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Everything posted by Danny

  1. ICCUP: ParryACG I think. Race: Tyranids... I mean Zerg. Now if only I could get Starcraft again.
  2. And so much fail if done wrong. What I would like to see is the return of all the old parts entirely remade and some be rebalanced.
  3. B's got a sick sig. Depends, I normally wait for my opponent to make the first move in a match, usually it ends up with a kiku to face and 0 AP. Lol, stupid lag bladers, never learn, do they?
  4. Literally, the only reason I put commando pro was for the ability to jump out windows to run after some annoying bastard with full hp. that usually works 80% of the time, the other 20% deals with a semtex to the shield and me running close enough to him/her before it explodes to kill both of us
  5. Yeah, that's true. I'm just factoring in if it does hit, what happens? Severe AP fuckage, that's what. Alright, I know what I want in AC5. Actual skill.
  6. Well, I put lightweight because I couldn't think of anything better at the time, and since this was on my friend's account a while ago (how I remembered my entire build I don't know.) but I was going to switch the .357s with TMP once I got high enough. But thanks for the advice.
  7. ParryACO. AC4, ForA, Bioshock 2 and Red Faction Guerilla.
  8. Alright, time for my build. Riot shield Akimbo 357s Blast shield Stun nades Lightweight Commando Pro Sleight of hand Pro Painkiller This was the last time I played MW2. Pretty sick build for tanking shit.
  9. Danny


    Then I rescind earlier comment.
  10. Danny


    I suppose you haven't seen some of the Arceus builds have you? Glad most people don't play that damn thing.
  11. Fixed the spelling of hypocrisy for you, Malice. Can't really say what my play style is, other than a mixture between aggressive and defensive tricks. With the Soratazaru, I play defensive against those damn lag bladers, when it's mids or heavies, far more aggressive.
  12. That's why I hope part bans are available in AC5, but I probably won't know for a while if there will be or not. plus, Kiku's almost a guaranteed one shot kill against ACs in forA, so >_>.
  13. Let's hope overweapons aren't overpowered. If they are, I hope there's the Parts ban thing from LR.
  14. Started when the demo first came out for AC1. That demo was sick. Then I got the game when it was released, that was even sicker. that was what, '95 or '96? Not really much else to know.
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