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Everything posted by Densuo

  1. .....It's gonna come out in US. so I wont be importing.
  2. Silver hawk sig? fuck yeah. Where's my ROCKETS!?!?
  3. Given the risk of the Overweapons and how you frop your otherside weapon, I figure high powered low ammo weapons will see more use. should be fun times. I'm looking forward to it. Amazon lists as december release date.... where's the special edition??
  4. Pile.....bunkers......... *orgasm* all i need now is some rockets an RJ and something else and I'm gooooooooooooooooooood
  5. Should be fun. Also is that a Silver hawk on your Siggy?
  6. Densuo

    The Firearm Thread

    I'm in NY. It'd be a bitch for me to get a firearm =
  7. as long as I can recreate this emblem we good http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=16681268 best emblem in AC MoA. best emblem ever
  8. thats the craziest part. the fact that Randypants was out wrasslin' him. I mean. I know Kurt Angle out wrassled his ass in the back stage (expected. He IS olympic level) But Randy was OLD and FAR past his prime. It can only be attributed to either a) Lesnar being over rated or Randy is MMA's Bernard Hopkins.
  9. I don't think he was ao special. I figured as much the instant I saw him fight Randypants. Dude got sooooooooooooo lucky.
  10. Densuo


    http://espn.go.com/blog/new-york/boxing/post/_/id/804/new-year-resolution-for-macklin-ko-martinez just the first couple paragraphs filled my mind with fuck as far as the belt stuff. I prefer boxing over MMA. but quite frankly, I respect what Dana does. He has the best fight the best. And it is also why, despite when a fighter loses they don't really lose so much respect because they are fighting the best, its gonna happen.
  11. Densuo


    Pretty much. Honestly. As the boxing fan that I am. It just really infuriates me. Being a champion should be a prestigious award. Not a practice in god damn sanctioning fees. It's fucking bullshit. I mean come on. what do YOU think about this bullshit Eng?
  12. Had to make some corrections. I don't think it'll hurt Dana. The guy's resourceful. And he runs his business well.
  13. yeah I dont care who you are. Those knee shots hurt Body shots are really devastating. But what is to happen now with Brock still having a contract with Dana?
  14. I hated how some shots automatically missed. I took the Laser Machine gun which the top AC in the arena uses. I took it to test mode against a stationary target. Every fifth shot missed. I'd shoot a shot. wait until my AC was stationary again, and fired the next shot. the first four were fine, the fifth would veer off to who knows where. That was stupid.
  15. You read my comment incorrectly. It's obvious he's disappointed in NB My comment was more directed in general. I believed (obviously incorrectly with the above two posts) that No one really liked NB.
  16. I thought EVERYONE was dissapointed in Ninebreaker.
  17. Densuo


    Mayweather is going to the slammer for a 90 day sentence startin' January 6th. http://espn.go.com/b...k-about-in-jail Also: http://espn.go.com/b...eavyweight-belt In August, Povetkin claimed a vacant belt -- created by the WBA as a way of generating additional sanctioning fees after Wladimir Klitschko unified titles by easily beating David Haye in July. this makes me rage.
  18. Looks good. it seems to maintain some of the fast pace of FA. but the missions feel more like the old ones. let's see what happens.
  19. I suppose it depends on who I'm with. Playing with Chuave I'd use my RJ and zip around and be an ass. but with someone who's more agile my HW with the zook arms and big ass laser on the back was enough of a threat
  20. if CQC is difficult to get in and stay in, that means CQC will ikely be ultra lethal. Pilebunkers and generator jam rockets please!
  21. I can't be the only one that likes to play support
  22. I have a big ass White Glint with the VOB
  23. Stabilizers? Fine. But I want one extra option: When you have stabilizers, they are set with full armament in mind. But if I dump my now expended 10 shot lazer rifle and switch to a handgun my balance is thrown off. Solution? Detaching a weapon and moving to having a spare weapon, or something else dumped, stabilizers are purged to a different formation. My main thing is, if stabilization is to be included, then there needs to be clear cut benefits to them for taking the time to set that shit up properly.
  24. Densuo


    This saturday's fight was horrible. Dawson via tko2. Hopkins threw a punch, Dawson ducked and shoved him down, Hopkins hurt his shoulder, couldn't continue. Ref called no foul, Awarded Dawson a TKO victory. Also David Haye retired. meh. Edit: This is two fights in a row PPV wise that went shitty on the main event. I am not pleased
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