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Everything posted by Genocide

  1. I didn't see what the boosters were before you made the change, but Latona set is generally known for low-drain but respectable power. Since par for the course in this area would be low drain, low power; Latona are generally regarded as a tier booster set because of this. So yeah, it is good to assume that. Since low drain will equate to more boost/flight time. However, you should find what is right for your design, sometimes all low drain will not be good on every AC. As is, you can stand with Latona, since it kind of gets the best of both worlds, power and sustainability (more so sustainability than power). Labiata you can also keep, it has good damage per round for the amount of ammo it has, which is second only to the GAN rifle, although the GAN by comparison is far inferior to most other rifles. If you're still looking for another rifle, you can check out MR-100R, that's a good one. 063ANAR is the assault rifle that straddles the line between a standard rifle and the rest of the assault rifles, like how 051ANNR straddles the line between sniper rifles and regular rifles.
  2. Sup dawg. I see you've got yourself a midrange plinker here. That's not too bad, it's what most new people get in on the ground floor with. I'm surprised you didn't double up on the exact same model of rifle. That's good, since the different rates of fire produce more of a steady stream of bullets, making it easier to hit with over time. A couple things you might want to mess around with for the time being: Try switching the 051ANNR out a 047ANSR or some other sniper rifle. 051ANNR is about as close to a sniper rifle as you can get, without actually using a sniper rifle. The sniper will give you some long range hitting ability and can be used mid range as well. It'll deal more damage per hit and if you time your shots right you can be catch people as they recover from dodging rifle or missile fire. It'll be especially useful when paired with some fast moving missiles or some missiles that close from weird angles. People can usually recognize the fact that missiles will out damage a rifle, so they'll ignore the sniper shots for the most part. Even if the missiles don't land, you can probably plink like 2 - 3 k off someone while they dodge the missiles. What Niji said about the missiles is good too, having two of the same type of missile usually isn't a good thing, since if they get the movements to dodge them down pat, you will be losing a lot of DPS. PM missiles, sure you could use those, MP-O601JC or MP-O901 are the PM missiles if I'm not mistaken. 601JC will launch two sideways and are good for spamming, they also keep people on their toes. 901 is good for damage and launches four vertically. You might also want to look into Musselshell or some of the other scatter/spread missiles. Cheyenne02, MP-O200, MP-O200I, MP-O203, those are also good missile units. Also, if you do change to a sniper rifle, you'll want a head with at least 505 for its Camera Ability stat, so that you'll be getting 100% of your FCS' listed lock range. Hd-Hogire, Hd-Judith, AN047 head, those I feel would be great for this build.
  3. Genocide


    Rachel isn't half bad if you're playing a lightweight AC. The low drain will allow you to chain boost like crazy.
  4. Genocide


    Hmm, I totally forgot about ER-R500 and ER-O705. Yeah, those are good too, though I don't use much of the ER-R500. Personally, if I had to rate the laser rifles based on effectiveness from personal experience: 1. ER-O200 2. Altair 3. Avior 4. BFF Laser Rifle 5. ER-O705 6. ER-R500/Antares Again, this is just from my personal experience though, expect bias lol.
  5. Genocide


    I forget what EG-O703 is. Is it the pulse shotgun? If so, kudos for being original, but you should try using at least one different weapon. Whether you use the AC online or not, you might have trouble making the best use of them, since they are close range, low velocity and EN weapons, they will be demanding. I suggest putting on a laser rifle, perhaps one with high velocity as well. Avior, Altair, the BFF laser rifle (forgot serial number, that one i always forget lol), any of those would be good to check out. Or if you're looking to keep it low drain, you could alternatively use ER-O200.
  6. Genocide

    Lost Planet 2

    Sure, I'm down for co-op.
  7. Yeah, I'd use Hi-Lasers so much more often if they registered worth a damn. I'd be bringing Canopus on a lot of ACs.
  8. Genocide

    Lost Planet 2

    3-3 Was pretty easy, you can hide a bit below the lips on the containers and make pot-shots on the turrets with a rocket launcher to easily get up to Railway Gun. The boss too was pretty simple. Took a little while because I was doing SP, but you dont even have to use the Railway Gun to kill it. The gun turrets with infinite ammo will knock out the cores pretty easy. I like episode 4 the most, the episode boss is pretty tight looking.
  9. Yeah, it's kind of sad really. Usable laser weapons as far as online goes is pretty limited. Then again, not many laser guns to begin with either.
  10. Becrux and Vega have hit registration problems, just like Canopus. Vega would be the worse of the two to pick because of lower ammo.
  11. Genocide

