothorn against it, as forretress can fill in for Latias as a last desperate check. If slowbro doesn't have ice beam or slack off, Latias can actually beat it straight up, I think. It's a yellow threat at best. I don't have a hard counter for it, but half my team can beat it, and the other half can put up a fight if need be. Reuniclus is a red threat in that I really have no sustainable defensive or offensive response to it at all.
  13. LS


    I've finally gotten into fifth gen sim play. It seems very unstable, haha. About the same phase of the metagame DP was in when I got into that. They just banned chomp, and the next ban will be thunderbro, and although it's probably going to take a while for them to vote him out, most people are already playing as if he's banned, just like people played as if chomp was banned in DP for a long time before he was. I'm having the best luck with the team below. It's based on a stallteam I saw a tourney runner up use in either late DP or early DPP. Hippowdon (M) @ Leftovers Trait: Sand Stream EVs: 252 HP / 168 Def / 88 SDef Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk) - Earthquake - Roar - Slack Off - Stealth Rock Gyarados (M) @ Leftovers Trait: Intimidate EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spd Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk) - Rest - Roar - Sleep Talk - Waterfall Ferrothorn (F) @ Leftovers Trait: Iron Barbs EVs: 252 HP / 200 Def / 56 SDef Relaxed Nature (+Def, -Spd) - Spikes - Leech Seed - Power Whip - Gyro Ball Blissey (F) @ Leftovers Trait: Natural Cure EVs: 252 Def / 40 SAtk / 216 SDef Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk) - Aromatherapy - Flamethrower - Softboiled - Toxic Latias (F) @ Leftovers Trait: Levitate EVs: 200 HP / 116 SAtk / 192 Spd Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk) - Wish - Dragon Pulse - Recover - Surf Excadrill (M) @ Leftovers Trait: Sand Rush EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spd Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk) - Swords Dance - Earthquake - Rock Slide - Rapid Spin Its biggest systematic weakness at the moment is CM Reuniclus, or however that thing spells itself. I'm fairly certain that it literally cannot beat a physically-defensive CM/Recover/Focus Blast/Psychic set with magic guard without a lucky crit or a miss on focus blast. I'm at something of a loss for how to fix that. I suppose I could give Excadrill X-scissor, but giving up any of his current moves would hurt a great deal, and it still wouldn't be a good response, only a desperate check, one which would, against a skilled opponent, simply delay the inevitable, as there is no way Excadrill can switch into reuniclus forever. Maybe if I removed rapid spin for x-scissor, replaced Ferrothorn with Forretress (one with payback) to retain a spinner, and moved all of Excadrill's attack and speed EVs into its defenses, then MAYBE that would give me half a prayer against reuniclus. I'd lose my catch-all wall, though, and the very-useful leech seed recovery. I'd probably also have to EV latias more defensively, since I'd be relying on wish to heal forretress. I'll probably hash out a variant of the team using that idea soon. I'm also considering something with Heal Bell Celebi instead of Latias, and having Blissey use Wish. This would make me pretty weak to fire, but it would give me a more reliable and powerful Wish. I might have to replace excadrill with Tentacruel then, or use the Forretress-for-a-spinner version and replace Excadrill with something that resists fire and can deal with Reuniclus. Quagsire, of all things, might work for that, though I'd have to investigate that further. If they do ban permaweather, which they probably will, I'll just wait until hippo's dream world ability comes out, and run the team without sand. It shouldn't really change much, honestly. EDIT: Why did the forum fill my team with spaces? FURTHER EDIT: Why did I mess up my team when fixing the spaces?
  14. [LS] 11:52 pm: You know what pisses me off? [darkmx4] 11:52 pm: i wish [Enganacious] 11:52 pm: Royale? [LS] 11:52 pm: Well, okay, there's a lot. But what is pissing me off at this very moment. [LS] 11:52 pm: People who don't fucking understand timezones. [LS] 11:52 pm: You give them GMT, and they're like, well, I live in fucking Hooverville, what time is that for me http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_V9olK-86DoI/THfO5czUn7I/AAAAAAAAAJ0/29Xh0W9PtYU/s1600/FUUUU.jpg I hope everyone is ready for another thrilling three-and-a-half-man tourney, with only one remotely close match, because it looks like that's what we're going to get.
