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Moon Walker

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Everything posted by Moon Walker

  1. Murder in a can my foot. You have Auto-Cannons.... AUTOMATIC-CANNONS!!!!!! It's a funky name for RAPID-FIRE-BAZOOKAS!!!! Pair one of those with either a Pulse "CANNON" or Laser "CANNON" and you'll fry anything that's dumb enough to come in front ( or too slow to get out of your lock box because tanks have insane turning speed when stationary ( yes, standing still and turning is better that boosting around and spamming Hi-Boost ) ) Or if you want to be creative about it: Set up those sentry guns and hanger something like a battle rifle, gattling or plasma gun. Auto Cannon/Cannon on the other hand and spread missiles and see if you won't blow ACs outta the sky if they even dare come close. The biggest problem would be snipers in general and Sniper Cannons don't get the zoom feature on tanks, sniper rifles would be an inefficient way to use tanks so you can either hope you don't run into one.... or actually charge as fast as you can towards the sniper before he kills you slowly and steadily.
  2. You haven't seen what tanks are capable of in ACV, have you?
  3. Technically, it IS possible to single handedly win an invasion: 1-Come with two sniper cannons and kill the team before they reach you. 2-Get pilebunkers and go destroy those target heli's before they blow you outta the sky. I highly doubt a head on charge will ever work unless the team is actually dumb enough to go at you one at a time... Or the invader actually ninja assassinates the team one at a time ( which physically impossible ) But if you really want to mass murder then I can image a GOMAP tank would do the trick provided you're one heck of a tank pilot.
  4. Well if you feel confident taking on up to 4 ACs + Turrets on your own then be my guest. Claiming territories should be easy within the first month. Turrets..... Massive turrets, Jammer turrets, howizter turrets, missiles turrets..... Dang it'll be fun to watch the fire works.
  5. I'm guessing the lightweight and quick charge up is its advantage... That and I'd definitely prefer lunging at enemies covered in grimly orange light than with a giant hammer. Speaking of which, if noone intends on taking up OWs into battle then I'll have to include them into the Misc. Weaponaries that I'll be playing around with.
  6. I still don't get what's so bad about having a rock-paper-scissors concept in ACV. Or is he "wanting" that there will be a "king" AC so he can go around and "dominate"? i still say it's probably the best idea yet that defense is divided up to KE/TE/CE. Even originally it already sported Solid and EN defense, it wasn't enough to see a dominant EN AC build ( for obvious reasons ) and because grenades, missiles, and whathaveyou were mostly considered Solid so it was suicidal to focus on EN defense. Even laser blades melt through EN defence heavies so that didn't help either. At least with ACV, there's a better ... Trade offs for focusing on one type of weapon, you might still be able to make a one size fits all AC that can beat most designs but there will always be a more effective weapon/AC to beat a certain type of AC. For example, you might still be able to beat a KE-based AC with rifles and MGs ( KE weapons ) but it may not be as effective as say using lasers or heat weapons/rockets. Let's not forget, we have OW that are semi-reliable even in one vs one situations so that says a lot about how well thought out this game was made. OWs and misc. Weapons such as jammers, sentries, EN amplifiers and ammo magazines. The combinations are endless with this much variety, I really don't get why there "should" be one dominant AC. Maybe I'm just one of those who hate clone wars where they claim "that's where skill determines the winner/better person" but maybe it was due to first shot, or luck that one person goes exactly where the other wants him to at a certain moment, or it just depends on who got more hits, that wouldn't be enough to determine anyone's aptitude in using that particular AC. To some extent, I believe ACV will also put "knowledge"l and "experience" into play because you'd be utilizing whatever info you get from scan mode and react accordingly. Even if you didn't come prepared for a certain type of defense, or lack the proper counter weapons, you'd still have to figure out if attacking straight on ( because he doesn't have a weapon to exploit your weakness ) or play hit and run to avoid dying in 5 seconds. I could go on and on but I'll save it for when I feel like typing long replies on my mobile phone >.<
  7. I'm probably going to be the odd one in anyone's team. I like playing with misc. Weapons ( sentries, cannons on biped, blades/laser blades, jammers etc. ) Otherwise I'm most like a rapid fire maniac with chainguns and ( OH HELL YES for EN MGs!!! ) Machine pulse guns. I still shudder at the fact that I'm going HW in ACV..... And liking sniper cannons.... Doesn't sound right. D:
  8. I know what you're saying, Ultibreaker. I'm just pointing out ( GP as well ) that the AC the person uses in team wars is 90% going to be different than what is used in 1 on 1. For example if I was say.... a Movement/Generator jammer person in the squad so I could make the job of our squad's Sniper Cannoneer ( ehh, sounds legit ), going toe to toe against say... a Tank pilot is definitely a mismatch of team "roles" just to squeeze into the main team. Or maybe there's no category for a certain pilot type to compare? I didn't say it won't work, just that it's kinda... let's just say not entirely accurate way of measuring. Besides, if a certain tactic works in a certain squad, there's no guarantee the "main" team would benefit the same way. Much like sports team players, top players in the mediocre teams won't bring trophies out of nowhere. I am damn disappointed that parts aren't labelled :/ no more Corp/Co.-exclusiveness ness like Mirage and Eqbal/Algebra.
