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Everything posted by Kaleidoscope

  1. Kaleidoscope

    Battlefield 3

    I really shouldn't say that a sniper is only as good as his squad and yes everyone on any class is way better with a squad with good chemistry. What I really meant is most of the recon's classes get the bulk of their points from spot assists or spawn points which is why most of the time I go 7-0 with my k/d but I'll have like 30 to 40 assists and 20 to 30 spawns. That's if I play with a group I'm comfortable with. With the randoms it's usually 50 to 75 percent less. But sometimes I'll go twenty-something in kills and single digits in deaths and win MVP. The majority of the time though, a recon class will have a crap load of assists/spots.
  2. Kaleidoscope

    Battlefield 3

    I don't play often, only when I get a group going. Mainly because I snipe and a sniper is only as good as his squad, at least in this game, and most of the time I have a high kill death ratio even in low amounts of kills. I mainly run around setting spawn points for people and run Squad cover just because that stupid blur can affect me from far away, so I don't get hit with the blur and miss a head shot. Most of the time though I get spot assists but that comes with the territory of seeing most of the field. It's a lot easier to snipe in this one because, as a few have already pointed out, no one heals anyone. So most are at just enough for a one-shot-kill.
  3. Best Class EVAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111 "Remember you're a fucking badass, you are the one that killed Bambi's Mother. Skin that bitch, make her into leather." I think that's the best thing I've heard all year.
  4. Kaleidoscope

    Battlefield 3

    Raor just tell me when you rent it I have it for 360.
  5. Kaleidoscope

    Dark Souls

    If I had XBL I would play DS more but since I don't skyrim has taken most of my time. I was online last night because I went to my sister-in-law's house and tried playing with people but I couldn't find anyone online so I played MW3.
  6. Most people who will try to snipe will just bunker down and hold a position, which is not a sniper but a distraction to anyone with a brain. A good sniper would move around unless setting a trap. A golden rule snipers use in the military is two shots then move, which I use otherwise I'm going to get ambushed.
  7. Kaleidoscope

    Dark Souls

    @Fragrant the dagger is mainly used for its 500 bleed damage which is awesome. The only buff that works with the dagger is power within because Its a dragon weapon. A high dex build with another bleeding weapon along side like her scythe, which also has 500 bleed damage can really kill people fast. Just make sure to bring some red moss if you use the scythe. I give an example build later once I get home. @TM Darkmoonblade shotel can be a 2HK to turtles.
  8. Speak for yourself, I'm going to be picking off entire teams with my sniper cannon. If you ever played battlefield you can snipe with bullet drop and fast moving target (helicopters and ATVs). ACs are also bigger targets so there's a lot more forgiveness with arching your shot. I was so excited when they showed the sniper zoom, I've always been a sniper user so watch out
  9. Well that makes me sad, I enjoyed being a Vampire in Oblivion. Well I still have fun with being a Lycan and making everyone cower when I roar
  10. Anyone get turned into a Vampire yet? I enjoy being a Werewolf with Hiricine's Ring and Devour entire holds.
  11. Kaleidoscope

    Dark Souls

    Or go to the demon Ruins and get a sun Maggot so you don't have to waste a shield slot. I'm really liking Rapiers, they're super fast and can OHK with a hornet back stab. But I think the best thing about the rapier is their running attack. I'm going to be making a lot of Dex builds to play around with them some more.
  12. Kaleidoscope

    Dark Souls

    Shit I don't have wifi so I can't get the patch. Fuck.
  13. Kaleidoscope

    Dark Souls

    What I hope they fix: 1. Chaos Blade 2. Axe's other than Black Knights 3. Dragonslayer Spear 4. The missing Crit stat on some weapons 5. Demon Soul weapons The Chaos Blade is a PoS, I hope they make it useful. All Axe's outside of the Black Knights have a shitty swing animation and are terrible outside of pve where they're almost useable. Dragonslayer's damage is pathetic for the difficulty required to make it. Four is self explanatory. Most demon weapons outside of Quelaag's furysword and the crystal ring shield are pretty lame, I hope they either buff the others or nerf those. Things that are most likely to fix: 1. Fog ring 2. Magic shield glitch 3. Lightning weapons 4. TWoP 5. Pyromancy nerf 6. everything else in the patch Most of the patch is going to deal with all the whining and complaining the "I want a fair fight" people have been advocating since the game was released. It makes me sad as some of the patches are pretty cool sounding like fixing drop rates and adding items to merchants but everything else makes me angry. Go to the preparetodie forums and you'll see how much of it is littered with "I hate stupid fog ring users" so before the patch I want everyone to just use the fog ring before it dies.
  14. Kaleidoscope