  15. Oh good, now I can use Primitive Light and not automatically lose to a better Primitive Light.
  16. It is the beginning of the rise of the Yukon Confederacy. Soon Bartholomew Iz will release the bioweapons, the Timermen will activate the Blinking Stars, and the Storm Times will begin.
  17. Well how the fuck would you know, since I have no idea who you are and certainly haven't played you recently (meaning you have no idea how rusty I am)? This conversation is stupid. I'm hungry. Where's the food? Setting aside your absolute twaddle, I think Ex is fairly rusty. I've played him two nights since he's come back online, and his shot timing and energy management are both way off. I'm able to predict when he's going to fire, and jump out of the way to avoid the shot, much more often than I usually am able to against him, and he himself has said to me that his energy management is off, as I had him 'gasping for en' when I played an AC that outranged the one he was using. I also recall a hi laser fight the last time we played in which I got the better of him in the pop-out-of-cover-just-right game several times, despite having a heavier AC and being much worse than him at that sort of play.
  18. Well, the question of whether 7-concept beats 8-concept is different from the question of whether 7 beats 8, as both of those are different from which AC and which concept is better overall, even if the answers for all the questions are the same. It's like, fire isn't a better type in pokemon than grass because charmander beats bulbasaur, and nor is that the reason that charmander is better than bulbasaur. I don't think anyone here will disagree with me when I say that, regardless of which AC-concept is better, 8 is a better AC mechanically; that is to say, a better execution of its concept. If you're going to make alternate versions of 7, I have to be able to make alternate versions of 8. But that's not really answering the question of which AC is better anymore, because the ACs are changing; and it's not even really addressing which concept is better, because it's a one-AC metagame, which is rather the opposite of a statistically significant sample. As long as everyone understands the limits on the meaningfulness of 7 vs 8, I have no problem with playing it out with you. As long as TS isn't in the room.
  19. Those were kind of off colour-matches, though. The first one was the first game either of us played that night, and we're both ridiculously rusty anyway, especially you. I got two grenade hits in the first 30 seconds, which pretty much sealed that one for me. Also, I actually haven't looked at 7 in detail to this day, except in my original assessment of all the ACs, whereupon I decided it was shit because it had no energy and no offensive focus, so I really didn't remember what weapons you had apart from a sniper rifle and some kind of hi laser, which made me play overly cautiously, sticking to my weapons' optimal range every moment I could, for fear you had another sniper weapon or an MG or something that would tear me up if it cought me by surprise. The second match was, if I recall, fucked up by TS not OOBing at the right time. That guy is really starting to get on my nerves with that. That said, I feel pretty confident that, even being generally a worse player than you, I could maintain a winning percentage against you in this matchup, at least on CC. Parabolic might be harder, but I don't think it would be impossible. You had no en, and I had more en than I knew what to do with. Also, the AC had very little trouble controlling ranges even without ALIYA/B. The sniper rifle did like nothing, and any time you got close enough to use CANO you didn't have any energy left to leave the ground, so OGOTO won the damage race by a lot; that is, when there even was a damage race, with me having en to dodge and you not having en to dodge. I like Wak. As I mentioned in my explanation of my votes, I considered voting for it in Miss, because it's one of the archetypes I think of when I think of AC4. It reminds me of Bach's last phase of AC4 designing before he quit, when he had that ALTAIR/YAMAGA thing. And if I'm really going to be sentimental, it makes me think of Ace from AC3, and the minimalist mid/light OP-I bots people ran in AC3 and SL, as well as of Adamantrue's non-OP-I AC3 stuff, and really his designs in general. It's a long way from good, but it is also a long way from bad, and it's a very cool AC, because it's so nonstandard and also so minimalistic; nonstandard ACs are usually either complicated, by which I mean relying on subtle and specific interplays of mid tier parts which usually aren't relevant in high level play (see Viv's, thirteen37's, and some of CB's and Ex's work), or