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Everything posted by Aokiryu89

  1. Aokiryu89

    Dark Souls

    Last time I checked the overarching issues with the servers affect the arena, so you'll be sitting in a cage waiting for someone to join. Don't even bother with it, if you're going to play Dark Souls do it the way you enjoy the most and screw the 100 level cap shit. Unless they fixed it somehow, that area has always been buggy for me, maybe because of the traffic it gets who knows. If you can make something out of it more power to ya.
  2. http://youtu.be/kTWjtnKv4vE That was like watching someone commit suicide. Pretty creepy. Wait a minute.... The Fudge?
  3. Aokiryu89

    Dragon's Dogma

    Knowing full well that games don't need to be designed for expansion in order to be expanded. IE: Dark Souls Yeah Capcom's logic is total BS.
  4. The only thing you can really do is design it so it can handle falling over and that it will fall over gracefully and be able to pop right back up. Even the most well balanced legged organisms in nature fall over from time to time.
  5. In regards to building a true mech regardless of it's practical application you're going to need a lot of this stuff. http://news.discovery.com/tech/biotechnology/artificial-muscle-stronger-121115.htm
  6. We don't doubt the possibility that someone may eventually build one, we just doubt that it would become a viable military or even paramilitary weapon. The best chance such a vehicle may have is being a rescue vehicle. When all is said and done though, the damn thing would cost way too much to upkeep when compared to the more likely tank/truck with anti fall over mechanisms. But as long as their are steep mountains, rocky hills, and hard to see cliffs, land vehicles will continue to have that chance of falling over and putting legs on such vehicles does not improve their chances.
  7. I honestly think another developer will come up with their own customizable mech game that is on par with what AC fans thought the AC series was going to go. And FROM will eventually trip up with the DS series and huddle back into the depths of generic JP dev groups from once they came. I hate speculating the thought patterns of foreign developers. At least we know that EA is just one big douche hole.
  8. You really should just read this thread from the beginning. The Kuratas is a toy, a cool toy but a toy none the less. It's legs don't really work either.
  9. I was referring to the purpose of stealth. Plus the B-2s, B-52s and every other aircraft flying around in the military today are not the same as they were when they first entered service. They have been upgraded to the extent that they could be considered completely different aircraft all together. Especially the B-52. Honestly a gunship could take out a mech. You want a future tech reference for that, just look at GITS.
  10. Does the word STEALTH mean anything to you?
  11. Of course there is going to be VI. Whether or not it is going to be appealing to anyone outside of japan is a whole other story. It's far too soon to even talk about it. ACV was supposed to be the game that set everything right. It did the job specifically for Japan and FROM could care less about how the international market thinks of the series. Even the best installments recieved mediocre reviews from critics who merely glanced over the contents and didn't even recognize the most basic of changes made. International market is paying attention to Dark Souls so that's what FROM is going to make sure the international market likes. Not Armored Core.
  12. True that but they aren't always there plus they are pretty much cheats at least for me, I personally prefer observing my surroundings instead of relying on player hints. Which is what I'm doing now with Demon's Souls for the most part.
  13. That does look pretty crappy. Not even a picture.
  14. http://www.thinkhero.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/space_cruiser_yamato.jpg Are we even talking about ACs anymore?
  15. http://img223.imageshack.us/img223/5770/tank20fall20down2mi1.jpg
  16. Kojima particles are nothing compared to the Will of Metatron!
  17. No amount of defense can protect you from the LAW. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/64/USAF_M72_LAW.jpg
  18. http://t.qkme.me/3od9qv.jpg Seriously I've been saying this for years and suddenly someone is trying to make a meme out of it. This will be the second time I have said something online and it has caught on. The first was a comment about how Nujabes (the DJ responsible for several tracks from the Samurai Champloo anime) was filling Heaven with his cool beats after he died in a car accident about 2 years ago now.
  19. Depends on which workshop your using, the first one where you are out in the middle of nowhere with a flimsy fence does not have a display emblem. Pretty much all of the other ones do though.
  20. Officially licensed porn was my idea though. Hell people make it why not make a profit off of it. It's dirty money Jim! Dirty Money! It's not so bad when the characters are adult humans who were probably doing the horizontal limbo anyways.
  21. I think the most they are going to do in terms of making the game easier are perhaps tweaking the summoning system a bit, streamlining the overall "journey" of the game by giving visual cues in the environment itself, and perhaps giving more depth to how you use a weapon (say on person upgrades a spear that can parry on it's own: one hand, two hand, whatever. And then another person would go and use the same spear to master swings and slashes to wipe out crowds. One thing that I would like to see to make the game harder for the masses but give more depth to the mechanics would be getting rid of the invincibility of executing a parry or backstab. Which is probably what was shown in the trailer when the knight was attacked by multiple a opponents it looked like he pulled of a parry with both his main and offhand weapons almost simultaneously. Imagine that, parrying two dudes at once.
  22. I think Vanishing is more weeaboo crack than Sunrise.
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