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Everything posted by poopscootsMcgee

  1. In a Station of the Metro The apparition of these faces in the crowd ; Petals on a wet, black bough. — Ezra Pound interesting that it has no verbs hey tm i like your poem but it is very mysterious? also noob you fail at limerick. i dont think that one really rhymes. example: i once knew an old gash named joan in bed she would twist and moan until one dark night i gave her a fright and had her fucked by a huge black samoan
  2. i did and thank you. i encourage you all to post any poetry you find good and or like that you have written and or read
  3. never read a wild sheep chase, and i know what you mean about norwegian wood. i started on the wind-up bird chronicle and was hooked. just like how i started smoking; my first cigarette was a clove
  4. that basically sums it up, i have the demo
  5. speaking of comics the avengers movie was like exploding titties
  6. i've done enough acid to know exactly what is going through her head. true storyyyyy
  7. Murakami is some kind of writing genius. How can it be denied. This is the thread where we shall discuss him and praise his glories. Sooooooooo I really love his short stories. "The Elephant Vanishes" was so epic. What's his deal anyway? It seems like he's writing from another world but somehow can tell stories better than most earthlings. Like hes got some kind of third eye that pierces directly into the ambiguous and foggy realm of the unknown. And yet still it is only a counterpoint to the fact that he is just trying to entertain you. which is what i really love about the guy. he's got all the crazy ideas in the world as far out as you can blast them but is only trying to tell as good a story as possible and never forgets that. 1Q84 is one of my favorite books. Best love story I've ever read by far. Marquez? fuck him. Naruda doesn't even know what love is. Discuss Murakami here. I expect this thread to die pretty fast. Murakami fans are rare kind of
  8. Transmetropolitan, the Dark Horse Conan series pre-issue six, and (somewhat shamefully) Neil Gaiman's Sandman. Oh, and The Goon. And a Psylocke one-off. I find comics without superheroes are the best kind. I.E. Transmet, Conan, the Goon are my favorites. I enjoy mainly those more trail-blazing types that start somewhere original from scratch with an idea that challenges the reader. though as far as superhero stuff goes I've read my share and planet hulk the animated movie isn't too bad. it really bothers me how obvious it is that Marvel mass-producing these animated movies sets the quality bar so low on the animation. It is so much less detailed than other animated shows, and has such a shitty frame count. gwahhhh but yeah non-superhero comics rule
  9. looks lovecraftian. wonderful! edit: in fact i'd be willing to bet this was inspired directly by lovecraft's writing. one of the 'dog-faced ghouls' maybe?
  10. if you are still doing this or whatever i have a request as well. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tnPkQufnZY&feature=fvst hat and beard by eric dolphy. i want to know what his clarinet looks like you can go ahead and skip to 1:30 where he starts to solo if you dont like jazz that much thanks
  11. yes thanks for summing that up. no joke. basically thats it. oh and also shots of helicopters. edit: because it seriously makes about that much sense so heres what i figure the story is now keep in mind im on mission 3. obviously the player is an alien-ai in a world of human, neo-human, and ai-human ai's, the aliens are the ac's come from the future where nineball has travelled back in time from the future of his own ai world to design his own ai and thus bring himself into existence. the 'resistance' is the meta-robot imagination of the ai's that are from humans while Father is the ai-ai. the resistance is lead by the only human in the game, rosary. if you look closely at her ship you will see the rose with the thorns emblem which in the ai universe is the symbol for 'human'. Boris is the secret ai of the Chief and boris though never being mentioned in the story is actually nineball. i mean, nineball's clone. the ac's eventually self-actualize through creating humanesque identities which in turn 'creates' the alien race as the aliens are actually just the real ai's sent from the past.
  12. i never got the chance to play it online but now am able to. my designs were so sexy and never graced the world with their voidmaking touch. also how active is the community here for 4a, is there any current interest still?
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