bad. That #2 wasn't complicated, standard, or bad either was why I voted for it for Mac. But though #2 is a competitively better AC and a more original concept, Wak is cooler because it's a simpler concept; it's a 'pusher' AC, the kind everyone builds when they get a new game to test the limits of the engine, except it's been refined and standardized to the point where it's actually viable (though again, not good) in competitive play. I don't know, when you can make a design that's both minimalistic and unique, both mechanically and conceptually, without having it be game-endingly bad, I like that. ALIYA/B was my immediate thought upon seeing the design, and 047 head was my immediate thought upon playing it, but I was actually surprised by how well it performed as-is. I think when I make my version I'll use ALIYA/B, but I may not use 047 head. Without forward QB tunes or high forward stabilization (it sits at 0,-4 as posted), or indeed the more forward-leaning boosters you suggested, I like the 051s on there. If it had forward QB tunes and/or 0, -8 or so stab, and/or POLARIS or ALIYA mains, I could see 100R working better on it. I quite enjoyed JUDITH mains on it, though. Pretty much. That last is pretty much what I did against Ex, and that was pretty much the result against the sniper rifle. I probably could have just dodged that out of ammo if I hadn't been so antsy. Also, you're silly for never using the OGOTO. It does indeed make a great dumper weapon, and it destroys quads, heavies, and even RJs if you have good timing with the shots, since the splash is so huge. Savage/Noble is a character in Beast Machines. You 360 people should be ashamed of yourselves for naming an AC after something from Beast Machines. That is like naming an AC after something from the Star Wars prequels, except worse.
  20. So, not Exorcet. Itaritz. Also, define active. I don't sit there in the empty rooms waiting for people, but I'm about as active as anyone I know.
  21. I've actually changed my entry considerably from the time I submitted it, so my criticism for each design will be sincere. Doing one or two designs at a time for a few days, I'll vote at the end. 1: Lacks conceptual focus overall. It's just kind of a standard brawler AC, like every noob and their dog had. And it's not even a particularly good example of that not particularly good design concept. Too much is going to the weapons relative to the frame, and too inefficiently; this is like a dumbed-down version of the weapon set something on SS-LL would use. The first order of business is getting more defensive capability, either through range, energy, def, speed, or AP. All of these are pretty hard to get more of while maintaining the weapon set and weight class, though. One thing you can do is go down to LINSTANT/O, since V3 on SS-GL is pretty silly anyway, to get the weight for a better head. HOGIRE or HILBERT would be ideal, but if the stability loss hurts too much (which I actually don't think it should) even 047 would probably be better. Or you could go up to ALIYA core with that weight if you can stand the drain. HITMAN would be another good way to lose some weight. No matter what else you do, I think you should change the missiles to OSAGE; PMs are pretty bad on 1.4, haha. Alternatively to all of this, drop one of the four weapons entirely. I know that seems kind of silly to say when you can just drop them in battle, but increasing the AC's specialization even very slightly makes it a lot better. Losing the OGOTO gives you the freedom to have whatever stability you end up with as well as a massive amount of weight you could do all sorts of things with, losing the missiles lets you use an FCS more suited to your other weapons and saves you a fuckton of drain, and losing the MG lets you use less drainy and more defensive arms. ACs this light don't need to be this omnirange. I mean, being omnirange is never a bad thing in a vacuum, but the things you have to give up for it are often more important, and this is one case where they are. 2. This one is very weird, but not entirely awful. In fact, it's actually pretty good, surprisingly so. Its stabilizers are absolutely ridiculous, and it should definitely use a heavier core (probably HOGIRE or 047) since it has plenty of weight left over, but apart from the weird-but-I-can't-really-find-anything-wrong-with-it FRS distribution I can't find much else to comment on. Maybe slap some missiles on the back for spam-and-drop at the start of the match, since it has plenty of weight. It's just too bad there are no add boosters in AC4. 