  9. Quads have the highest precision as everyone kept pointing out so I could slap chainguns and dash around if I was crazy enough. And you're not the only one with that hope, Mushinronja. I'm kinda hoping to somehow find a tag team partner eventually to have like syncronized tactics/ACs
  10. One minor comment about you promotion idea, Ultibreaker. 1 - 1 might not be the best "judge" to pick out players, they'd basically slap two rifless and damage race to death rather than play their "roles" in a squad. If anything I'd probably suggest some kind of judging panel ( yes like [country]-Idol ) or a referrer that recommends promoting a member to the official team. Of course I assumed the one in charge/organizer of the wing team to be a former main-team member assigned to train new bloods. Then again, if I really want to guess how it plays out at release: every rush jumps into ACU team at first and once that's been filled the remaining ones might start their own factions and few of the ACU move to their friends of factions with "cooler name/emblem" Though I'm hoping that we stick to ACU wing-teams to round up all the International players into joining the forums first before we all go making clans and rivalries.
  11. Not really, all that says is we won't have that many territory wars. Death matches are still there. Hahah, it just occured to me. I should stick in that lame ACV trailer "BYOT" bring your own team xD
  12. Hahah, I'm actually with you in all that Ultibreaker! I'm just not optimistic about the type of players we'll get in ACV, reading other forums and the ones in facebook gave me the impression of running into a lot of lone-wolf pro wannabes. But of course that just means we'll be having fun teaching that numbers beats bravery ( dumb bravery ) and we'll be sweeping territories in no time flat. I have been thinking about spreading the word of ACV locally.... I mean I could basically get people in my university interested in it. Or post in every gaming forums I come scross..... Then again we should have enough people at the release. Now if only 360 and PS3 could interract.
  13. Might want to play around with the ACV spreadsheet ( thanks to GP here ) and see where it gets you. One thing I noticed is, HW(biped) and Tanks are mainly TE-resistant which is probably why standard KE weapons slowly chew them up..... MW/LW parts are the KE resistant types but the low AP doesn't save them much either. That aside, I'm just dying to run around carrying a laser cannon and fry ACs with it.
  14. Oh of course not, you'll run into international lag bladers! Teleports in ACV still exists but it's not like you'll see an AC jump the view width of your screen. On the bright side though, this news means that we won't have a hard time to get our team's logo on the main screen compared to if we had to face the already high ranked jp-version teams. On the other hand, hooray we all get low class stock parts to begin with!!!!! Won't be running face first into a KRSW/KARASAWA. Good for advertisement too if we stand out on top!
  15. Fear of server crashes? That means... we have to rely on whose servers... oh boy.
  16. Why worry about the current online players? just wait till the rest of the world comes to play and then you'll be seeing rainbows.... but of course you'll still run to those guides/walkthrough followers that always look for easy ways out or flavor of the season ACs, doesn't mean the entire world will end up using them all the time. At the very least, I won't. I really loath overrated one-size fits all stuff. If you find my name online, you can definitely bet I'll have some out of the ordinary designs... especially with all those weapons... That is, if I don't spend most of my time painting/emblem drawing.
