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Everything posted by Adonael

  1. Adonael

    Lost Planet 3

    I never made it passed the lost planet 2 Demo Haha. I still played it after the game was well past release. Some good memories there.
  2. Adonael

    Lost Planet 3

    Pretty trailer. I did enjoy Lost Planet 2, but I didn't enjoy it as much as I did the first one. Plus games need to take more advantage of the snowy environments.
  3. Reminds me of the P-38 Lightning. With no cockpit of course.
  4. Not with a key board AND mouse. Only keyboard. I played with a set up that was a bit useful. W=Triangle 8= Up Q = L1 V=Start A=Square 4=Left E = R1 B=Select S= Circle 5= Down 7= L2 Space= X 6= right 9 = R2 I found it pretty useful like that. Of course it takes a lot of practice to adjust to the keyboard, but once you get situated its really not all that bad. Also with netplay you can play old Psone split screen with a buddy. Only problem is some kinks are annoying to get past and I don't even know if you can find the plug-in anymore. I did this once in weeee.... I'll guess 2005. With Hamachi, ePsxe, and Jet Moto 2. It works great if you gave a good connection and same plug-in setup. Just can't do stuff willy nilly or you'll de-sync it. Keep in mind the games I emulate are ones I own. I emulate for the sake of capturing video. Enough about that off topic rant, but yeah. Armored core 1, minefield, best days ever.
  5. Patience young one. My ps3 is still half way across the country.
  6. I'll have it sometime after April. Or possibly longer. Depends when most of the server issues are fixed.
  7. ....Is it ever going to end?
  8. I watched the story mode to see where some of the complaints were coming from. Theres a lot of bad dialog moments and stupid context. *bunch of birds fly out* "What was that!?" Ivy: Your that annoying brat. Par: Ivy! I was looking for you do you remember me!? A lot of plot forwarding with out any development. aannnnd... ... It wreaks of incest. Sorry I ment reeks. See what this shit does to your head?
  9. Maxi was good in 3. The key was to mix up his high and low attacks followed by a stun or push back. He was a pretty bad ass character in 3 In my opinion. His Bruce Lee kick also helped close distance. Everything else I ignored him in.
  10. Pretty funny video. Game is probably going to attract furries now. Anyway, who buys a fighting game for the story? I mainly liked Souls for its fighting mechanics. I'll be buying this one but not any time soon. Interesting how they actually tried to progress with it though.
  11. Adonael

    Xbox 720

    This is why I'm starting to like PC gaming more.
  12. The first two runs of jet moto were both best sellers. The drastic change in gameplay or a change of times caused bad sales for the third. The series would of continued to jet moto 2124 if 3 would have sold more. Which 2124 was being developed at the same time as jet moto 3 as a fail safe if jet moto 3 missed its dead line and to be the next year release had 3 made its release and been successful. As for the attempt on ps 2 no one knows what's up with that. You can still find the design doc on google if you look for it. There's also a few interviews with developers/designers etc. laying around. If anyone is interested I'll dig around for them.
  13. Yeah in Jet Moto 2. One of the hardest tracks in any of the games.
  14. http://thebestblogever-adonael.blogspot.com/ Lets hear some of your opinions on this. Do you think Jet Moto is fitting for a Ps3 game? Why , why not? Don't care if you NEVER played the game before in your life. I'd like to hear your opinion too.
  15. ..About this blog I ignore every so often. I'll make it up with a WIP http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/004/c/7/c7bea01149aa0e327a90e420850b17f6-d4lc84u.png A bike inspired by Jetmoto. I'm happy with the body style but theres a few small things that need adjusting and changing. I really liked Syd Mead*'s style of engine so I used that for an engine reference and me not being a tech guru I couldn't come up with a good looking one myself. I'm currently thinking of different paintjobs, something more imaginative but right now I'm sticking with that. *Syd mead did the concept art for the Canceled Jetmoto 2124.
  16. Because it sucked. Just like this game is probably going to. I was sort of interested until I heard this: Don't like WoW. Means I probably wont like this. Wheres my battlefront 3 lucas?
  17. Adonael

    Ace Combat

    I only have three problems with this game. 1. Evil Russians. Always. 2. Hawks. 3. It IS CoD of the sky. Besides that it's not that bad and the fact you don't have to do all the weird stunt chase mode stuff. Just funny how Hawks and Ace Combat flipped roles there.
  18. Best opening in an elder scrolls game ever.. Not that the old ones were hard to top.
  19. Adonael

    Grand Theft Auto V

    Vice city was good, but I prefer the semi realistic feel to the vehicles to the arcady feel to the older ones. Not to mention I've always been partial to liberty city. Always loved that mafia/gangster feel.
  20. Adonael

    Grand Theft Auto V

    I second that. The heli handling in IV was pretty awesome and the car handling was improved ten fold. With that being said I don' think we have to worry.
  21. Adonael

    Grand Theft Auto V

    Looks good. Nothing can go wrong with planes and jet skis. Any idea who or what the main character is going to be? Only good main characters in the series were Claud, Victor and the three from IV. Everyone else was annoying, boring or crack addicts.
  22. Adonael

    Grand Theft Auto V

    I'd sill play GTA IV online if I could. I love playing it online every once in awhile, with friends of course. I hope GTA V Improves on that and adds trains online and mini games, and bar drinking. Mmm Simulated partying.
  23. Adonael

    Battlefield 3

    Already have a bunch. Would just like to see good controls and decent playability in battlefield 3.
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