    Lost Planet 2

    Sounds like someone is too accustomed to crying. Lol
  12. Yeah, I agree with those points raised about the matchmaking system. And as far as the perks etc. you listed, lol the game will be like MW2 v2.0. Not an insult by any means, I think those perks etc. would actually make the current MW2 the game it should have been instead of the semi-enjoyable game it is.
  13. Nah HA, I'm fairly sure that when Treyarch was soloing WaW they released a game full of bugs and exploits that took people all of about a month to figure out. I distinctly remember playing online for about 2 days and being disgusted with the amount of tanks shooting my ass off from UNDER the map. Not IN the map, UNDER the map. As in, they were driving tanks around where you couldn't see or shoot them, but they could sure see and shoot you. Then I heard IW came in to help Treyarch patch the game, which to me atleast, implies Treyarch couldn't do it on their own. Afterwards I saw no more tanks driving around under the map. But by then my taste for WaW was effectively ruined. I'm not saying you can't play the game, or that you aren't entitled to liking what you want to like, all I'm saying is I'm betting this CoD will be par for Treyarch's course is all.
  14. It's gonna suck if Treyarch is making it. WaW was shit-status until IW got a hold of it and was able to fix some of Treyarch's bungled programming. And even then, WaW didn't advance past shit-status.
  15. Granted, but you realize that Kojima doesn't even belong in AC5, since we've got a new universe. AND YES THIS IS REGARDLESS OF WHATEVER INFO YOU THINK YOU HAVE, HAHAHA! I wish... for mech corpses to actually litter the battlefield when you shoot someone or something down. Having to step over a felled opponent on your way to the next objective would be tight.
  16. Akimbo D.Eagle is the shit. lol
  17. Granted, but every time you do upload, the file gets corrupted and doesn't display correctly. I wish I wish I was a Fish.
  18. I'm a little more interested in the music than the actual tricks. Missile tornado was pretty cool though, makes me wonder what missile they were using and what the launch conditions were to produce that.
  19. Yeah the recoil causes some stun when fired midair, I could take a Sapla over that to negate the stun issue, but I just don't care really. Besides, Ogoto has better velocity than Sapla or Travers. The extra ammo is nice too for BR or TM. Overall, it's not a huge issue.
  20. Alliyah/H|WG-Core|Ekhazar-Arms|L11-Latona FS-Judith|GN-Lahire|MB11-Latona|BB11-Latona|AB-Hogire|KB-Judith MR-R102|SG-O700|Ogoto|061ANCM Stabilized: (0,-11) Tunes: 50; EN Out, EN Cap, Radar Refresh, Vert. Thrust, QB, Side QB, Arm Maneuverability 33; MS Lock, Turning 26; Lock Pretty fun to play. SG-O700 is a mean lil' mutha.
  21. Yeah it does. Guys I play with do Assault W/ C4 to demo buildings fast. Funny, cuz sometimes campers get raped.
  22. Genocide


    His Soldiers of Sorrow cover for MSG was pretty good. But I like Andrew W.K.'s better. ANDREW, IKKI MASU!
  23. UAV is only good if you A.) Can knock out the heli before it reaches you on the ground. or B.) The heli pilot doesn't know where the hell the ground station is. Given that B isn't as likely to occur as A (and even then A isn't too likely to happen) I'd say UAV for AA is subpar unless you can catch them totally off guard and kill them before they even know what the hell's going on. Ground station gets lit up as a target too when its active, just like a tank, meaning if they know half a shit about the map, your ass is SUPER visible. Not to mention the possibility of having infantry snipe, shoot or knife you off of it. You could have a guy cover you while you fly it, but then you're wasting man power for a UAV that can't capture points or take out M-Coms effectively and that doesn't provide any sort of guaranteed defense against a chopper or sniper unless your bodyguard is a crack shot and manages to spot them first. Mounted MG's are pretty much the same deal, except your firing range is more limited. The only thing you've got going for you versus a helicopter is that the ground station isn't lit up like the UAV's. You're pretty much stuck waiting for an opportune moment to shoot his ass, because if you just sit there blazing away, you'll be not only visible to the pilot if you start hitting him, all the infantry in the area and the snipers will know where to look for an easy kill. The same problems are present for the AA guns, yeah, but at least it does a shit load more damage per hit, meaning the time you have to stay immobile is reduced if he doesn't kill you on the first pass. All things considered, I'd say the static AA does stink this time around, but the actual AA emplacement is a cut above IMO for the reasons above. The best IMO would be the Badchka BMP-3 AA, since its got an AA gun and its mobile, you can at least dodge some rockets (if you've got a driver) or another Helicopter. Heli to Heli combat only occurs on a few maps, but you can't say that they aren't the most effective at killing other vehicles of the same type. Only reasons Heli-to-Heli wouldn't be viable in my eyes is because either the map isn't set up for it, enemy team has both helis or you've got noobs piloting your team's helicopter/s.
  24. Killing heli's with AA is fairly easy. V-Reload or V-Warheads will enable you to tear through them. The only reason people go after them so much is because they kill helis fast. Even faster with the aforementioned specializations.
  25. Genocide


    Haha, I think I see the resemblance. Tellus is the face, the OPS are the tusks, and the Euphoria are the ears! Pretty cool, I know its not practical, or was even meant for it, but EN arm weapons on a tank is something new. I might experiment with making a combat-viable version of this AC.
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