  17. 90% of my design making/thinking process goes to Form, looks and Aesthetics. You wouldn't believe how long I spend time in the garage screen just tweaking with part tuning and internal parts swaping just to fit the visible AC parts. Not to mention painting and repainting the AC atleast 4 times and creating emblems and decals to finish everything. One thing I'm laughing at myself about is that if I'm on any team in ACV, if I go to the garage to change something on my AC, I may never come back out.... Unless I already have a prepare schematic for what I want.
  18. I was saying it'll be a while before players break off the mentality of being a "one man army" and "I can beat anyone!" Before proper teams with specialized units ( dedicated sniper, recon, heavy... Etc ) start forming. The hardest unit to find being the Operator, sure some will try it for fun or because of circumstances but a dedicated operator will be very rare. Of course I'm sure there will be back up operators to let the original one have fun shooting stuff but I'm not too optimistic about the AC players sharing the same "team-work" idea. But! It's going to be loads of fun to teach those lonewolf pro-wannabes what tactical team play is all about.
  19. That "wager points" is the team ranking pointing in a certain territory, you'll notice that in places you haven't played much in, you're not in the rankings but have points there. In a sense dominion matches are like pink slips in races, you bet points and winner takes all which in most cases nets you enough points to get into the ranks ( own a territory ) or drop out by losing. Regular intrusions is like the slow and steady ladder climb but eventually you'll run into the lowest ranker team to take their spot. That being said, that is why the top ranker team's logo shows up in a certain territory; they's accumulated a lot of points. Through non-stop battling of course, hahah. Also, there is a periodic server reset/refresh that I was hoping for to neuteralize all territories like how it was in AC4/4A's ranked matches. So don't give up yet.
  20. Which should've been a good enough reason for the NA ACV to include that ACV mic too... Ehh, sometimes I don't get how those people think.
  21. As far as what I figured out from what Niji's been posting regarding "weapons only" Performance Parts ( or weapons really ) can be purchased from the shop when you're in a team (?). After buying the weapon you get to pick out what kind of affinity/parameter boost pack you want out of 3 possible ones ( here ), plus you get to pick if you want an extreme tuning or standard/average. My guess on niji's examples above is that 1A would be like the first "standard" vs. 1B which might be the extreme tuning. ( don't take my word for it though it could be just same weapons and affinity set up but different results ) While the 1~3 is the different types of affinities. I'm also guessing to improve one stat, another one gets downgraded... to keep balance I suppose. I need to sue play asia, I still haven't gotten my copy yet >.> Oh yeah one tiny bit of info I just remembered, apparantly in order to enhance the weapon, you'd have to take it with you on your missions and fights. Thinking leveling up weapons... which sounds weird.... WE GOT LIVING WEAPONS!
  22. Genius! Freaking Genius! Where's my damned copy of JP ACV >.< been 2 weeks now and I'm missing all the fun!
  23. Trying to search this thread about how to join up teams will be a hassle. I'm going to try to remember off the top of my head from the demo: 1- on the team screen, the last option would take you to a Deploy screen I think 2- the first option should take you to Move ( don't remember the title ) 3- first option again to go to the team search screen 4- you should be able to type in the name of the team from there. 5- I think you could guess your way after that my memory cuts off here..... Until I get my copy that is, then maybe I can help niji with the guides.
  24. -comment on pile bunker rush team- What took people so long to figure out how to do THAT!? It should've been common sense when you have a mission that says: "destroy [x] Targets or eliminate all enemy ACs" to go for the easy targets. Yeah sure the defense team are no idiots to let you through but I mean.... come on. If anything, could have a team heavies and tanks as distraction while one AC goes to eliminate those copters as much as possible before the rest of the team ( like the heavies ) try and finish the remains.
  25. I have but have yet to receive my copy but you can definitely count me as an ACV Raven.
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