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Everything posted by Rachis

  1. Rachis


    I might play again if the DLC gives you things to do that aren't entirely tedious.
  2. Rachis

    Street Fighter V

  3. Rachis


    They still need to do a passable pvp, but maybe not because they struggle just getting the PvE shit right.
  4. Yeah I used to love Chrono Cross, but when I tried to play through it again a year ago, I couldn't stand it. Basically, it was made for kids. I'll have to really get around to playing Trigger sometime. Whenever I have tried to start, I only get past the carnival and that's it. I really enjoy the art for this game. I still hate the character models, but there's more to them than what Bravely Default had going for it's character models. I appreciate the effort at least so maybe this will be the game that has me less annoyed by the little kid look.
  5. Rachis

    Street Fighter V

  6. Rachis

    Dark Souls 3

    a whole bag of em
  7. Rachis

    Dark Souls 3

    This really isn't anything we haven't seen before. The only expectation I have at this point is that most people are going to struggle a lot to complete the game and most never will. That's something we've come to expect from Dark Souls. We are waiting for something we aren't expecting.
  8. Rachis

    Street Fighter V

    Witcher 3 isn't even remotely the same thing. You don't earn it and DLC won't be free after next week. Witcher 3 DLC is the normal DLC we've all come to expect. We were just lucky enough to be blessed with a zero dollar price tag. Warframe would be a better comparison now that I think of it, but that's a free to play game... Learning what I could from the beta gives me a far greater understanding of how it'll play after having played SF4. Understanding that I've attempted to share with you all. You're welcome.
  9. Rachis

    Street Fighter V

    Dooble post cuz infos!! Got in about 50 minutes with the beta and it was really impressive to me. I unfortunately was only able to spend time with Ryu, but here's what I know so far: - cr.lp can combo into itself 3 times and then nothing else. - cr.lp can combo into st.lp (which combos into st.mp) - st.mp is probably ryu's most important normal outside of cr.mk - 2xcr.lp > st.lk puts you at perfect range to fish for counter hits and crush counters - above also puts you in perfect crossup range for forward jump mk - st.mp can combo into cr.mk, but cr.mp doesn't - st.mp combos into itself, but only once - 1 or 2xst.mp > st.hp > st.hk is practically a target combo. still requires some timing, but I had it down in less than a minute. - Super combos off of st.mp. - Super hurts a bunch regardless of scaling. - Only ex srk will juggle and requires corner and/or specific spacing. - All ryu specials serve similar functions compared to their sf4 counterparts depending on button strength - V-trigger hado can be charged a little bit for 2 hits or all the way for 3 hits. Even 1 hit will still trigger knockdown. Can't be followed up with any fireball even in corner. Don't recall super connecting off of single hit vtrigger hado - max range cr.mk > tatsu still works - max range cr.mk > ex tatsu only works if opponent is crouching - you can confirm super off of crossup mk - you can only combo from crossup lk if it is very deep. I mean chunli's buttcheeks deep. From there the maximum you can do is cr.lp > st.lp > st.mp > super - st.lp does 40 damage - cr.lp does 30 damage - ryu still has his sf4 cl.hk via command normal. you do back + hk. can' t combo into it, but you can combo into st.mp if it hits. does 2 hits - do not know if you can combo anything counter hit or otherwise from overhead - all previous possibilities from solar plexus are still present in sf5. just easier - if hk tatsu is performed close to opponent, canceled or not, it will swap sides - cr.mp doesn't seem to go into anything useful other than being special cancelable - you can still delay the last cr.lp to go into uppercut. if you are going to use lights often then you have to master this because it's just not that good. best to have it ready for when you mash jabs to get people off you - sf4 neutral jump mp is now on hp button - overall cr.mk doesn't reach as far but still seems fast This is all i can remember for now. I used chun as my dumby. I'll keep adding info to the thread as I figure it out assuming I'm able to get into the beta again.
  10. Rachis

    Street Fighter V

    What else do I have to compare their DLC plans to?
  11. Rachis

    Street Fighter V

    If they release characters faster than 1-2 every quarter then I'll be surprised. A valid concern that I haven't seen yet.
  12. Rachis

    Street Fighter V

    A lot of people coughEventhubscough still hating on this. Not sure what's hard to understand or like about a free to play model. Not like Capcom can afford to make it pay to win because that would ruin the competitive scene.
  13. Rachis

