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Everything posted by NiX

  1. Spreadsheet link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BjGGszdkypRgwnVgPeNDyYGP4M4X41rC_6mQIA4WrjM/edit?usp=sharing Summary of biggest lockbox per lock type: -Standard: FBMB-18X. Best for missiles overall. - Special: QX-21 or QX-AF - Wide and shallow: QX-AF - Narrow and deep: QX-9009
  2. How about we just ban SVIR and flash rockets? Just removing SVIR already solves a lot of the DPS/damage racing issues. That seems to be the simplest approach. Or we can adopt Mechaverse's MOA list.
  3. Sounds like fun. What'll be considered broken builds?
  4. ^I've been using a heavy biped for Order Mission 6. I just HB kick straight from GB and one-shot the guy in 6 seconds.
  5. ^Goat showed us the Japanese version yesterday. It was amazing. Brimming with activity, and teams trading positions on the map almost every hour. And the balance fixes, especially on the arms, looked really nice. We're definitely missing out. edit: And everyone has ridiculously awesome emblems.
  6. Just follow the route on scan mode and make sure you kill every single enemy VERY QUICKLY. Like less than 2 minutes, I think. There's a video guide on youtube somewhere. And if you plan on S-ing the mission, getting all the subquests except for charge master is required, as money is tight in that level. It's probably the hardest to S.
  7. Mission -> Invasion (which should have been called Intrusion or Sabotage), when successful, damages that territory's AP, whether or not there was a defending team. But if they defend successfully through Mission -> Stronghold, the value of that defended territory increases.
  8. ^Refers to NAT type. NAT 1 (black) - Modem directly connected to PS3. Good. NAT 2 (blue) - PS3 through router. Good. NAT 3 (yellow) - PS3 through router, but firewalled or something. Bad.
  9. Thanks for answering. Yeah, I've been on the receiving end of those jammer turrets. Ouch. They have no effect on allies, right?
  10. Question again. Any idea if team points will be carried over after the server reset?
  11. ^Thanks. I was talking about just the FCS. Bamco probably got the description wrong.
  12. Question about FCS lock computation. Higher numbers are marked blue, but the stat description (when you press select) says that the lower the value, the shorter the time required. Which is correct?
  13. Just wanted to say that it's been fun so far. Great to see everyone online and playing AC again.
  14. I've been doing the story/order missions a bit at a time. Not very far yet, though. Do you get anything for completing all subquests? And are there parts (of worth) that can be picked up in missions? Thanks!
  15. So it's region-locked after all? That really sucks.
  16. OK, some of us at RR just got our copies too. Region 1. We'll be seeing you guys online!
  17. Ok, the Region 3 version just got delivered to our local retailers. Can someone confirm that multiplayer isn't region locked? That's the only thing keeping me from getting it rigtht this moment.
  18. Very entertaining vids as usual.
  19. There's this fan-made game where you use MTs. We covered it before. http://ravenrepublic.net/2010/03/17/mt-bas...ored-core-game/ Video demo: http://d.hatena.ne.jp/video/niconico/sm9717326 Unfortunately, I dunno where to get it. =/
  20. JE Magog (through Dinohito on ACG) just shared with us a lot of the real-world references used for the CG movie. http://ravenrepublic.net/2011/06/07/armore...nematic-expose/
  21. NiX

    Disruptor MkIII

    Probably the first instance I liked the U5 on an AC. Looks great on it too. Only thing I'd do is lose those cooling tunes to try and bump (edit: SHELL) defense to 2000.
  22. The video quality is AMAZING.
  23. And to encourage more design posts!
  24. This might help with your data dumping of part stats for most of the PS2 releases. http://acfield.fc2web.com/index.html
  25. Oh but we want to OB. Yeah the Wangan OST is super great. Works well with AC too.
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