3. In the same boat as 1. ALIYA gen is abject silliness when MAXWELL fits as-is. ALIYA arms also fit as-is, and MAXWELL makes for their drain and then some; these two changes alone make the AC much better, as its defensive and offensive performance both increase significantly. Hell, SS-AL fit on here as-is, haha. I assume you want to stay fairly light though. You can also fit a better head on here fairly easily, though I suppose I understand wanting SALAUX's stability on lightweight legs. 047 head does fit, though. I question the necessity of the second missile pack, since this has plenty of ammo with just rifle/MG/one missile, and neither pack is in the spam-and-drop vain; they're just sitting there adding drain and reducing acceleration. I would drop the PMs and move the verts over the MG, and either put some DEARBORNs for spam-and-drop over the rifle or just use the weight to upgrade the frame. SS-AL arms and HOGIRE/047 core would be things to consider doing with the weight if you go for the latter option; the defense increases from these would help you a lot more than the second missile pack is. The tunes are a little weird too. You shouldn't need that much in missile lock speed, and putting it in main QB or back QB would help with your range control. Speaking of that, ALIYA/B fits, and would help a great deal against dual EURYALE, and just with general positioning. LINSTANT/O likewise seems worth the minor weight investment since you have such high KP. Voting since the deadline is now, I'll do the other writeups later. LAN Champ: Design #11 E-Z P-Z Joe: Design #8 MacGyverBot: Design #2 Fashion Model: Design #5 Miss AC4: Design #8 LAN Champ was close between 8 and 11; it would not have been had 11 shown better mechanical designing, as opposed to just good conceptual designing. As it is, 11 wins by a nose because of the flexibility offered by the missiles. I probably would have voted for 9 if I'd been allowed to. Joe was obviously 8, nothing else is even really in the running. Mac was close between 2 and 5, with 2 winning because it's more original conceptually. Model pretty much had to be 5, since it has the only good paint in the contest. 8 and 5 are the designs that really exemplify this game to me, and 8 is the better competitively, so it wins Miss.
  22. LS


    Is it just me, or does this not even look that different? I mean, I haven't seen the original show in a long time, but probably about half the still frames you could extract from that video I could have mistaken for the original series, or any random generic "1980's/1990's animation standard." I don't know, maybe that's what they were going for, haha. But it seems kind of pointless to have 'make it not look like shit' be the goal, and then mimic the original look, not just the original story. On the other hand, the cats themselves all emphatically look like shit, except maybe the tiger guy. Maybe they designed them first and were like, well crap, we suck, let's take everything else from the old series. Lionguy's new voice just doesn't cut it if you ask me.
  23. You did not mention this in chat. D: You know I don't read the forums, haha. I'd be up for that, of course. They will probably be a week or so of no computer land, which is also no PS3 land and no internet land (the name has become somewhat outdated, since I have a laptop now, but the gist reminds comprehensible), at some point, as usual, but apart from that I could probably do all of them. We should do a tournament with only AI ACs allowed, haha. And more retarded format rules like in the last tourney. That was great fun. And of course one or two where we play it straight too.
  24. Who knows what fated, or that new guy thyskater, would run if they wanted in, which I think we all hope that they do? They might well run dual PITONE. For that matter, I might run dual EURYALE, and I know that you, Ex, and I all have dual EURYALE ACs. I think you all know how silly I feel that banning dual PITONE is, but dual EURYALE is one ban that it's hard to be apathetic about, since whether dual EURYALE is allowed changes the importance of stability by several orders of magnitude, in addition to altering the metagame in other, more subtle ways. I personally like having dual EURYALE unbanned, since I feel that this results in a lot more frame variety, but if you don't agree, this is, barring an "AC4 Banlist Discussion" topic, the place to say so.
  25. An AC Spring Break Tournament that actually takes place during spring break, in a real AC game, and is actually a tournament? What a novel idea. I'm definitely in. I suggest standard rules, haha: No bans, CC/Parabolic/Float for maps, 5 minute time limit. As for tourney formatting, including how the maps are selected for individual matches and how winners are determined, I really don't care, so I'll leave that for people who do to weigh in on.
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