    Street Fighter V

    I'll be in the beta a ton next week. Have the next couple weeks off from work.
  14. Rachis


    such chrome
  15. Rachis

    Dark Souls 3

    Armored Core was a moneymaker?
  16. Rachis


    Most of those on the list are not good cc. The only ones I'd really agree with are irradiating disarm (duh), molecular prime, stomp, maybe reckoning, as well as everything vauban does. Everything else have inconvenient to severe limiting factors. With range and duration mods, Excalibur is very much not useless with great mobility and a spammable blind (the line of sight hindrance doesn't show up much) that doesn't need any help with augments so you're not sacrificing energy on a gimmicky build. I will agree that excalibur is a middle of the road warframe that doesn't excel in any one thing, but he is more than capable of handling everything well into late game where quite a few other frames (with skills you've mentioned) start having some problems.
  17. Rachis


    There were a ton of guys who didn't know what they were doing. I bagged myself a few collaterals with the snipe which shouldn't be happening in 3v3. Flanking was really effective. A lot of guys never changed strategies. Out of 20 matches, my guys only dropped 2 and 1 of them was our warmup where we weren't coordinated whatsoever. Once I told them what we should be doing, it was pretty smooth sailing. We even had a match where we were down 4 to 1 and we brought it back to win. There was much excite. I'll be doing this every weekend for sure. Also, I forgot to mention that Crucible is rewarding PvP players far more than PvE players are. Legendaries get dropped constantly now. It's pretty nice.
  18. Rachis


    I didn't say "I don't know what Excalibur's skills do and what they are used for." The blind is cheaper and it scales way better into endgame because it's effectiveness is not based on damage. To say it sucks is incredibly naive.
  19. Rachis


    I don't understand the point of Excalibur having Radial Javelin when he's got the blind.
  20. Rachis


    HoW is definitely a step in the right direction. It gives you a more varied experience depending on what you choose to do. The weapon balancing is being worked a little bit with what perks are available with reforged weapons. Older legendaries are still going to be really good if you ascend them, but I'm certain that next year; if not later this one; will bring an end to the vanilla and DB vendor weapons. The direction the HoW weapons are taking seems to be leading that way. PvE got a great boost to variability with Prison of Elders. I don't think it's going to be as random as was advertised. However, you're being shoved into a space with no options but to bring it to the enemy. It makes things interesting. Lv28 is easy as fuck, but is actually random so it's not going to be like running strikes over and over again. Lv32 will give new HoW players a little taste of what to expect later. Still pretty easy, but very very doable. Just have to remember that everything hurts. Lv34 is where it starts getting real interesting. Even with your guardian at 34, everything hurts a lot and a certain level of communication will be required. Bungie took a page out of the competitive PvP book and is forcing you to move around to complete objectives. These objectives include disarming bombs, destroying bombs, and killing key targets before they reach a certain point. You need to be coordinated and ready for just about anything. The Lv35 challenge should be a cake walk, but there was a member of my crew last night that failed to mention his Gally wasn't fully leveled. So the easy strat was not available to us and let me tell you now that completing the Lv35 challenge the hard way is by far the hardest thing you will do in Destiny. https://www.bungie.net/en/Legend/PGCR?instanceId=2601320231&characterId=2305843009244834482 When your stat line reads like that link, it feels impossible. Everything I did had to be on point. More balanced teams with solid players should be able to get it done. That particular group was not capable. Trials of Osiris was a blast. The 3v3 elimination mode gets you amped and it makes you want to take your game to the next level. This mode is how I was able to get from 32 to 34 within a couple hours of playing HoW. You are given every opportunity to get new gear and guns via drops throughout your run as well as via vendor rewards upon achieving an increasing amount of wins. If you are able to do a flawless 9-0, then you are able to get another chance at some rewards in an exclusive weekly social space (you beeline to a chest whoopdee doo). Upon successfully achieving 9 wins, you are locked out of rewards for the week, but are able to still participate. This enables you to help out your friends as well. The new missions and strike are a little more interesting than the Destiny norm, but they still are just that...missions and a strike. Nothing really fantastic there. I haven't played the Lv28 strike playlist yet, but I'm assuming that engram drop rate will be increased over the Lv26 just like it has been previously with each level increase. That's all I got for now. For sure a great addition to the game, but honestly nothing I wasn't already expecting from this game when it launched considering Bungie's development history. It's kept me from completely diving into Witcher 3 so I guess it's doing it's job.
  21. Rachis


    I thought you didn't like logarius wheel
  22. Rachis


    I have found the Hunter's Axe obnoxiously easy to avoid in PVP. The two-handed form is just too slow. It's possible that the few opponents I've faced with them have just been bad with it, but my strategy of just dashing forward whenever they attempted any attacks was pretty effective. Not to mention they can't lock you down with gun while two-handing.
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