    Dark Souls

    Any critical hit is show by a blue slash/smash mark when you hit someone. I'm not to sure on all the critical hits but the ones in pve are like everyone back stabs, parrying someone, and the shield bust. Counter attacks are also considered critical hits like if a weapon bounces off a shield and you strike right away or even if they don't bounce off but you attack right away anyway. Also striking an enemy when he is about to attack gets a critical as well, not sure with pvp but I can test with the forest NPCs. Though with good enough poise I doubt a crit hit will help much if you can't with stand the incoming volley of attack from the other guy with enough poise. There are lots of weird times when I got crit hits when an enemy was just standing there but when I went back to hit him he didn't receive the blue slash mark or the increase in damage. Oh and the Estoc's critical hit number stat should be somewhere inbetween the Mailbreaker and the Rapier. As it did more than the rapier but less than the Mailbreaker when they all had near equal base damage. Bandit dagger still blows everything out of the water though when it comes to crit damage, that and bleed damage makes it even more appealing.
  15. Kaleidoscope

    Dark Souls

    He has three dicks, makes up for missing a nut.
  16. Kaleidoscope

    Dark Souls

  17. Kaleidoscope

    Dark Souls

    A DMB crystal Bandit's dagger with hornet's ring could kill almost anyone in one back stab. I'd like to try the Red-eye orb with the slumbering dragoncrest ring with that set-up. ASSASSIN EDIT: throw in hidden body for good measures.
  18. Kaleidoscope

    Dark Souls

    @Rachis I didn't say it couldn't kill, I was just saying it does very little damage. The first time I beat the game I killed him with it and I didn't have that much trouble because I could use the light roll. Most people don't care about rolls because the majority turtle's, the fact that the Lightning spear is good and is found early enough doesn't really help either. Hornet's + Leo's makes the Dragonslayer half way decent to make up for it's crappy damage.
  19. Kaleidoscope

    Dark Souls

    At Under 25% both are pretty easy. Smough is slow the whole time and Ornstein's only huge damage outputs are the Banzai drop and the Grab move both of which are easy to dodge with a light roll. At 25% and up Smough is a way better choice just because both of Ornstein's moves become extremely odd to dodge, especially the drop. I think most people have trouble with Ornstein is because they use the ightning spear which does nothing to him because of his armor having the highest base lightning resistance. Just use a Fire/Chaos weapon and he's a cream-puff.
  20. Kaleidoscope

    Battlefield 3

    Bootcamp works fine. EDIT: I think the campaign did it's job for a typical FPS. It was Fast-Paced, difficult enough to warrant full attention the whole time, and it had tons of explosions and fuck-yeah moments like Counter-sniping with an AT, not only did you take out the sniper nest but the bulk of the building the nest was in. The length was short (I beat it in, I think, 6 hours) and I wish it had more but overall I enjoyed it.
  21. Kaleidoscope

    Battlefield 3

    I just got it today and the campaign is pretty sick for the hour and a half I played. I also got the limited addition so I go the online pass even though I didn't pre-order it. I don't have XBL at the moment so I hoping to get it back soon to be able to play this with MW3. I've been hearing this game is WAY better on pc which doesn't surprise me as most are, so I might get it for my Mac.
  22. Kaleidoscope

    Dark Souls

    Must have done like 35 damage, lightning does jack shit to the Dead.
  23. Kaleidoscope

    Dark Souls

    The firs time I beat the game I didn't have a Divine weapon to beat Nito (it wasn't established that divine weapons killed the Skeley's for good at that point) so I was running around the whole time to hit him in the ass. It's pretty hard not prepared, though most bosses I guess could be if not prepared.
  24. Kaleidoscope

    Dark Souls

  25. Kaleidoscope

    Dark Souls

    I didn't say it wasn't worth the rank-up just the fact that I don't have regular internet so I have to farm them from the crow demon's which took two days to get 10...... But I see what you mean I was thinking in terms of builds that don't want lots of points outside of their build arch-types like a pure strength or dex but then you could just use Power within.
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