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Everything posted by Griffon

  1. Then there's the problem they had with fA of making environments too destructible, where buildings collapse if you glance at it hard enough. I'd rather have consistent indestructible cover than completely useless cover. Might as well hide your AC behind a wet cardboard box.
  2. I honestly have no idea, I doubt even his teammates could have killed him as fast as he died without a sniper cannon, and I'm pretty sure they didn't have one. It could have been a connection error, where he disconnected, but not really.
  3. No, I think you just get points and they lose some, but you don't get the territory like you would in a conquest mission.
  4. Was defending in a stronghold mission with 3 of my teammates. At the very beginning of the match, one of the enemy team was immediately destroyed somehow, and after my team defeated the remaining enemies, we started being killed one at a time with no indication of what was causing it. After watching the replay, it showed the enemy that was destroyed at the beginning was moving around killing us, seemingly invisible. Has anyone else encountered this? Is this an exploitable glitch?
  5. Protrude has got to be my favorite. Dat beat.
  6. Griffon


    Made some changes, posted in red. Haven't gotten much of a chance to test them out yet, but what little I have tested seems to be yielding good results. Settled on the Erbsen and Lotus for my R-arm weapons. Preferred the ebsens quicker reload over Salems power, and Niji said go Lotus so I did. I changed the Seidenbaum SR to the Akazien for ammo purposes, and set the performance for fire rate so I don't have to wait forever between shots. The KO shotgun I haven't gotten a chance to test out much yet but it seemed to do quite well in the test mode. The arms I changed to the Svir 2 as was suggested at the Garage for their higher firing stability.
  7. Griffon


    What would anybody's thoughts be on replacing the Tansy with a shotgun? The Tansy was pretty much there as a mission rifle for the little targets but chiefly as a close-range deterrent. I heard shotguns can actually be particularly nasty in ACV.
  8. Griffon


    Oh I completely agree, but the Erbsen isn't one of the AST SCs, though after reading what I wrote I can see how that could seem like what I was implying. The Erbsen has a little less power than the Salem and the same ammo, but reloads almost twice as fast. A Jammer huh? Now there's an interesting idea. I may definitely have to play around with that, thanks.
  9. HAHAHA, I dunno about that Tebbo. That just sounds too devious not to be an absolute blast.
  10. Griffon


    Sentry gun eh? What do you think should be replaced to accommodate it? Drop the Tansy and forgo any kind of mid-close range options?
  11. Griffon


    AC: Gavreau Def Sniper Spec Quadruped HD-19 Chromeye UCR-10/A KT-4S2-2/Svir 2 Viso LG664-2 ////////////////// Predire FCS190 Sonne GNE530 UBT-25 Gale URD-36/EA ////////////////// Erbsen (Sniper Cannon) Power Zlatko (Sniper Rifle) Power Surat (CE Missile) - Cercis (Battle Rifle) Accuracy (?) KO-3K2 (Shotgun) Power Quadrupeds are a heavyweight class now and much slower so I put a lot more focus on defense than I usually did in previous games. But since I'm not very experienced with HWs I'm not sure I did it right. Now I'll admit, I've always been a bit stupid when it comes to head parts, seeing it more of an aesthetic choice for me. The Chromeye is the reincarnation of my all-time favorite head, the BEE from Silent Line, so I'll have to be dragged kicking and screaming if it needs changed. As for weapons, I'm torn between the Salem and Erbsen cannons. The Salems higher damage may be nice, but the Erbsens fire rate may win out. I wanted something nice, mid-range, and powerful behind the cannon, something that could back up both of my l-arm weapons, so I've been flip-flipping between the Cercis and its upgrade the Lotus. I went with the Tansy as my close-range weapon, it seemed like it packed a decent enough punch. Originally I had the Geneva gatling gun but it didn't seem to cut it.
  12. Yeah, but the fact that you can't even progress in the story mode is completely bogus. Connecting story mode to online like that is fucking stupid. Also connecting to teams seems to be off as well, none of my friends could find my team to join.
  13. Server connection error, discarding mission results? WTF? I mean ok, I can maybe understand on a territory mission, but a story mission?! Now I have to do it again? Again? This server BS is preventing me from getting anywhere in this game.
  14. Griffon


    I decided to buy this game after hearing all the buzz lately, seems this game is creating quite a stir. And rightfully so too, this game is quite the experience. I was lucky enough to get a partner somewhere halfway through my first time, and I think it may have been his as well as we seemed to be figuring out all the "puzzles" together, and it made my first time through all the more rewarding for it. The hidden stuff for the trophies certainly provide some replayability as well, this game is as golden as its sands.
  15. Ahh, I see. Yeah, maybe I can see some purpose then as a long range option for tanks, seeing as they can still lock on. But overall they seem pretty outclassed by sniper cannons.
  16. God damn, I'd love nothing more than getting ACV monday night, unfortunately that would really mess up my tuesday at work.
  17. Yeah, but it seemed to me like it needed to charge just to get it to stack up to a regular cannon, unless I missed something. I mean uncharged it didn't even one-shot a tank.
  18. Oh. Oh wow. Those seem pretty terrible. Seems to me that railguns need a pretty big buff, no wonder I don't see them. Thanks, Moon.
  19. Think I could get a vid of some of the railguns in action? Seen a lot of sniper cannons but no RGs.
  20. They could possibly. if portrayed accurately then jets in AC shouldn't actually be too different than in CoD. Hear a warning from your operator, and you've got a couple seconds to find cover or risk taking some pretty heavy damage. Managing to shoot one down should be, as you said, difficult if not next to impossible. Something like an AC-130 could really manage to spice up a mission.
  21. Ok, I lied about the last question being the last one, had one more I forgot to ask. Sorry if it's been asked before. Is there friendly fire? Like if a teammate is duking it out with someone and I fire, say, some howitzer rounds or a sniper cannon shell, could I run the risk of damaging my teammate? What about turrets? If it's a fight on your territory, could a badly aimed turret shot hurt you, or what about these jamming fields I heard about? I know I'm asking a lot of dumb questions. Just trying to get as big a picture as I can while I wait for the NA release.
  22. Ok so one more question, I've heard something called "Drift Boost". From my understanding its some way of using Overboost/Glide Boost to turn around quickly. How exactly does that work?
  23. That's certainly how it felt in the demo, you're sure the energy boost didn't change that?
  24. I don't really like the sound of that. : From what I played in the demo, the low EN made QB a lot less spammable, I'll be upset if it's anywhere close to fA levels now. And from what the weight thing sounds like, sounds like they should have kept that the same, I know underweighting was a problem in some of the PS2 games but it sounded like the system implemented before was working fine. : Maybe I should stop complaining about changes made to a game I haven't played yet.
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